Democrats are going to pay in the midterms for forcing vaccinated people to wear masks

Yes ...

I understand that's what the voices inside that Alt Left Reality that you live in are telling you.

Now run along the adults are trying to have a conversation based in reality.
Still waiting to hear about human trafficking.
You have zero proof that immigrants are spreading COVID

There is irrefutable proof that the unvaccinated are spreading it
Zero proof....Other than the fact that no fewer than 8% have tested positive, right before they're put onto buses and airplanes to be shipped off to all corners of the nation.

You really are one of the biggest dopes here...And that's not for lack of stiff competition.
Zero proof....Other than the fact that no fewer than 8% have tested positive, right before they're put onto buses and airplanes to be shipped off to all corners of the nation.

You really are one of the biggest dopes here...And that's not for lack of stiff competition.

His IQ has been dropping monthly.
There was a time even he could connect 2 dots.
Not anymore.
That's your boy Biden's fault, he has let a million illegals in so far. Also he finally got his butt wiped the other day and he was also looking for his mommy!
Now, you are just making shit up
He took it upon himself to make a public announcement. You got a problem take it up with him.

Learn to read, I didn't say anything about him

I've been vaccinated since last August.

So 99.5% of deaths were unvaccinated. Trump's vaccine is working. So if you are at risk because of the unvaccinated, then you are lying, you are not vaccinated.

Get your story straight
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Don‘t like masks?
Don’t like your favorite business shutdown?
Don‘t like at home remote school for your kids?

Guess what?


We should have beaten this thing by now except for our friendly neighborhood REPUBLICANS who resisted vaccines and celebrated us not reaching 70 percent vaccinated
If we did what Trump wanted in the beginning we would be a herd immunity by now. Anyway Trump handed Biden low covid numbers, he screwed the pooch as predicted. Oh, and I saw his approval rating is at 46% now. It's only going to get worse.
You're preaching insane paranoia. Democrats want every vaccinated in order to stop the pandemic. That's how it works. Epidemiology 101. Few cases = much lower chance of another dangerous variant appearing. And the children still aren't eligible for vaccination because the testing isn't completed. It is all being done scientifically and carefully. Refusing vaccinations is Medieval. Too bad not only you will die, but innocent people, including children, sacrificed to your silliness.
Yet people used to get a flu shot every year. Why because a different variant would mutate every year. Too bad we didn't listen to Trump in the beginning.
You have zero proof that immigrants are spreading COVID

There is irrefutable proof that the unvaccinated are spreading it
Hey dumbass ...

Illegal's are unvaccinated as well .....

And, 30% of those in custody refuse the vaccination.

The rest of these illegals who are not in custody are spreading the Wuhan Virus all over the US.

You idiots live in an Alt Left Reality of Marxist Fake News.
It's paranoid and treasonous, in fact, to insist that the election was stolen when obviously it was not, and to use this to stir up people to insurrection. Anyone rising up violently against Biden's Presidency deserves to be shot down like vermin.
THESE "vermin" will shoot back, Cletus. FAAFO...
How likely is it that voters who had sense enough and care enough to wear masks, going to turn around and vote in the party that's anti-mask?
Yes. but can we really say the CDC knows it's shit? They said the vaccine gave us 80% immunity from the delta variant, and now I'm going to mask because I can be asymptomatic and infect others. OK

I'd already decided they really didn't know. I'm limiting my exposure and masking anyway.
Hey dumbass ...

Illegal's are unvaccinated as well .....

And, 30% of those in custody refuse the vaccination.

The rest of these illegals who are not in custody are spreading the Wuhan Virus all over the US.

You idiots live in an Alt Left Reality of Marxist Fake News.
The reason the vaccinated are being told to mask up is we can still catch a dose but be asymptomatic, and pass it on to the MORONS who didn't get vaccinated.
Yes. but can we really say the CDC knows it's shit? They said the vaccine gave us 80% immunity from the delta variant, and now I'm going to mask because I can be asymptomatic and infect others. OK

I'd already decided they really didn't know. I'm limiting my exposure and masking anyway.

They really don't know. They're scrambling to try to make sense of very recent data.
I can accept this if only they'd be truthful that they really don't know.
That's right, the democrats will have to pay for a lot more empty ballots in the next election

Well said.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Let me ask you something. Do you know any person with a right mind that would ever vote for a democRat?

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