Democrats accuse president of being crazy.

After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'

Bravo. This should be an op-ed at RCP or other prominent source.

It is sort of pitiful actually. They tried so hard to demonize him once they realized he was actually a contender to win the nomination. They dug up every bit of dirt they could find in his past and presented it, sometimes dishonestly, as evidence he was the worst person ever to run for political office. There was no possible way he could win the nomination.

And Donald Trump was nominated.

So they turned up the heat. They intensified the dirt digging--it didn't matter how long ago it was or how insignificant, but they kept pouring on the accusations. He cheats, lies, manipulates, throws old people out of their homes. They turned the most innocuous of statements into horrible conclusions--incest, pedophilia, scheming, racism, sexism, homophobia, or whatever other 'ism of the week was assigned. Even after scandal after scandal surfaced re Hillary's more recent blunders, all that paled under how horrible and unacceptable Donald Trump was. Their pollsters kept pushing the disapproval ratings and they said unequivocably that he could never be elected.

So Donald Trump won the election.

And that's when they REALLY went nuts. There was talk of impeachment before the inauguration and fervent irrational hope for it ever since the inauguration. And the shell shocked media, permanent political class (in both parties), the snow flakes, at least one member of the Supreme Court, and the bitter partisan haters turned up the heat and got crazier than ever.

Anybody who follow President Trump sees that there are dozens and dozens of positive, uplifting, grateful, hopeful, uplifting tweets for every one the media plucks out for public scorn. They sure aren't covering those others are they.

So his past didn't sink him.
The cruelest and most unconscionable smears and innuendo didn't sink him.
His tweets aren't sinking him.
The Russia thing fell apart.
And so now they're trying the 'mentally ill' schtick.

Each attempt simply makes them look more angry, bitter, desperate, and dishonest and diminishes them in the eyes of rational people.

And they are doing the country a great deal of disservice and harm in the process.

And he is turning out to be the toughest and most resilient person I think has ever held the office.
. They are exposing themselves to be a small group that relied heavily on government offices and positions in which they held, to then make it appear as if they were a majority in this country whom think like they do. They are exposed now, and the nation best not feel sorry for them, because if they gain power again, they won't feel not one bit sorry for any opposition they face no matter how pitiful one is or looks in their political cross hairs.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
Sorry. Not my job.

I much prefer people like you living in blissful ignorance.

Typical liberal.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'
I'll set aside the fact that this post is poorly written and repleat with run-on sentences. I'll set aside the fact that, as a typical Trump supporter you zero in on winning rather than governing. Instead I will address the fatal flaw in Trumpian antics.

That flaw is to appeal only to his base, ignore the obvious concerns of both his critics and his political allies in the GOP and massage his own massive yet fragile ego. He does this at the expense of political accomplishment.

After all, his claim to be effective is based on"winning". And by any metric, he is not.

How can he forward his agenda when all but a slim minority actually fall for his regrettable antics? A leader leads. Trump serves merely as a crass cheerleader for a minority. If he wasn't the President of the United States it would have a modicum of comedy. But as President it reeks with a mixture of incredulity, pity and regret.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'
They are not going to stop attacking the President. The Previous administrations has been using their position and power to make money. And if anyone finds out about them using their position to approved man-made foods that they knows that it is causing this epidemic of illnesses. And that they are even helping the creators of this man-made foods to even make more money by them merging with Pharmaceutical companies, to sell meds that only soothes them while they're sick. But they politicians had helped to created laws so to prevent anyone from exposing the truth about their products.There were a shadow government within the government that has been running the previous administrations. That they has been racketeering on capitol hill for years. Right now that they are trying to make President Trump do the job that Hillary was paid for by starting a war with Russia.

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State

.Clinton is crushing Trump in campaign donations from employees working for defense giants like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. Defense industry bucks tradition with donations to Clinton

All of a sudden, that Republicans attacking the President of the same party.

Libs continue to massage their fragile minds with excuses to why they're not in the white house. Its laughable but embarrassing. But alas, this is what the left has been relegated to and why they continue to lose seats on every level.
The dude is breaking down with all of the negative feedback, I could never do that job .

I actually liked Trump last year and used to watch his show..I was will to give the guy a chance and from day one he has bullied anyone who disagrees with him..And has divided the country that he ran on during his campaign.

Trump could no more unite a country determined to be divided than an abused wife could stop her abuser by kissing him.

Trump is just another symptom of how much we hate each other, that's all. Once you understand that, everything democrats are doing makes sense.
Hey, the only reason the whole world says trump is crazy is that trump is crazy.

Okay, not the WHOLE world.

Just everybody except that weird 35% who are just as crazy as he is.

The RWNJs have made one hell of a mess.

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The dude is breaking down with all of the negative feedback, I could never do that job .

I actually liked Trump last year and used to watch his show..I was will to give the guy a chance and from day one he has bullied anyone who disagrees with him..And has divided the country that he ran on during his campaign.

Thing is, if you look at his life, but t was obvious that he is delusional, a bullying buffoon and - wow - the most fundamentally dishonest person any of are likely to meet.

All he has ever known to do is lie and sue and lie and be sued.

I doubt he'll last out the year but this chaos, the constant lies and messes he makes - that's all normal for him.

The Rs will protect him until they get taxes slashed for the wealthy and an end to regulations that help the working class but hold 1%ers accountable for their actions.

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Libs continue to massage their fragile minds with excuses to why they're not in the white house. Its laughable but embarrassing. But alas, this is what the left has been relegated to and why they continue to lose seats on every level.

Only members of the echo chamber bring up this issue ^^^. It is one more BIG LIE echoed over and over by the feeble minded and biddable.
Libs continue to massage their fragile minds with excuses to why they're not in the white house. Its laughable but embarrassing. But alas, this is what the left has been relegated to and why they continue to lose seats on every level.

Only members of the echo chamber bring up this issue ^^^. It is one more BIG LIE echoed over and over by the feeble minded and biddable.

Continue on with your delusion. Im not bothered at all.


The Democrats have used the War on Poverty and the Great Society to spend decades crafting a dangerous, culturally lobotomized dependent underclass devoid of personal responsibility and individual initiative. The president has to be called crazy because he threatens the narrative that only the government can control the destinies of free people. It's all about the balkanizing discord of a fair share rather than the constitutional heritage of a fair chance. The president is trying to topple the foundations of political correctness and that is seen as crazy by those who have imposed it for too long.

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