Democrats and the black vote

Oh so you want it both ways huh? You want to complain the child tax credit was too generous and causing women with children to not go back to work, and now you are complaining that it's ending?

So what? He did it for them didn't he? And it was so generous, you guys cried about it. Now you're crying because it's ending?
/——-/ Who’s crying? I’m ROTFLMAO at you for bragging about Dementia Joe’s tax credit while democRATs are letting it expire. No wonder mocking liberals is a national pastime,
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/——-/ Who’s crying? I’m RORFLMAO at you for bragging about Dementia Joe’s tax credit while democRATs are letting it expire. No wonder mocking liberals is a national pastime,
It was a temporary bump to women with children. You hated it. Now you cry because it's going away?
/——-/ Who’s crying? I’m RORFLMAO at you for bragging about Dementia Joe’s tax credit while democRATs are letting it expire. No wonder mocking liberals is a national pastime,
The U.S. economy has never worked fairly for Black Americans Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a speech delivered Monday.

King said on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that “America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.” He called it ”a bad check, a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe the bank of justice is bankrupt!”

From Reconstruction, to Jim Crow, to the present day, our economy has never worked fairly for Black Americans.

The administration of President Joe Biden has sought to ensure that no economic institution fails to work for people of color. Equity was built into the American Rescue Plan so that communities of color would get pandemic relief, and Treasury is injecting $9 billion into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions traditionally poorly served by the financial sector.

“There is still much more work Treasury needs to do to narrow the racial wealth divide,” she said.
If I was black and a Democrat I wouldn’t trust my government either.

Of course if I was black I sure as hell wouldn’t be a Democrat. Democrats promise diamonds and roses to the blacks but deliver zirconium and dandelions and then blame the Republicans.

What is Biden doing for the black community? Investing in them.

Treasury is injecting $9 billion into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions traditionally poorly served by the financial sector.
The U.S. economy has never worked fairly for Black Americans Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a speech delivered Monday.

King said on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that “America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.” He called it ”a bad check, a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe the bank of justice is bankrupt!”

From Reconstruction, to Jim Crow, to the present day, our economy has never worked fairly for Black Americans.

The administration of President Joe Biden has sought to ensure that no economic institution fails to work for people of color. Equity was built into the American Rescue Plan so that communities of color would get pandemic relief, and Treasury is injecting $9 billion into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions traditionally poorly served by the financial sector.

“There is still much more work Treasury needs to do to narrow the racial wealth divide,” she said.
/----/ "From Reconstruction, to Jim Crow,"
You do know those two programs were run by democRATs. You do know that don't you?

BTW - don't tell this to BLM.
What is Biden doing for the black community? Investing in them.

Treasury is injecting $9 billion into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions traditionally poorly served by the financial sector.
How much of that money will disappear to corruption?
Anytime I argue that blacks should wait to get married before they have kids, Republicans accuse me of Eugenics.
In passing waiting to get married before having children would benefit all races.
In passing waiting to get married before having children would benefit all races.
And woman all over are taking your advice. They are waiting to have kids. Planned parenthood.

Now we have a population problem. Not enough people having kids. You’ll see. Big incentives coming for people to have kids. And more immigrants. Brown ones mostly. We’ll take what we can get
What is Biden doing for the black community? Investing in them.

Treasury is injecting $9 billion into Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions traditionally poorly served by the financial sector.
Crime is up in just about all Democratic Party led cities and mostly to people or color. Do with that what you will.

Interesting. Biden said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. But under Biden black unemployment is 7.1% vs. 6.0% under Trump pre COVID19 shutdowns. Hmmmm….

Where is BLM? Where is the NAACP? Where are the Democrats now that they don’t need the black vote.
Biden and the Dems are bleeding Black and Hispanics rapidly. They forgot that most Blacks and Hispanics aren't progressive Leftist commies, and like to live in safe cities where there is mobile upward opportunity, you known like it was when Trump was president. Their only hope now is to legalize voting for non US citizens combined with mail-in ballot fraud.
And woman all over are taking your advice. They are waiting to have kids. Planned parenthood.

Now we have a population problem. Not enough people having kids. You’ll see. Big incentives coming for people to have kids. And more immigrants. Brown ones mostly. We’ll take what we can get
I see nothing wrong with incentives for married people to have children. Raising kids is not cheap.

I also have no problem with the legal immigration of people from all over the world. I am in favor of overhauling our long outdated immigration system.

I do however oppose illegal immigration. For example on the Mexican border the illegals who enter our nation pay a considerable amount of money to the drug cartels and many of the women are raped or get caught up in sexual trafficking.

When a liberal like me gives this advice to poor black people, republicans spin it and say I’m trying to get rid of black people.
/---/ Then I'm confused. You posted "Anytime I argue that blacks should wait to get married before they have kids, Republicans accuse me of Eugenics." Republicans want everyone of all races to be married before having kids. If you agree, then good.

Interesting. Biden said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. But under Biden black unemployment is 7.1% vs. 6.0% under Trump pre COVID19 shutdowns. Hmmmm….

Where is BLM? Where is the NAACP? Where are the Democrats now that they don’t need the black vote.

There is no reason for African Americans dissatisfied with Democrats to look towards Establishment Republicans as an alternative.
I wouldn't be surprised that if African Americans in any sizable mass, decide to depart from Democrats, it would be to help establish a third-party alternative.

If they could figure out how to leave the Progressive baggage on the doorstep,
and gain support from a more Conservative segment of the GOP vote ... It's possible they could lead or help in the success of providing something worthwhile.


There is no reason for African Americans dissatisfied with Democrats to look towards Establishment Republicans as an alternative.
I wouldn't be surprised that if African Americans in any sizable mass, decide to depart from Democrats, it would be to help establish a third-party alternative.

If they could figure out how to leave the Progressive baggage on the doorstep,
and gain support from a more Conservative segment of the GOP vote ... It's possible they could lead or help in the success of providing something worthwhile.

Stay with the Democratic Party but vote for other people in it. Elijah Cummings sat in Congress for 40 years, representing Baltimore and nothing changed for Baltimore.
/---/ Then I'm confused. You posted "Anytime I argue that blacks should wait to get married before they have kids, Republicans accuse me of Eugenics." Republicans want everyone of all races to be married before having kids. If you agree, then good.
I agree. What I'm saying is Republicans are trying to spin the advice I'm giving poor black people who complain life isn't fair. They do it to say, "look at what liberal democrats think about you". What they don't say is they agree with me.

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