Democrats are going to pay in the midterms for forcing vaccinated people to wear masks

I'm optimistic.
Current Neo-Marxist Dimm's are too caught up in cancelling our history rather than learn from it.
And besides, they're timing is all off, they're too much in a hurry, AND TRUMP LIVES!!
Now, you are just making shit up
No, I'm not. The border is wide open, Biden has gotten rich off the American people his entire political career. He lied about his college records, plagiarized many times, and he expects us to trust him on the vaccine. When he didn't trust it under Trump. Playing politics is a dangerous game you loons play. A million illegals so far and it's estimated a million more by the end of the year. We are screwed, all this for future voters. If you say I'm crazy, well Cubans aren't allowed under Biden. They tend to vote republican.
No, I'm not. The border is wide open, Biden has gotten rich off the American people his entire political career. He lied about his college records, plagiarized many times, and he expects us to trust him on the vaccine. When he didn't trust it under Trump. Playing politics is a dangerous game you loons play. A million illegals so far and it's estimated a million more by the end of the year. We are screwed, all this for future voters. If you say I'm crazy, well Cubans aren't allowed under Biden. They tend to vote republican.
Show me where the border is “wide open”
Still looking for your million illegals

Like I said, you are just making shit up
Just get vaccinated jackass. Then you don't have to worry about what anyone else does.

And the issue is forcing VACCINATED people to wear masks. Learn to read
I am, you dishonest little piss aunt.

  1. You little bitches cried and moaned about wearing masks.
  2. Now you're crying and moaning about getting vaccinated.
  3. Just get sick and die already.
  4. The world will be better off.
Show me where the border is “wide open”
Still looking for your million illegals

Like I said, you are just making shit up

They're already in-country, liar.

Want a Whattaburger? (Doofus doesn't even know what this is!).
I am, you dishonest little piss aunt.

  1. You little bitches cried and moaned about wearing masks.
  2. Now you're crying and moaning about getting vaccinated.
  3. Just get sick and die already.
  4. The world will be better off.

I'm protected from the virus since I got the Trump vaccine, so I don't give a shit what you do.

But you're crying about the unvaccinated threatening you, which means you aren't vaccinated.

GET VACCINATED YOU STUPID SHIT, then you don't have to worry about what anyone else does
Don‘t like masks?
Don’t like your favorite business shutdown?
Don‘t like at home remote school for your kids?

Guess what?


We should have beaten this thing by now except for our friendly neighborhood REPUBLICANS who resisted vaccines and celebrated us not reaching 70 percent vaccinated
None of that is happening in Texas, thank Woden and Thor.

Never again.

Don't like it? Fuck off. Not my problem.
I am not optimistic about the future of our country. That has been clear. It's frankly too easy for the Democrats to sell their free shit message. Democrats are evil and Republicans are useless. Americans who recognize and appreciate how lucky we are to live here are stuck in the 40s, which makes us a clear minority. But on this one, Democrats screwed up.

Many of us got the vaccine because we wanted to move on with our lives and that was the price. Now Democrats in their endless quest for control over our lives are reneging on the deal even though Trump's vaccine works and vaccinated people are protected.

Democrats have made a mistake by going back to mask mandates for vaccinated people. They are trying desperately to get people to blame the unvaccinated for the mandates. But no one is buying it. We are blaming the Democrats, and rightly so. If you are vaccinated, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. No one is buying their crap. And this one pisses people off and will be remembered.

It's like Dems want to be despised. Ban and cancel and tax and jack up prices on the poor and middle class. Now force vaccinated people to wear a mask wtf. These bubble dwellers in DC are clueless, out across America we are sick of this mask shit.
I don’t need to read it. I can make up my own mind.

Is that permitted?

It's amazing, isn't it? Remember in the 60s how leftists were opposed to "the man" and wanted to make their own decisions? Now Democrats are all a bunch of government loving sheep. They not only do whatever government tells them to do, they fall over themselves to spread the gospel and tell everyone else to just do whatever government says
Told by who?

Quote the study.

Even if that were true, that we have to wear masks because of people who didn't vax is just stupid.

And it's going to get Democrats hammered in the election because no one buys that Democrats aren't just doing this because they love government control. This lie that vax = no masks was all the Democrats and everyone knows it

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