Democrats Announce Articles Of Impeachment

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
So we’re going to change the Constitution from high crimes and misdemeanors to high butthurt and we don’t like this guy.
You don't even know what a High Crime is.
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
FFS, may as well added two scoops of ice cream to the list.
How does one not know The Apprentice was a game show!?!


Poor bastards must have thought it was real. No wonder Trump is so easily able to punk them. :lol:

Thanks for confirming my point. None of the Trump cultists will address the actual charges, because they can't. They're just throwing a group tantrum.
Please define exactly what "obstruction of Congress" is.

Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
So we’re going to change the Constitution from high crimes and misdemeanors to high butthurt and we don’t like this guy.
Lol. High Butthurt and Misterweiners.
Please define exactly what "obstruction of Congress" is.

Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

WTF are you babbling about? How does that relate to the subject of this mysterious "obstruction of Congress" by Trump?

Get a fucking grip.
Damn, what a pant load.

Thanks for confirming my point. None of the Trump cultists will address the actual charges, because they can't. They're just throwing a group tantrum.
Please define exactly what "obstruction of Congress" is.

Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.

Barr did not lie to Congress or he would have been held in contempt, albeit meaningless because he cannot prosecute himself. Why are they not impeaching him?
Impeachment was never meant to be weaponized like this, and it certainly was never meant to be conducted without Due Process and No Evidence.

FISA was never meant to be weaponized against American Citizens or a Candidate Running for Office.

But The Framers expected that Representatives would be honest men with some Ethics. As with all things, when people can no longer be honest and ethical, we have to write new laws and regulations to maintain law and order.

So, what needs to happen is Impeachment needs to be changed to a 2/3rds majority vote to happen, so that it is forced to be a Bi-Partisan Process.

Damn, you said something I agree with completely. This might be a sign of the end times.
Oh, the End Times are upon us. Read Ezekiel 38, and Isaiah 17. It's just around the corner.
As expected, the Trump cultists aren't even trying to refute the charges. Because they can't. They're just on their backs in full tantrum mode, screaming and flailing those little arms and legs. They're not even pretending they're not loyal to Russia over the USA.

Let's summarize the treason that all of the Trump cultists are running cover for.
First, that President Trump directed a scheme to pressure Ukraine into opening two investigations that would benefit his 2020 reelection campaign, and not US national interests.

Second, President Trump used his official office and the official tools of US foreign policy, the withholding of an Oval Office meeting, and $391 million in security assistance, to pressure Ukraine into meeting his demands.

Third, everyone was in the loop. His chief of staff, the secretary of state, and vice president.

And fourth, despite the public discovery of this scheme which prompted the president to release the aid, he has not given up. He and his agents continue to solicit Ukrainian interference in our election, causing an imminent threat to our elections and our national security.

Enjoy burning in Hell, Trump cultists. You can't gleefully rape American democracy, one of God's greatest creations, and not burn in Hell. What's more, the liberals will be in heaven, looking down upon on you with pity. I know that will hurt you even more than the flames.
Why is everyone from Indiana so full of hate blindness? . Like 4 now. Is it the water?
Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

WTF are you babbling about? How does that relate to the subject of this mysterious "obstruction of Congress" by Trump?

Get a fucking grip.
The obstruction charge is the result of Trump forbidding members of his Administration who were subpoenaed to testify.
ff to 17:25 where it begins. First salvo.
Democrats unveil articles of impeachment against Trump – live

Yesterday the Republicans' behavior was ridiculous. Crying "We want Schiff--that's why we're being such pricks!" "Strike that testimony--he said something mean about the President!" "We want a hearing" (while they admit it has no bearing on anything) "POINT OF ORDER" - ergo, let's make sure to disrupt whatever order that's attempted.

It was the dynamic of a bunch of rebellious adolescents taking over their classroom while the teacher is away and a sub tries to maintain order.
Heavens sake. That Angry Man goes blasting at Bambi like Don Jr. with his elephant gun, completely disgusting any human with empathy.

I'll tell you what. I have seen enough of this. The old timers are becoming sick of having their soaps and The Price is Right pre-empted. I just can't stand watching anymore of this cruelty and lack of couth.

It's bad enough reading all about it here. Republicans are acting like losers.
Keep in mind, the Right is acting just like the Sturmabteilung in Germany in the early 1930s...disrupting government.
Not putting up with your stupid shit isn’t disrupting government. Telling you moron dems to fuck off isn’t disrupting government. Telling left wing dorks your ideas suck ass isn’t disrupting government.
Even more the jfk and Lincoln being murdered.. those killers didn't hide behind laws to lynch a president, these democrats are lynching an American with laws, a innocent man who’s at fault of kicking your ass.

if Republicans campaign managers don’t use these actions by democrats to win nation wide you deserve to lose
If Trump is innocent, I'd expect him and his staff to testify to the Senate under oath. Not holding my breath.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

WTF are you babbling about? How does that relate to the subject of this mysterious "obstruction of Congress" by Trump?

Get a fucking grip.
The obstruction charge is the result of Trump forbidding members of his Administration who were subpoenaed to testify.
They challenged subpoenas in court. Nothing wrong with that.

Schifferbrains didn't want to wait for those court rulings because this is all about the 2020 election.
Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

WTF are you babbling about? How does that relate to the subject of this mysterious "obstruction of Congress" by Trump?

Get a fucking grip.

Obstruction of Congress is what your blob did.

Barr lied to Congress.

Lying to Congress isn’t one of the articles of impeachment of said blob.
Everyone with any brains knew this was coming..just as we know that Trump will be impeached in the House...and the impeachment not sustained in the Senate.

Of course, just the act of having a Senate trial poses some danger to Trump---stranger things have happened..than a Sen. or two changing their mind!
yeah, you need seventeen.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.
What about Barr? What lie did he tell to Congress?

when he stated Mueller didn’t express concern over Barr’s summary of his report. Mueller did, Barr lies.

WTF are you babbling about? How does that relate to the subject of this mysterious "obstruction of Congress" by Trump?

Get a fucking grip.
The obstruction charge is the result of Trump forbidding members of his Administration who were subpoenaed to testify.

Did Congress go to court to enforce those subpoenas to overcome Executive Privilege? No, they did not. They were in too big of a fucking hurry!

That charge will be thrown out by the Chief Justice on day one of the trial because it it false and there is tons of evidence to prove it is false.

Thanks for confirming my point. None of the Trump cultists will address the actual charges, because they can't. They're just throwing a group tantrum.
Please define exactly what "obstruction of Congress" is.

Preventing Congress from performing oversight by not turning over documents, preventing testimony, and lying to Congress.
Challenging subpoenas and requests for documents in court isn't obstruction, Dummy.

Who lied to Congress?

your blob stated that the WH would not cooperate.

Barr did not lie to Congress or he would have been held in contempt, albeit meaningless because he cannot prosecute himself. Why are they not impeaching him?

yes he did.
You don't even know what a High Crime is.
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
Abuse of power - The only evidence they of this is Adam Schiff's fabricated (parody) dialog which the Dims repeated as fact

Obstruction of Congress - Trump's cooperation with Congress was unprecedented until they decided to start lying about a whistleblower report over a phone call
Trump tried to rig the 2020 election with his extortion scheme. Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

So only a retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted dirt on Biden for his personal political gain.

As for the obstruction charge, if I was on the jury I would let Trump off on that one. Until the courts decide whether or not Trump employees can be compelled to testify before Congress, we can't really say Trump obstructed the impeachment inquiry.

But the Democrats don't want to wait for the eight to twelve months it would take for the courts to finally decide. Then it would all be moot since the election would be upon us.

I would charge Trump with obstructing the Mueller investigation, though. There are at least four definite examples of Trump obstructing there. I don't know why the Democrats let him off on those. Probably too complicated for simple minds to understand.
Rig the 2020 election?


So you admit the Russian fix is in.

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