Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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The Deity I believe in does not expect me to help the lazy or the unfortunate.

I must somehow make $400K then. The Trump cuts helped my wife and I significantly and I have zero faith that the Democrat tax increases will not affect me… directly or indirectly.

Life isn’t fair. Never has been and never will be. Deal with it.
It is everywhere else in the modern world. You are a perfect dupe of the greedy brainwashing idiot Rich.
No you just made college four times as expensive and jobs that pay half as much. And still fight a living wage child care healthcare cheap college Great infrastructure and vacations and fairness in taxes because you are totally missinformed, dumbbell.
How did Republicans make college four times as expensive? If anything, it was Democrats who drove up the demand by subsidizing college and handing out student loans like candy.
An America with taxpayers financing inbred, low IQ, ugly ass retards is turning America into the Planet of the Apes. If you wonder why non-Whites are starting to look all the same it is because they are doing in the West what African or Middle East tribal leader do, all the inseminating. It is happening everywhere among the non-White "community."

Mac...its common sense based on available data bud...You‘ve dubbed it “bigoted paranoia“ as a way to deal with the truth that hurts your feelings...that’s all.
Mac1958 cant help himself

Trump is against illegal aliens forcing their way into America

that causes Mac1958’s left knee to jerk so he ignores the crisis at the border
It's been implied over and over...usually through clever word play.
Since we're all link-whores I ask....where are the statistics and demographics to prove such a notion?
I can't help but a desperate, last-ditch effort when will Democrats public pitch this narrative? Imagine if they could guarantee themselves every single minority vote through such a shameless campaign. Remember there is NOTHING beneath the low is to low for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine.
Seem far-fetched to you? You better think again.
Mac...its common sense based on available data bud...You‘ve dubbed it “bigoted paranoia“ as a way to deal with the truth that hurts your feelings...that’s all.
Imagine being a team owner in the NFL and hoping that shittier quality players come up the ranks after all the badasses currently in the NFL move on for various reasons....that wouldn’t make much sense would it?
I‘m sorry Mac but I refuse to dumb myself‘s no coincidence that ALL dark communities, cities, states and nations are filthy, dangerous, crime ridden, unproductive shitholes. How do you reconcile that with yourself when you’re all alone with nobody around to call your thoughts RACIST?
Okay, got it. Anything else?
Mac1958 can’t admit that America became the greatest nation the world has even known in a short 150 years because of the core people, their value, principle and moral systems they imposed on the newcomers.
Is there a final point to all this? Or are you just emoting?

If you want something to change, go change it. Whining at me won't accomplish what you want.
What's "subjective" about a lower standard of living, more crime, more violence and less freedom?

I believe people with no money, no education, no skills and dysfunctional behavior lower the standard of living when we import them

Why don't you try defending the idiocies you have supported?
What idiocies have I supported?

You clearly think you know. Lay it out.
How many negroes would choose to be white if they could? How many whites would choose to be negroes if they could?
Nuff said.
I'm black and would never choose to be white. There are about 47 million others who feel the same way.

Nobody is saying what broken loser claims. Besides, where is the link?

Nuff said.
Anyone who thinks that "an America with fewer Whites is a better America" should immediately move to a Black or Hispanic ghetto.
How about you move to a rural white town in the south.? The meth heads are cookng away in those places and washing it down with moonshine.
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