Democrats: "An America with fewer Whites is a 'better' America."

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Payback for what? Didn’t they say there was no systemic racism or oppression?
Look at how many threads they start on this topic. Look at what they're saying in this thread, over and over.

They believe that, as the country becomes darker, the worse off it will be. That's because they're sure that darker people are inferior, and that they'll bring the country down if there are too many of them.

That is the very definition of, well, you know.
Actually, Republicans are a lot more deplorable than in Hillary’s day

You're with the illiberal party now rightwinger

both sides are equally shit welcome to 2021

Authoritarian democrats whining about a populist republican party, hahahahahah

What do you think real democracy would look like in this country? A lot more Republican than democratic governance. Republicans have shifted with the polls Democrats ignore them.

Trans issues? Climate change? Illegals? lol
You're with the illiberal party now rightwinger

both sides are equally shit welcome to 2021

Authoritarian democrats whining about a populist republican party, hahahahahah

What do you think real democracy would look like in this country? A lot more Republican than democratic governance. Republicans have shifted with the polls Democrats ignore them.

Trans issues? Climate change? Illegals? lol
Republicans did not launch an insurrection in Hillary’s day

They are much more deplorable
Republicans did not launch an insurrection in Hillary’s day

They are much more deplorable

Yea the democrats did

As soon as she lost she called her DoD and DoS contacts and started spreading lies about Russians in an attempt to impeach a duly elected president.

How you think a few plebs showing up is relevant next to that I have no idea

The mental contortions it must take.

Democrats have always been teh ones upset about election results since i've been born. 2020 was the first time i heard a peep from them. Probably because they suddenly are a lot less state oriented than they were. And democrats are much more pro state (authoritarian)
Yea the democrats did

As soon as she lost she called her DoD and DoS contacts and started spreading lies about Russians in an attempt to impeach a duly elected president.

How you think a few plebs showing up is relevant next to that I have no idea

The mental contortions it must take.

Democrats have always been teh ones upset about election results since i've been born. 2020 was the first time i heard a peep from them. Probably because they suddenly are a lot less state oriented than they were. And democrats are much more pro state (authoritarian)
damn Boi!

You really live in a false reality
They believe that, as the country becomes darker, the worse off it will be. That's because they're sure that darker people are inferior, and that they'll bring the country down if there are too many of them.
You of all people here should understand feelings of superiority

because no one here has a greater sense of superiority over other people than you do
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I wonder if you realize you just told me that you want to Keep America White Enough.
Since you want to make America less white why is it wrong for others to disagree?

It seems that in your upsidedown world being anti white is ok but pro white is not allowed
Look at how many threads they start on this topic. Look at what they're saying in this thread, over and over.

They believe that, as the country becomes darker, the worse off it will be. That's because they're sure that darker people are inferior, and that they'll bring the country down if there are too many of them.

That is the very definition of, well, you know.
You parrot this over and over again using different words...yet not once have you shown us the data, the proof that a darker America is destined to be a better, safer, more productive, more unified America...You don’t because you can’t.
Why do you struggle to admit that ALL available data proves that a less white America is a FAR shittier America?
You lose credibility by not “following the science”.
You parrot this over and over again using different words...yet not once have you shown us the data, the proof that a darker America is destined to be a better, safer, more productive, more unified America...You don’t because you can’t.
Why do you struggle to admit that ALL available data proves that a less white America is a FAR shittier America?
You lose credibility by not “following the science”.
Correct, I can't show you "data" that predicts the future. Nor can I manipulate that data to accurately represent a subjective value like "shittier". You're definitely right about that.

Regardless, you believe that people with darker skin are inferior to you. You have many times called them "subhuman", among other things. I can provide examples upon request, as the search function here operates just fine.

I'm merely pointing out what you have said. You can get defensive if you want, but we both know I'm right. I support your right to be what you are, as it shows us how far we still have to go as a civilization.
Correct, I can't show you "data" that predicts the future. Nor can I manipulate that data to accurately represent a subjective value like "shittier". You're definitely right about that.

Regardless, you believe that people with darker skin are inferior to you. You have many times called them "subhuman", among other things. I can provide examples upon request, as the search function here operates just fine.

I'm just pointing out what you have said. You can get defensive if you want, but we both know I'm right. I support your right to be what you are, as it shows us how far we still have to go as a civilization.
Anytime I want to silence critics with an opposing point of view I kill them with data.
Rather than play coy and imply how great America will be when the Latinos outnumber Caucasians you could show us that Latinos have the propensity to be more productive, more law abiding, more ambitious, more innovative than the whitey you hope to replace...right? If you can’t find such supporting data aren’t you kind of celebrating the degredation and decline of America?
It's been implied over and over...usually through clever word play.
Since we're all link-whores I ask....where are the statistics and demographics to prove such a notion?
I can't help but a desperate, last-ditch effort when will Democrats public pitch this narrative? Imagine if they could guarantee themselves every single minority vote through such a shameless campaign. Remember there is NOTHING beneath the low is to low for Chuck, Nancy and Maxine.
Seem far-fetched to you? You better think again.

Ah, poor loser

Anytime I want to silence critics with an opposing point of view I kill them with data.
Rather than play coy and imply how great America will be when the Latinos outnumber Caucasians you could show us that Latinos have the propensity to be more productive, more law abiding, more ambitious, more innovative than the whitey you hope to replace...right? If you can’t find such supporting data aren’t you kind of celebrating the degredation and decline of America?
I'm not implying anything. I don't know how this is going to go.

But you're free to start thread after thread displaying your bigoted paranoia. You're free to assume the country will go downhill as more inferior darker people are here. I'm just thankful that I don't have to go through life like that.
Correct, I can't show you "data" that predicts the future.
Can’t you find some data pertinent to the overall production of Latinos in predominantly latino cities and districts...can’t you then extrapolate that data to create a national model?
I'm not implying anything. I don't know how this is going to go.

But you're free to start thread after thread displaying your bigoted paranoia. You're free to assume the country will go downhill as more inferior darker people are here. I'm just thankful that I don't have to go through life like that.
Mac...its common sense based on available data bud...You‘ve dubbed it “bigoted paranoia“ as a way to deal with the truth that hurts your feelings...that’s all.
Imagine being a team owner in the NFL and hoping that shittier quality players come up the ranks after all the badasses currently in the NFL move on for various reasons....that wouldn’t make much sense would it?
I‘m sorry Mac but I refuse to dumb myself‘s no coincidence that ALL dark communities, cities, states and nations are filthy, dangerous, crime ridden, unproductive shitholes. How do you reconcile that with yourself when you’re all alone with nobody around to call your thoughts RACIST?
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