Democrats and Media celebrate the sodomizing of foreign head of state.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Hillary: We came! We saw! He died!

Media: All hail Obama & Hillary

Hillary literally bragged about him being tortured, sodomized and murdered.

Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government. An agreement that he fulfilled.

Gaddafi sodomized: Video shows abuse frame by frame (GRAPHIC)

Fast forward to Trump and these same two faced shitbags are condemning Trump for the tone and nature of the death of the worlds most wanted terrorist who was NOT IN ANY AGREEMENT WITH THE US GOVERNMENT.

Our media and many on the left are the new threats to the United States of America. Drag down a sitting US president at ANY COST simply because he beat the bitch who was entitled to be crowned.

You people disgust me
You people disgust me

Wow, pot meet....

Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bomb'

"Colonel Gaddafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing"

That was an actual terror attack that murdered Americans, not a phony WMD fraud used to dupe us into Iraq, which is something you cheered.

Gaddafi = real terrorist who murdered Americans
Saddam = bad guy picking his ass in the desert

Why does this pathetic excuse of a human life form, an unChosen Servant of ISRAEL, like Gaddafi???

The ISRAELI MEDIA can tell you, even if the "US" media won't....

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

This is a sampling of why our "Christians" don't mind that ISRAEL did 911 too.

To be an unChosen SUB HUMAN "Christian" means

You people disgust me

Wow, pot meet....

Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bomb'

"Colonel Gaddafi personally ordered the Lockerbie bombing"

That was an actual terror attack that murdered Americans, not a phony WMD fraud used to dupe us into Iraq, which is something you cheered.

Gaddafi = real terrorist who murdered Americans
Saddam = bad guy picking his ass in the desert

Why does this pathetic excuse of a human life form, an unChosen Servant of ISRAEL, like Gaddafi???

The ISRAELI MEDIA can tell you, even if the "US" media won't....

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

This is a sampling of why our "Christians" don't mind that ISRAEL did 911 too.

To be an unChosen SUB HUMAN "Christian" means

Nice diversion! Awesome effort!

Takes absolutely NOTHING away from my post. Nor does it DISPROVE ANYTHING I posted.
Gaddafi was a terrorist. He may have been a supporter of the US when he was first in power. But most leaders in the middleast were. That is why we put them in power. You know, like Saddam Hussein, The Shah, ect ect.
Gaddafi was a terrorist. He may have been a supporter of the US when he was first in power. But most leaders in the middleast were. That is why we put them in power. You know, like Saddam Hussein, The Shah, ect ect.
Has NOTHING to do with my post.

Are you idiots so dense the point of the thread is truly escaping you?
Hillary: We came! We saw! He died!

Media: All hail Obama & Hillary

Hillary literally bragged about him being tortured, sodomized and murdered.

Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government. An agreement that he fulfilled.

Gaddafi sodomized: Video shows abuse frame by frame (GRAPHIC)

Fast forward to Trump and these same two faced shitbags are condemning Trump for the tone and nature of the death of the worlds most wanted terrorist who was NOT IN ANY AGREEMENT WITH THE US GOVERNMENT.

Our media and many on the left are the new threats to the United States of America. Drag down a sitting US president at ANY COST simply because he beat the bitch who was entitled to be crowned.

You people disgust me

they haven’t moved this latest load of feces from grumps to the basement yet?
Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government. An agreement that he fulfilled

Let's go further....

WHY would CIA Director George Tenet, the ADL's highest award winner, put a CIA branch in Gaddafi's Libya during a "war on (islamic) terror" when GADDAFI DID PAN AM 103???


Same reason Saudi Prince bin Salman was a regular on Epstein's island....

Late in 2002, Zionist Traitor Dick Cheney went on TV and said "We (know) Saddam is arming AQ with chem and bio."

Now, how did we "know" that?

A: we WATERBOARDED a Gitmo transfer in Syria to say that, and then murdered him....

Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi - Wikipedia

" The information he gave under torture to Egyptian authorities[1][2] was cited by the George W. Bush Administration in the months preceding its 2003 invasion of Iraq as evidence of a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.[3] That information was frequently repeated by members of the Bush Administration, although reports from both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) strongly questioned its credibility"

That's actually not totally correct. al Libi was waterboarded by the CIA in Libya....

"On May 19, 2009, the government reported that he had recently committed suicide in prison."

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

"intelligence summary notes that Libi’s “confession” lacks details and suggests that he is most likely telling interrogators what he thinks will “retain their interest.” Also states: “Saddam’s regime is intensely secular and is wary of Islamic revolutionary movements. Moreover, Baghdad is unlikely to provide assistance to a group it cannot control.”

but that was inconsistent with the W Administration's goal of selling out US troops in Iraq for money and favorable media coverage from the ISRAEL LOBBY....
Has NOTHING to do with my post.

Are you a pro Israel "Christian?"

Did you support W's invasion of Iraq regardless of how many times he was caught lying about a "reason?"

Do you consider W to be a good or great former US President?

What about W's Presidency did you like?

Also, it must be selective history or rewriting history to claim Gaddafi was in agreement with the US. Reagan closed them Libyan embassy in Washington DC in 1981. That same year there were 2 Libyan planes harassing US Navy exercises in the Gulf of Sirte. Libya claimed far more of the Gulf than international law recognized. The US had 2 carrier groups running naval exercises in the area. I was there in that fleet exercise. Libya sent 2 fighter jets that fired at US aircraft. But they missed. The F-14 Tomcats did not miss and the 2 fighter aircraft were shot down.

I had a t-shirt that said:
"Tomcats - 2
Libya - 0
Anytime, Gaddafi baby, anytime"

Gaddafi was a brutal dictator and an extremist. This was at the height of the Cold War, and he wanted to help the Soviet Union. But the soviets were afraid of him because he was batshit crazy.

When his regime was overthrown, the militia that found him had to drag him out of a drainage pipe. Yeah, they treated him brutally. I shed no tears for the death of that asshole.
Gaddafi was a terrorist. He may have been a supporter of the US when he was first in power. But most leaders in the middleast were. That is why we put them in power. You know, like Saddam Hussein, The Shah, ect ect.
Has NOTHING to do with my post.

Are you idiots so dense the point of the thread is truly escaping you?

The point of this thread is the same partisan politics as usual.

But when you start with "Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government", you have stretched the truth beyond all recognizable shape.

Gaddafi was a terrorist. He attacked US forces and ordered the bombing of a civilian airline.

Yeah, the fact that democrat leaders cheered his brutal death may not sit well. But republicans cheered his demise too.
But republicans cheered his demise too.

The post 1998 "Republicans" really did not cheer. They opposed the US inspired "no fly zone."

Zionist Traitors were 100% for invading IRAQ for whatever lie was being tossed around Fox News that night.

When it came to Libya and the TERRORIST behind Pan Am 103, all of a sudden all of the "hawks" became CHICKENS, because they knew Gaddafi was Jewish and pals with Zionist Traitor GEORGE TENET....
Gaddafi was a terrorist. He may have been a supporter of the US when he was first in power. But most leaders in the middleast were. That is why we put them in power. You know, like Saddam Hussein, The Shah, ect ect.
Has NOTHING to do with my post.

Are you idiots so dense the point of the thread is truly escaping you?

The point of this thread is the same partisan politics as usual.

But when you start with "Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government", you have stretched the truth beyond all recognizable shape.

Gaddafi was a terrorist. He attacked US forces and ordered the bombing of a civilian airline.

Yeah, the fact that democrat leaders cheered his brutal death may not sit well. But republicans cheered his demise too.
STILL missed the point.

You're too dense to be in this discussion.
Gaddafi was a terrorist. He may have been a supporter of the US when he was first in power. But most leaders in the middleast were. That is why we put them in power. You know, like Saddam Hussein, The Shah, ect ect.
Has NOTHING to do with my post.

Are you idiots so dense the point of the thread is truly escaping you?

The point of this thread is the same partisan politics as usual.

But when you start with "Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government", you have stretched the truth beyond all recognizable shape.

Gaddafi was a terrorist. He attacked US forces and ordered the bombing of a civilian airline.

Yeah, the fact that democrat leaders cheered his brutal death may not sit well. But republicans cheered his demise too.
STILL missed the point.

You're too dense to be in this discussion.

Fuck you. YOu want me to get worked up because you claim Dems were cheering Gaddafi being sodomized? And you know they were cheering the sodomy and not the death of an international terrorist how?

So many idiots on these forums claim something, but rather than give explanations, they simply call others "too stupid".
YOu want me to get worked up because you claim Dems were cheering Gaddafi being sodomized? And you know they were cheering the sodomy and not the death of an international terrorist how?

Hahahaha that is not the point at all. It is a point of reference as it pertains to their CURRENT BEHAVIOR.

Truly too stupid for me to bother with. Bye!
Hillary: We came! We saw! He died!

Media: All hail Obama & Hillary

Hillary literally bragged about him being tortured, sodomized and murdered.

Gadaffi was certainly no saint but he was in an agreement with the US government. An agreement that he fulfilled.

Gaddafi sodomized: Video shows abuse frame by frame (GRAPHIC)

Fast forward to Trump and these same two faced shitbags are condemning Trump for the tone and nature of the death of the worlds most wanted terrorist who was NOT IN ANY AGREEMENT WITH THE US GOVERNMENT.

Our media and many on the left are the new threats to the United States of America. Drag down a sitting US president at ANY COST simply because he beat the bitch who was entitled to be crowned.

You people disgust me

Trump is such a pussy. A real man would declassify the video and show ol Baghdaddi's followers how just before he blew himself up he was whimpering like a little girl and probably wet himself too. Talking about it is for pussies!

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