Democrats are acting just like they did when W and Reagan were elected


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
This insanity is nothing new, Democrats always get unhinged when they lose elections.

The biggest insane outburst of the Democrats was in 1860, when they lost the election to Republican Abraham Lincoln. Democrats became so unhinged that they seceded from the Union, causing a war that cost more than 600,000 lives.

We should not honor these treasonous Democrats as war heroes, so I have no problem with taking their statues down. It's high time people learn the truth that Democrats who rebel against legitimate elections are traitors and scumbags, not patriots who should be honored and venerated.

Take the statues down, all of them.
I remember the Reagan election and Ws election very well. I don't recall anything like the level of hatred and hysteria we are seeing now from Liberals and their Media.
The Democratic party split in two in the election of 1860. You had Northern democrats and Southern Democrats that ran different candidates in the election, and you had the Constitutional Union Party that wanted to draw the Mason Dixon line all the way from coast to coast as a compromise.
So you are mistaken that all democrats were in the South and voted for secession...
They know that there communist transformation of this country is almost to an end. Generation Z is way more conservative than any other generation before them. Even I am amazed by how traditional they are.
I remember the Reagan election and Ws election very well. I don't recall anything like the level of hatred and hysteria we are seeing now from Liberals and their Media.

Generally speaking the left's entire political idealogy is nothing more than hate rich, white, men, and anyone else they have deemed as burgoisee. They generally feel justified in crucifying these groups because they see them as being responsible for their oppression. I would honestly like to see one of them get randomly shot in the head on the street but ....that would be illegal.
I remember the Reagan election and Ws election very well. I don't recall anything like the level of hatred and hysteria we are seeing now from Liberals and their Media.

Reagan was bad for the middle class and ran up an incredible debt, he also started a cultural revolution of sorts and turned politics into the extremely partisan divide we have today. But at least he acted Presidential. George W. Bush was spectacularly ill prepared to be a sitting President, and was historically bad at the job. But his handlers kept him looking Presidential, for the most part.

Trump, on the other hand, has ushered in a whole new era of awful, something that this country has never seen before. A reality television star elected President, someone even more clueless and more ill prepared for the office than the last Republican, George W. Bush.

Just when you think Republicans can't get any worse, they go out and get worse. Way worse.

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