Democrats appear mum on deaths of smuggled illegals

Not even a "our hearts go out" whine from party leader Obabble. I guess they would rather ignore it...since can't be blamed on the Russians.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick blames Democrats for deaths involved in human smuggling case
Um, Obama is not president anymore. Do you guys practice dumbshitery or does it simply come naturally?

obama proves the saying that the evil that men do live on after them.
Nah, america proves that, all day, every day. Let's start another war.
...and still not a single progressive, liberal, or Democrat who responded to this thread, will come forward and admit that sanctuary cities are a bad idea.

This says one and only one thing to me: How callous and uncaring the left really is. To the Democrats, the means are always justified by the end. The "end" here, is to retain power by bringing more Democrats into the fold. The "means" would be sanctuary cities, and looking the other way while human traffickers smuggle more illegals into this country.

If you remember Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder's "Fast & Furious" scheme, that was another example of the "end justifying the means". As he claimed, his plan was to allow the BATF to sell semi-automatic weapons with high-capacity magazines to known Mexican drug cartel members, in order to "track" their movement through Mexico.

But there were deeper and more insidious motives behind that plan: During that period where Obama and the Democrat Party were calling for increasing restrictions on firearms, if it could be proven that Mexican drug cartels were purchasing their weapons from Texas gun shows and flea markets, the public outcry would be so great as to demand more gun laws.

Unfortunately, his plan backfired when the U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by one of those firearms supplied through Holder's DOJ. In addition to that, it's been estimated that well over 600 Mexican citizens have now died as a result of those same weapons.

To this day, Eric Holder and his boss Barack Obama who most likely signed off on Fast & Furious, have never been held accountable.

Just like these progressives who refuse to condemn sanctuary cities and human trafficking will never accept responsibility for those people who died in that truck.

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