Democrats Announce They Will Block Trump’s Voter Fraud Investigation

Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Great! And if those Republicans are found guilty, we support whatever penalty is thrust upon them. Furthermore we support any effort to stop fraudulent Republican voting in the future. How about you?
Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Simple solution: investigate voter fraud and voter suppression.
Low voter turnout is the only chance Trump has at re-election (if he somehow hasn't been removed from office before then). Since the Russians have been outed, voter depression isn't an option anymore, so they move on to open suppression.
NY Times: Trump's Chance of Winning Is 7 Percent

"Hillary Clinton has clinched the election according to The New York Times, which estimates she has a 93 percent chance of winning.

Using the latest state and national polls, the Times found that Clinton's chances have improved the most in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Clinton wins those three states she wins the White House, according to the Times' map of the 1,024 paths to the White House."

hahahahhahahhahahaahahaha you all are killing me.


So fucking funny.

I love these articles. Stupid assholes had no clue.....but they are supposedly so much smarter than everyone else.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


what's even fking funnier, is they wish to double down on their own stupid. It's hilarious I tell you.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.

Clinton’s win will be substantial, but not overwhelming. The model projects that she’ll garner 323 electoral votes to Trump’s 215.


So if you get your news from HUFPO, you are poorly informed.

Did Hillary win?
Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Simple solution: investigate voter fraud and voter suppression.

The problem with that is you can't detect voter fraud. Most of it goes unnoticed.

It's kind of like cars speeding down the highway. Unless a cop is there to control traffic offenders, nobody is really speeding because there is nobody there to stop them.

Voter-ID is that cop on the highway, and liberals don't like it one bit. It's there to slow people down and perhaps catch offenders in the process.
Low voter turnout is the only chance Trump has at re-election (if he somehow hasn't been removed from office before then). Since the Russians have been outed, voter depression isn't an option anymore, so they move on to open suppression.
NY Times: Trump's Chance of Winning Is 7 Percent

"Hillary Clinton has clinched the election according to The New York Times, which estimates she has a 93 percent chance of winning.

Using the latest state and national polls, the Times found that Clinton's chances have improved the most in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Clinton wins those three states she wins the White House, according to the Times' map of the 1,024 paths to the White House."

hahahahhahahhahahaahahaha you all are killing me.


So fucking funny.

I love these articles. Stupid assholes had no clue.....but they are supposedly so much smarter than everyone else.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


what's even fking funnier, is they wish to double down on their own stupid. It's hilarious I tell you.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.

Clinton’s win will be substantial, but not overwhelming. The model projects that she’ll garner 323 electoral votes to Trump’s 215.


So if you get your news from HUFPO, you are poorly informed.

Did Hillary win?
It's my opinion that Hufingto Post & Big Brother media outlets knew full well that the Hildabeast was is in trouble - the purpose of the ludicrous projections was to suppress votes - basically discourage Pro-Trumpers from showing up at the polls.
Look at Detroit, Michigan, 37% of the precincts had fraudulent voting practices which were uncovered during Hillary Clinton’s recounts requested by Jill Stein.

Look at the massive voter fraud incident in Nevada where half of the 19,000 votes in one district alone were determined to be fraudulent

A study from the state of Kansas also found that there are over 7 million voter registrations that appear in two states simultaneously.

Twelve employees of an Indiana group tied to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton were charged Friday for allegedly submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications before the 2016 presidential election.

The documented voter fraud now contains 492 cases and 773 criminal convictions, with untold other cases unreported and unprosecuted

The rapist Bill Clinton told illegal aliens “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.”

The racist Barry Obama told illegal aliens “ when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

Save Your Right to Vote. Kick all of the corrupt Democrats out of office while you still can

They should block anything the Russian spy tried to implement
Do democrats think an investigation into voter fraud in Detroit is going to camouflage the congressional investigation into the Hillary/Hussein sale of 20% of America's uranium? The whole democrat party house of cards is falling apart.
Look at Detroit, Michigan, 37% of the precincts had fraudulent voting practices which were uncovered during Hillary Clinton’s recounts requested by Jill Stein.

Look at the massive voter fraud incident in Nevada where half of the 19,000 votes in one district alone were determined to be fraudulent

A study from the state of Kansas also found that there are over 7 million voter registrations that appear in two states simultaneously.

Twelve employees of an Indiana group tied to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton were charged Friday for allegedly submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications before the 2016 presidential election.

The documented voter fraud now contains 492 cases and 773 criminal convictions, with untold other cases unreported and unprosecuted

The rapist Bill Clinton told illegal aliens “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.”

The racist Barry Obama told illegal aliens “ when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

Save Your Right to Vote. Kick all of the corrupt Democrats out of office while you still can
I do not know why. Pres. Trump was okay with them recounting the votes. But for some reason that they are for sure that they supposedly had won this past election.I never had seen anyone in my life, that they are so guaranteed that they are supposed of have won. Unless they are time travelers.

Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam' Hillary Clinton to join recount that Trump calls 'scam' - CNNPolitics
Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Simple solution: investigate voter fraud and voter suppression.

Yeah , that's why the cases are in the court . Except they are the Id and resdistricting cases . Cause that's the actual fraud !

Look , voting is controlled by the states . And you righties like to brag about all these GOP Tate governors. So why are thy hiding this supposed voter fraud???
NY Times: Trump's Chance of Winning Is 7 Percent

"Hillary Clinton has clinched the election according to The New York Times, which estimates she has a 93 percent chance of winning.

Using the latest state and national polls, the Times found that Clinton's chances have improved the most in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Clinton wins those three states she wins the White House, according to the Times' map of the 1,024 paths to the White House."

hahahahhahahhahahaahahaha you all are killing me.


So fucking funny.

I love these articles. Stupid assholes had no clue.....but they are supposedly so much smarter than everyone else.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


what's even fking funnier, is they wish to double down on their own stupid. It's hilarious I tell you.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost

The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.

Clinton’s win will be substantial, but not overwhelming. The model projects that she’ll garner 323 electoral votes to Trump’s 215.


So if you get your news from HUFPO, you are poorly informed.

Did Hillary win?
It's my opinion that Hufingto Post & Big Brother media outlets knew full well that the Hildabeast was is in trouble - the purpose of the ludicrous projections was to suppress votes - basically discourage Pro-Trumpers from showing up at the polls.
BINGO.. this is real voter suppression... BY THE LSM
Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .
You prove time and again to be a complete dumb fuck.

How can votes be suppressed by a simple voter ID requirement?

Oh, you mean suppressing Illegal Mexican Cockroaches from illegally voting, or inner-city thug welfare queens from going from poll to poll, voting for the commies?
Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .
You prove time and again to be a complete dumb fuck.

How can votes be suppressed by a simple voter ID requirement?

Oh, you mean suppressing Illegal Mexican Cockroaches from illegally voting, or inner-city thug welfare queens from going from poll to poll, voting for the commies?

It's what he's been told, so it's all he knows.
Low voter turnout is the only chance Trump has at re-election (if he somehow hasn't been removed from office before then). Since the Russians have been outed, voter depression isn't an option anymore, so they move on to open suppression.
NY Times: Trump's Chance of Winning Is 7 Percent

"Hillary Clinton has clinched the election according to The New York Times, which estimates she has a 93 percent chance of winning.

Using the latest state and national polls, the Times found that Clinton's chances have improved the most in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Clinton wins those three states she wins the White House, according to the Times' map of the 1,024 paths to the White House."

hahahahhahahhahahaahahaha you all are killing me.


So fucking funny.

I love these articles. Stupid assholes had no clue.....but they are supposedly so much smarter than everyone else.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | HuffPost


all that shows is the Comey Announcement that the server email investigation was being reopened....which took place after this poll... definitely hurt Hillary Clinton, along with the coordinated Trump and Russian Ad campaign push on all the social media sites and focused in the vulnerable states 1 week prior to the election.... :rolleyes:

So you are claiming people can be influenced by Russian paid ads on social media sites into changing their votes one week out from the election?

Just how stupid do you think the average American voter is?
Exactly, I learned just last night the adds were after the elections. How disingenuous of the left MSM to lie to the american people. Oh wait, that is standard operating procedure. right!!!
Look at Detroit, Michigan, 37% of the precincts had fraudulent voting practices which were uncovered during Hillary Clinton’s recounts requested by Jill Stein.

Look at the massive voter fraud incident in Nevada where half of the 19,000 votes in one district alone were determined to be fraudulent

A study from the state of Kansas also found that there are over 7 million voter registrations that appear in two states simultaneously.

Twelve employees of an Indiana group tied to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton were charged Friday for allegedly submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications before the 2016 presidential election.

The documented voter fraud now contains 492 cases and 773 criminal convictions, with untold other cases unreported and unprosecuted

The rapist Bill Clinton told illegal aliens “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.”

The racist Barry Obama told illegal aliens “ when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

Save Your Right to Vote. Kick all of the corrupt Democrats out of office while you still can

the "voter fraud" investigation is run by a piece of garbage who has spent his career such as it is, on voter suppression./

let's worry about Russia, mmmkay?
i think the dems will be worrying about russia. LMFAO. What I learned yesterday is fking news times 2. The Dossier was paid for by Hitlery's campaign money and DNC. hahahahaahahahahaha ooops, and the dude with the NDA will be released or subpoenaed next week. Subpoena overrides the NDA. oops watch out for the demoloser collapse. russia russia. The demolosers used russia russia because they new Manaford was doing business with the podesta group hired by them to interface with russia. So they knew since 2011. the demos are losers soooooo bigly. soooooo bigly. I can't wait. Mueller talked to the staffer from the podesta group. story has been told. can you say uh oh jethro?
Low voter turnout is the only chance Trump has at re-election (if he somehow hasn't been removed from office before then). Since the Russians have been outed, voter depression isn't an option anymore, so they move on to open suppression.
NY Times: Trump's Chance of Winning Is 7 Percent

"Hillary Clinton has clinched the election according to The New York Times, which estimates she has a 93 percent chance of winning.

Using the latest state and national polls, the Times found that Clinton's chances have improved the most in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If Clinton wins those three states she wins the White House, according to the Times' map of the 1,024 paths to the White House."

hahahahhahahhahahaahahaha you all are killing me.


Anyone else see a "credibility" problem with the Left?

Amazingly, they keep posting these same type polls as their "evidence" and keep expecting them to be believed.

What's that saying?
Doing the same dumbass Leftard things and expecting different results is typical of Leftards?
Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Yawn* only loser liberals can turn requiring a person to show ID in order to vote is voter suspension. Do you really have such a low view of minorities that you believe that are too stupid and too child like that they can’t obtain proper ID to vote? Kinda racist? Why are you so racist?

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Look at Detroit, Michigan, 37% of the precincts had fraudulent voting practices which were uncovered during Hillary Clinton’s recounts requested by Jill Stein.

Look at the massive voter fraud incident in Nevada where half of the 19,000 votes in one district alone were determined to be fraudulent

A study from the state of Kansas also found that there are over 7 million voter registrations that appear in two states simultaneously.

Twelve employees of an Indiana group tied to former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton were charged Friday for allegedly submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications before the 2016 presidential election.

The documented voter fraud now contains 492 cases and 773 criminal convictions, with untold other cases unreported and unprosecuted

The rapist Bill Clinton told illegal aliens “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.”

The racist Barry Obama told illegal aliens “ when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

Save Your Right to Vote. Kick all of the corrupt Democrats out of office while you still can

They should block anything the Russian spy tried to implement
we did, hitlery lost. you should read today's news.
Im not necessarily talking about this, but i never understood why people would be against voting integrity.

Because that's not the goal. Your goal is voter suppression .

There are plenty of voter fraud cases in the courts . Fraud by republicans! Voter ID scam and redistricting scams .

Yawn* only loser liberals can turn requiring a person to show ID in order to vote is voter suspension. Do you really have such a low view of minorities that you believe that are too stupid and too child like that they can’t obtain proper ID to vote? Kinda racist? Why are you so racist?

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yes they do. they are their big brother and they intervene on their behalf all the time. the minorities are their bitches. They give them handouts for their votes. they give them handouts to commit voter fraud.

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