Democrats and Dictators: A Pattern


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
For today's history lesson we "celebrate" an anniversary of sorts.

Something momentous occurred on April 22, 2000......

....but first....this:

1. Because he wanted Central and Eastern Europe to remain open to occupation by the Red Army, Joseph Stalin and his army of agents in the Roosevelt administration insisted that a "second front," their phrase, be opened against Germany- but not via Italy, which, had already surrendered and was largely held by Allied troops- but via Normandy, as far west as possible.

So he ordered, so it was done.

And Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins...and the ever accommodating, George Marshall, leapt to do Stalin's bidding.

The question occurs, do other Democrat Presidents hop to it when ordered to do so by Communist dictators?

Hmmmm.....another such response comes to mind.
And today just so happens to be an 'anniversary' along those lines.....

2. On this date, April 19th, "in 2000 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May.

a. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody.

b. On April 20, Janet Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy.

c. In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order issued by a federal magistrate, eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part..."
Elián González affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A SWAT team of the United States Government attacked the home of a private citizen...and kidnapped a six year old child......why?
Because a Communist dictator demanded they do it!

[ame=]Elian Gonzalez Seized From His Miami Home, April 22, 2000 - YouTube[/ame]

3. Where does this begin....On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Communist dictator Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in.

4. For Fidel Castro, fleeing Cuba was noting short of an unpardonable crime. And for American liberals, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America.

a. “Cuba's dictator, Fidel Castro, never lets anyone get off his island if he can find a way to kill them. His gunboats are not used to defend the island from attack. Their machine guns are used to kill people trying to escape his island Hell.” Papillons Art Palace |

b. It is little known that years earlier, Fidel Castro’s own divorced wife had left for the United States with their six year old son. He asked that their son be allowed to visit him, and his former wife, accepting his promise "as a gentleman," as he put it, to return the boy in two weeks' time. But when the two weeks elapsed, the boy was not sent home. cc_chapter2

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book "WITNESS" that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

Yup! Castro said "jump," and Democrat Clinton said 'How high?"
There are mindless simpletons who deny that the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat/socialist/communist conglomerate.... this:

5. Not only did Castro instigate ‘spontaneous protests’ and agitation demanding the boy’s repatriation, but as to be expected, Liberals in the press and government in America demanded the boy be sent back to Cuba, and beganthe anti-communists, the Cuban-American community.

Here are some examples of the Liberal media behaving as though communism hadn't slaughtered over one hundred million human beings in the recent past.....

a. The media made it clear that the Cuban-American community in Miami was nothing but extremists and fanatics. "Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans."
-- Headline over April 11 New York Times story.

b. "Some suggested over the weekend that it’s wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami...”
NBC’s Katie Couric opening the April 3 Today Show

c. “In Miami, it’s impossible to overestimate how everything here is colored by a hatred of communism and Fidel Castro. It’s a community with very little tolerance for those who might disagree.”
— ABC correspondent John Quinones on World News Tonight, April 4, 2000

d. “Cuban-Americans, Ms. Falk, have been quick to point fingers at Castro for exploiting the little boy. Are their actions any less reprehensible?”
— Early Show co-host Bryant Gumbel to CBS News consultant Pam Falk, April 14, 2000

6. It is the only minority community in America [Cuban-Americans] that received brickbats from the press. These Spanish-speaking immigrants are entitled to none of the special consideration that attaches to other immigrant and minority populations because the Cubans vote Republican and are strongly anticommunist. “
Mona Charen, “Useful Idiots,” p. 239.

Note how the media set the stage for the SWAT team to attack American citizens on behalf of the communist dictator on April 22, 2000.
One thing that Progressives and Dictators have in common is their desire for total government control over every aspect of our lives. They generally share Karl Marx's view of a "perfect world" where nobody owns any personal property and "what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours." This sentiment can be seen in Marx's Communist Manifesto and in the Progressive singer, John Lennon's, song -- "Imagine." Karl Marx & John Lennon agreed that there was no place for religion or property ownership while the government controls all things. They live in this fantasy "Nirvana" where everyone drinks chocolate milk from a stream; the trees grow all the money you could ever need; and everyone has cheap medical insurance.
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Unfortunately for Stalin, the second front was not in Europe, but Africa....then Italy and Stalin complained.
Which meant that the decision by FDR to not open a second front in France when Stalin wanted only proves that he and Ike were not all on the same page of the play book...
For today's history lesson we "celebrate" an anniversary of sorts.

Something momentous occurred on April 22, 2000......

....but first....this:

1. Because he wanted Central and Eastern Europe to remain open to occupation by the Red Army, Joseph Stalin and his army of agents in the Roosevelt administration insisted that a "second front," their phrase, be opened against Germany- but not via Italy, which, had already surrendered and was largely held by Allied troops- but via Normandy, as far west as possible.

So he ordered, so it was done.

And Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins...and the ever accommodating, George Marshall, leapt to do Stalin's bidding.

The question occurs, do other Democrat Presidents hop to it when ordered to do so by Communist dictators?

Hmmmm.....another such response comes to mind.
And today just so happens to be an 'anniversary' along those lines.....

2. On this date, April 19th, "in 2000 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May.

a. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody.

b. On April 20, Janet Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy.

c. In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order issued by a federal magistrate, eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part..."
Elián González affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A SWAT team of the United States Government attacked the home of a private citizen...and kidnapped a six year old child......why?
Because a Communist dictator demanded they do it!

Elian Gonzalez Seized From His Miami Home, April 22, 2000 - YouTube

3. Where does this begin....On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Communist dictator Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in.

4. For Fidel Castro, fleeing Cuba was noting short of an unpardonable crime. And for American liberals, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America.

a. “Cuba's dictator, Fidel Castro, never lets anyone get off his island if he can find a way to kill them. His gunboats are not used to defend the island from attack. Their machine guns are used to kill people trying to escape his island Hell.” Papillons Art Palace |

b. It is little known that years earlier, Fidel Castro’s own divorced wife had left for the United States with their six year old son. He asked that their son be allowed to visit him, and his former wife, accepting his promise "as a gentleman," as he put it, to return the boy in two weeks' time. But when the two weeks elapsed, the boy was not sent home. cc_chapter2

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book "WITNESS" that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

Yup! Castro said "jump," and Democrat Clinton said 'How high?"

there you go again proving that you have been brainwashed not understand its a ONE PARY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople like you think you have a choice in who gets elected.:cuckoo:

you really need to get over this obsession you have over FDR hanging out with communists.This has been supressed from the american people as well but Ike stood side by side with Stalin as well as he murdered many american women and children.:cuckoo:

if you bother to click on the link you can see Ike standing next to stalin but you of course wont click it on just like you ignore that these are facts about reagan below as well.:cuckoo:

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!

you have failed miserably to disprove all these things about reagan as well.

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment

thats YOUR history lesson for the day.there you go with your arrogance thinking your a know it all again.
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This has been supressed from the american people as well but Ike stood side by side with Stalin as well as he murdered many american women and children.

What American women and children were killed by Stalin?
2. On this date, April 19th, "in 2000 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May.

a. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody.

b. On April 20, Janet Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy.

c. In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order issued by a federal magistrate, eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part..."
Elián González affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A SWAT team of the United States Government attacked the home of a private citizen...and kidnapped a six year old child......why?
Because a Communist dictator demanded they do it!

These days foreign dictators don't even have to make demands. A raised eyebrow is enough to sent The Great Americian Marxist Regime into light-speed motion to capitulate.

Well, "light-speed" may be a bit of exaggeration. Let's just say "faster than a speeding golf ball".
Communism is a dying political theory, even the USSR and China were not total Marxist and communist in reality,

Marxist/communism was suppose to spread equality to all persons but instead became a govt. controlled by a small group that they themselves were the only ones to prosper..
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2. On this date, April 19th, "in 2000 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May.

a. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody.

b. On April 20, Janet Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy.

c. In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order issued by a federal magistrate, eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part..."
Elián González affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A SWAT team of the United States Government attacked the home of a private citizen...and kidnapped a six year old child......why?
Because a Communist dictator demanded they do it!

These days foreign dictators don't even have to make demands. A raised eyebrow is enough to sent The Great Americian Marxist Regime into light-speed motion to capitulate.

Well, "light-speed" may be a bit of exaggeration. Let's just say "faster than a speeding golf ball".

Even with titanium clubs?
Communism is a dying political theory, even the USSR and China were not total Marxist and communist in reality,

Marxist/communism was suppose to spread equality to all persons but instead became a govt. controlled by a small group that they themselves were the only ones to prosper..

1. "Communism is a dying political theory..."

When you make it this simple, folks will believe that you are on my payroll.

One word: ObamaCare.

2. Obama isn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252
Communism is a dying political theory, even the USSR and China were not total Marxist and communist in reality,

Marxist/communism was suppose to spread equality to all persons but instead became a govt. controlled by a small group that they themselves were the only ones to prosper..

1. "Communism is a dying political theory..."

When you make it this simple, folks will believe that you are on my payroll.

One word: ObamaCare.

2. Obama isn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Obamacare like TARP are merely socialism for the too big to fail corporate America..

the common citizen gets sequestered, while the corporations get bailed out..that's what oligarchies are all about.

Unfortunately the Supreme Court stabbed the common citizen in the back by allowing such..
Communism is a dying political theory, even the USSR and China were not total Marxist and communist in reality,

Marxist/communism was suppose to spread equality to all persons but instead became a govt. controlled by a small group that they themselves were the only ones to prosper..

1. "Communism is a dying political theory..."

When you make it this simple, folks will believe that you are on my payroll.

One word: ObamaCare.

2. Obama isn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Obamacare like TARP are merely socialism for the too big to fail corporate America..

the common citizen gets sequestered, while the corporations get bailed out..that's what oligarchies are all about.

Unfortunately the Supreme Court stabbed the common citizen in the back by allowing such..

You use the term 'socialism' as though it is different from 'communism.'

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,
have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal
twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor
unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,
the movies, the publishing business.
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of
the British Labor Party, declares:
The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."
In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that
communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow
of all existing social conditions."
For today's history lesson we "celebrate" an anniversary of sorts.

Something momentous occurred on April 22, 2000......

....but first....this:

1. Because he wanted Central and Eastern Europe to remain open to occupation by the Red Army, Joseph Stalin and his army of agents in the Roosevelt administration insisted that a "second front," their phrase, be opened against Germany- but not via Italy, which, had already surrendered and was largely held by Allied troops- but via Normandy, as far west as possible.

So he ordered, so it was done.

And Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins...and the ever accommodating, George Marshall, leapt to do Stalin's bidding.

The question occurs, do other Democrat Presidents hop to it when ordered to do so by Communist dictators?

Hmmmm.....another such response comes to mind.
And today just so happens to be an 'anniversary' along those lines.....

2. On this date, April 19th, "in 2000 the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ruled that Elian González must stay in the U.S. until the Miami Gonzálezes could appeal for an asylum hearing in May.

a. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody.

b. On April 20, Janet Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy.

c. In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order issued by a federal magistrate, eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part..."
Elián González affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A SWAT team of the United States Government attacked the home of a private citizen...and kidnapped a six year old child......why?
Because a Communist dictator demanded they do it!

Elian Gonzalez Seized From His Miami Home, April 22, 2000 - YouTube

3. Where does this begin....On Thanksgiving Day, November 1999, five year old Elian Gonzalez was one of three survivors fleeing Communist dictator Castro’s Cuba. Included in the deaths of the sinking boat were Elian’s mother and her boyfriend. Miami relatives took the boy in.

4. For Fidel Castro, fleeing Cuba was noting short of an unpardonable crime. And for American liberals, it was an opportunity to demonstrate absolute feasance to the wishes of this Communist dictator. And the Clinton administration proved abundantly willing to permit Castro to control events in America.

a. “Cuba's dictator, Fidel Castro, never lets anyone get off his island if he can find a way to kill them. His gunboats are not used to defend the island from attack. Their machine guns are used to kill people trying to escape his island Hell.” Papillons Art Palace |

b. It is little known that years earlier, Fidel Castro’s own divorced wife had left for the United States with their six year old son. He asked that their son be allowed to visit him, and his former wife, accepting his promise "as a gentleman," as he put it, to return the boy in two weeks' time. But when the two weeks elapsed, the boy was not sent home. cc_chapter2

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book "WITNESS" that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

Yup! Castro said "jump," and Democrat Clinton said 'How high?"

you might write George Bush jr then and ask him why he did not prosecute Slick willie for his atrocities and crimes.He didnt because he is pals with the Bushs.a picture speaks a thousand words.:D the opposing party never prosecutes the crimes from the previous administration since they are indeed a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats. ah aint that cute,Clinton and the Bushs palling around with each mass murderer with the other.

[ame=]The Best Of Friends - YouTube[/ame]

oh and here is the Obamas,Bushs,and Clintons having a jolly old good time with each other.
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You must understand that politicians on the outside look like they are potential enemies, yet behind closed doors are the masters of mayhem and friends to the last, they have no one else to hang with...
You must understand that politicians on the outside look like they are potential enemies, yet behind closed doors are the masters of mayhem and friends to the last, they have no one else to hang with...

NOW your catching on.too bad the thread starter cant comprehend this.:cuckoo: I have been trying to tell the brainashed sheople its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected to serve their masters.They dont serve their master,they end up like Kenendy.

In reality,its really is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats.they are exactly like pro wrestlers.

Inside the ring they pretend to hate each other and have opposite views but OUTSIDE the ring,they are pals and get together and have drinks just like the wrestlers do and have the same identical beliefs.

BOTH clinton and Bush were both in favor of NAFTA.a FACT.yet they are SUPPOSE to be from a different party with opposite views,instead they vote for the same thing even though they are SUPPOSE to have opposite views.:cuckoo:

as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats,we will remain in this facist dictatership that americans have been brainwashed into believing is a free country. we need an independent THIRD PARTY.

the days of having a great republican president that will serve the people instead of the bankers like calvin coolidge our last great republican president,or a great democrat president to do the same thing like kennedy our LAST GREAT president,are for sure overwith.
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1. "Communism is a dying political theory..."

When you make it this simple, folks will believe that you are on my payroll.

One word: ObamaCare.

2. Obama isn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Obamacare like TARP are merely socialism for the too big to fail corporate America..

the common citizen gets sequestered, while the corporations get bailed out..that's what oligarchies are all about.

Unfortunately the Supreme Court stabbed the common citizen in the back by allowing such..

You use the term 'socialism' as though it is different from 'communism.'

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,
have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal
twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor
unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,
the movies, the publishing business.
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of
the British Labor Party, declares:
The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."
In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that
communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow
of all existing social conditions."

Because communism has failed and socialism took it's place...What we have is a quasi-socialistic capitalistic system working. Instead of the state owning, controlling the industries and corporations and controlling their production, we have capitalistic companies that can never fail because of govt. infusion of tax dollars...allowing them to be free to run rampant with greed and misconduct...the FDIC and SIPC are merely a govt. welfare system for the wealthy to play as they wish with no consequences.

Yes, socialism has its charms in the neo-liberal political model sweeping the country.

It's evident in government's interference in free markets.

It's resulted in bailouts becoming intrinsic to capitalism.

The too-big-to-fail mentality in risk taking and decision making is now built not only into our banking system, but other industries may also "opt in" to that economic fail-safe category.

It's proof that an incompetent and corrupt majority in Congress compensate capitalist elites. Those same elites reinvest their gross wealth back into the political system.

It's more commonly referred to as "socialism for the rich." And it's the new normal.

The Growing Threat to Capitalism

actually this thread SHOULD read DEMOPUBLICANS,REPROCRATS AND DICTATERS.A PATTERN.We have a long history of presidents palling around with dictaters.

looky here,Bushwacker,Obomination AND "mass murderer REAGAN" palling around with dictaters.

Presidents shaking Hands with Dictators | Informed Comment

Reagan palled around them so much,he learned from them how to be this kind of person below.

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
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