Democrats Are Headed for Disaster

Left to their own devices the democrats always pick someone who is unelectable.
Obama was very lucky, after chimp and chump and the financial crisis the democrats had a win-win election.
The GOP, thanks to the asshole of the century named Dick Army, couldn't resist the "deregulation" of banks, which led to the crisis.

I'm not happy about the $23T in Debt that Trump and the GOP are growing at an alarming rate.
But compared to the democrats' insane socialist policies the Debt can be managed.
I recommend another "Grace Commission" to get the Federal finances in order.
Ironically, Trump may end-up being single-handedly responsible for a shift towards socialism in the United States.


Because he is sssooooo corrupt and dangerous to the Republic that many folks would rather vote for a fence post than vote for Trump.

So, if a pseudo-socialist gets the nod at the Democratic National Convention, well, that's still a notch or two above a fence post. :21:
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Ironically, Trump may end-up being single-handedly responsible for a shift towards socialism in the United States.


Because he is sssooooo corrupt and dangerous to the Republic that many folks would rather vote for a fence post than vote for Trump.

So, if a pseudo-socialist gets the nod at the Democratic National Convention, well, that's still a notch or two above a fence post. :21:

A large and bold font doesn't win the debate.
1. US voters will never vote for socialism, where some people are always more equal than others, and "Lois Lerner" is in-charge of your access to your government controlled single-payer healthcare.
2. You call Trump corrupt without listing one crime, because there aren't any crimes, so Trump has 2020 all but locked-up
3. You keep disparaging Trump with no evidence. In 2020 Trump will have an excellent record of peace and prosperity to run on, and the democrats will have socialism to run on.
4. In case you forgot about 2016, when Trump had the MSM, the democrats, the DOJ & FBI, and the Never-Trumpers to run against, when Hillary had a 93% probability of winning, Trump had no way to 270 EC votes, WTF happened???

Pray that standing up to corrupt politicians never becomes a political liability.
Left to their own devices the democrats always pick someone who is unelectable.
Obama was very lucky, after chimp and chump and the financial crisis the democrats had a win-win election.
The GOP, thanks to the asshole of the century named Dick Army, couldn't resist the "deregulation" of banks, which led to the crisis.

I'm not happy about the $23T in Debt that Trump and the GOP are growing at an alarming rate.
But compared to the democrats' insane socialist policies the Debt can be managed.
I recommend another "Grace Commission" to get the Federal finances in order.
What has Trump and the GOP 'spent' to grow the debt?
Left to their own devices the democrats always pick someone who is unelectable.
Obama was very lucky, after chimp and chump and the financial crisis the democrats had a win-win election.
The GOP, thanks to the asshole of the century named Dick Army, couldn't resist the "deregulation" of banks, which led to the crisis.

I'm not happy about the $23T in Debt that Trump and the GOP are growing at an alarming rate.
But compared to the democrats' insane socialist policies the Debt can be managed.
I recommend another "Grace Commission" to get the Federal finances in order.
What has Trump and the GOP 'spent' to grow the debt?

Trump is adding about $991b a year to the Debt. That is too much. The tax cuts for the top rate were a bad idea.
Obama added $9.3T in 8-years, Trump is on track with the tax cuts to add about $8T to the Debt if he wins a 2nd term.

That $22 trillion national debt number is huge, but here's what it really means
"President Barack Obama’s administration racked up nearly as much debt in eight years than in the entire 232-year history of the country before he took office. He entered with $10.6 trillion in total debt and left with the country owing $19.9 trillion. That’s an average tab of $1.16 trillion a year.

Under President Donald Trump, the debt also has climbed. The $2.06 trillion increase works out to about $991 billion a year, or slightly less than the pace Obama had set."
Obama is right. These folks are right.

Oh please God let Warren or Sanders run against the Trumpinator!

2016 - "Please God, let the GOP run Trump against Hillary".
2008 - "Please God, let the Dems run Barack HUSSEIN Obama against McCain"
2000- "Please, God, let the Republicans run Dopey Bush".
1980 "Please, God, let the Republicans run Reagan instead of Howard Baker."

Be careful what you wish for.

Trump's ability to get re-elected will focus on several factors..

1) How bloodied up he gets during impeachment.
2) How unhinged he gets as 2020 rolls along
3) The economy going into recession or not. (It will).

I'm not fond of Bernie Sanders, I'm okay with Warren, I could live with Biden...

But the reality is, the Democrat will get 48% of the vote no matter who they run. The GOP will get 45% of the vote no matter who they run. It's that 7% in the middle that will make the difference...

One that might ask itself, 'Can we really put up with four more years of Trump's crazy?"
Ironically, Trump may end-up being single-handedly responsible for a shift towards socialism in the United States.


Because he is sssooooo corrupt and dangerous to the Republic that many folks would rather vote for a fence post than vote for Trump.

So, if a pseudo-socialist gets the nod at the Democratic National Convention, well, that's still a notch or two above a fence post. :21:
Emotional outbursts are not a form of debate.
Left to their own devices the democrats always pick someone who is unelectable.
Obama was very lucky, after chimp and chump and the financial crisis the democrats had a win-win election.
The GOP, thanks to the asshole of the century named Dick Army, couldn't resist the "deregulation" of banks, which led to the crisis.

I'm not happy about the $23T in Debt that Trump and the GOP are growing at an alarming rate.
But compared to the democrats' insane socialist policies the Debt can be managed.
I recommend another "Grace Commission" to get the Federal finances in order.
What has Trump and the GOP 'spent' to grow the debt?
Looting the Treasury for tax cuts grows the debt and any 9th grader who passes an Economics course knows this. When the economy is going well as ours has for the last 9 years, a responsible adult would want to start paying down the debt.
Obama is right. These folks are right.

Oh please God let Warren or Sanders run against the Trumpinator!

2016 - "Please God, let the GOP run Trump against Hillary".
2008 - "Please God, let the Dems run Barack HUSSEIN Obama against McCain"
2000- "Please, God, let the Republicans run Dopey Bush".
1980 "Please, God, let the Republicans run Reagan instead of Howard Baker."

Be careful what you wish for.

Trump's ability to get re-elected will focus on several factors..

1) How bloodied up he gets during impeachment.
2) How unhinged he gets as 2020 rolls along
3) The economy going into recession or not. (It will).

I'm not fond of Bernie Sanders, I'm okay with Warren, I could live with Biden...

But the reality is, the Democrat will get 48% of the vote no matter who they run. The GOP will get 45% of the vote no matter who they run. It's that 7% in the middle that will make the difference...

One that might ask itself, 'Can we really put up with four more years of Trump's crazy?"

In 2016 God heard our prayers and ran Hillary, and we know what happened. Trump won a convincing EC victory.
In 2008 no matter who the GOP ran, chimp and bozo had the economy so fucked up no matter who the dems ran was going to win.
Dick Army deregulated the banks and that was a disaster.

1. Trump is not going to get bloodied at trial, he committed no impeachable crime, we saw the Mueller and Ukraine non-crimes already, and now the GOP is energized
2. During the impeachment trial, the democrats will get bloodied. Just imagine the following witness list: Schiff, Ciaramella, Chalupa, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, Komrads Brennan and Clapper and the rest of the coup plotters.
3. Don't forget that many of the democrats will get indicted from Barr, Huber and Durham, its coming.
4. If you like Biden you need to understand that he is vulnerable to Hunter Biden's plundering of the Ukraine (Burisma) and China, i.e. follow the money and see who gets indicted.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360

The new reality is that Trump is taking some of the black vote in 2020, they like peace and prosperity.
In 2018 the democrats won the House by the MSM blaring that Trump will be indicted by Mueller, total propaganda.
In 2020 the democrats either run a socialist or split the party and lose energy.
The progressive wing doesn't like old white Biden, or old white billionaires.
Left to their own devices the democrats always pick someone who is unelectable.
Obama was very lucky, after chimp and chump and the financial crisis the democrats had a win-win election.
The GOP, thanks to the asshole of the century named Dick Army, couldn't resist the "deregulation" of banks, which led to the crisis.

I'm not happy about the $23T in Debt that Trump and the GOP are growing at an alarming rate.
But compared to the democrats' insane socialist policies the Debt can be managed.
I recommend another "Grace Commission" to get the Federal finances in order.
What has Trump and the GOP 'spent' to grow the debt?

Trump is adding about $991b a year to the Debt. That is too much. The tax cuts for the top rate were a bad idea.
Obama added $9.3T in 8-years, Trump is on track with the tax cuts to add about $8T to the Debt if he wins a 2nd term.

That $22 trillion national debt number is huge, but here's what it really means
"President Barack Obama’s administration racked up nearly as much debt in eight years than in the entire 232-year history of the country before he took office. He entered with $10.6 trillion in total debt and left with the country owing $19.9 trillion. That’s an average tab of $1.16 trillion a year.

Under President Donald Trump, the debt also has climbed. The $2.06 trillion increase works out to about $991 billion a year, or slightly less than the pace Obama had set."
Deficit Tracker

CBO 2019


...It is not in dispute that after the ACA’s reforms took effect in 2014, health insurance premiums began to rise. See, e.g., 83 Fed. Reg. at 38,232 (“ndividual market premiums increased 105 percent from 2013 to 2017, in the 39 states using in 2017”).

the Departments were worried that as the cost for ACA-compliant plans rose, more and more healthy individuals would be incented to exit the ACA Exchanges and purchase cheaper health coverage options....

....the ACA Exchanges continued to struggle. See, e.g., 83 Fed. Reg. at 38,232 (citing HHS reports showing that “{iJndividual market premiums increased 105 percent from 2013 to 2017, in the 39 states using in 2017, while the average monthly premium for the second-lowest cost silver plan for a 27-year-old increased by 37 percent from 2017 to 2018”). an effort to protect the single risk pools and relieve pressure on the struggling individual Exchange markets

Association for Community Affiliated Plans v. United States Department of Treasury, Civil Action No. 2018-2133 (D.D.C. 2019)

Obamacare was a pyramid scheme to pay for
unsustainable medical costs which is directly related
to all these immigrants in our country legal and illegal
that we are footing the bill for but can't afford to

Trump passed an EO to offer plans that were
cheaper and more sensible to people.
Why should people who can't have children
have to pay the costs of pregnancy care
because they don't have a choice to exclude that coverage

That lawsuit was fighting to prevent people
from having affordable healthcare tailored to their needs.
What kind of bullshit is that.

Reading the document clearly exposes
Obamacare for what it was and is...
A fucking sham that is costing a bundle now
because the projected revenue they counted on didn't happen.

Gee, there's a shocker

What about all the USAID...
It's been slashed drastically under Trump

Please, tell me...
What fucking business did Congress have
giving Afghanistan ALONE, $9 BILLION DOLLARS IN 2009

According to 'them'....

We were headed for the next Great Depression
millions of people lost their homes and jobs,
and 'they borrowed' TRILLIONS, NOT BILLIONS
from generations not even born yet....
and they are giving Afghanistan $9 BILLION DOLLARS

If Trump wasn't elected the deficit/debt would be much greater
Obama is right. These folks are right.

Oh please God let Warren or Sanders run against the Trumpinator!

2016 - "Please God, let the GOP run Trump against Hillary".
2008 - "Please God, let the Dems run Barack HUSSEIN Obama against McCain"
2000- "Please, God, let the Republicans run Dopey Bush".
1980 "Please, God, let the Republicans run Reagan instead of Howard Baker."

Be careful what you wish for.

Trump's ability to get re-elected will focus on several factors..

1) How bloodied up he gets during impeachment.
2) How unhinged he gets as 2020 rolls along
3) The economy going into recession or not. (It will).

I'm not fond of Bernie Sanders, I'm okay with Warren, I could live with Biden...

But the reality is, the Democrat will get 48% of the vote no matter who they run. The GOP will get 45% of the vote no matter who they run. It's that 7% in the middle that will make the difference...

One that might ask itself, 'Can we really put up with four more years of Trump's crazy?"

In 2016 God heard our prayers and ran Hillary, and we know what happened. Trump won a convincing EC victory.
In 2008 no matter who the GOP ran, chimp and bozo had the economy so fucked up no matter who the dems ran was going to win.
Dick Army deregulated the banks and that was a disaster.

1. Trump is not going to get bloodied at trial, he committed no impeachable crime, we saw the Mueller and Ukraine non-crimes already, and now the GOP is energized
2. During the impeachment trial, the democrats will get bloodied. Just imagine the following witness list: Schiff, Ciaramella, Chalupa, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, Komrads Brennan and Clapper and the rest of the coup plotters.
3. Don't forget that many of the democrats will get indicted from Barr, Huber and Durham, its coming.
4. If you like Biden you need to understand that he is vulnerable to Hunter Biden's plundering of the Ukraine (Burisma) and China, i.e. follow the money and see who gets indicted.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360

The new reality is that Trump is taking some of the black vote in 2020, they like peace and prosperity.
In 2018 the democrats won the House by the MSM blaring that Trump will be indicted by Mueller, total propaganda.
In 2020 the democrats either run a socialist or split the party and lose energy.
The progressive wing doesn't like old white Biden, or old white billionaires.
I firmly believe the Democrats won the House
because they attributed the chaos they were causing on Trump
and proclaimed the only way to restore civility and normalcy
was with them...they were the only ones and would do so

That's what people wanted then and still do, more than ever
Dimms, just a thought here.

Run a better candidate in 2020 and win the electoral college.

Stop trying to overturn 2016. Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election. HILLARY LOST FAIR AND SQUARE. GET OVER IT.
Democrats just don't get it. They think they can railroad this impeachment farce through and the people will all say AHA! But the people won't be happy in the least with a party that trivially brings up such a proceeding and then does it in secret. The Dems obviously have no clue what they're going to do on impeachment which means there are no solid reasons for impeachment. After they take a couple weeks trying to figure out a defendable reason for impeachment and they meet with their media butt boys to make sure they'll run interference with fake news, only then will they vote for impeachment. The problem for them is, they already showed their cards and reasonable people aren't buying it. You can count on Democrats making quite a few changes to their socialist-communist platform when they see the people are against them. They'll make believe they were always pro worker pro taxpayer populists as they go forward but that will all be a charade. They will all still want reparations, open borders, sanctuary cities, free college for everyone, debt forgiveness, green deal, medicare for all and amnesty for everyone to name a few of their sacred ideals. Those things aren't changing no matter what they say. And don't forget how much they hate billionaires even though they will nominate one. Hypocrites
Democrats just don't get it. They think they can railroad this impeachment farce through and the people will all say AHA! But the people won't be happy in the least with a party that trivially brings up such a proceeding and then does it in secret. The Dems obviously have no clue what they're going to do on impeachment which means there are no solid reasons for impeachment. After they take a couple weeks trying to figure out a defendable reason for impeachment and they meet with their media butt boys to make sure they'll run interference with fake news, only then will they vote for impeachment. The problem for them is, they already showed their cards and reasonable people aren't buying it. You can count on Democrats making quite a few changes to their socialist-communist platform when they see the people are against them. They'll make believe they were always pro worker pro taxpayer populists as they go forward but that will all be a charade. They will all still want reparations, open borders, sanctuary cities, free college for everyone, debt forgiveness, green deal, medicare for all and amnesty for everyone to name a few of their sacred ideals. Those things aren't changing no matter what they say. And don't forget how much they hate billionaires even though they will nominate one. Hypocrites
Should all presidents get a free pass on using taxpayer money to extort personal favors or just Trump? Farce your ass. There were serious crimes committed and if you`ve watched any of the testimony you would know that.
Ironically, Trump may end-up being single-handedly responsible for a shift towards socialism in the United States.


Because he is sssooooo corrupt and dangerous to the Republic that many folks would rather vote for a fence post than vote for Trump.

So, if a pseudo-socialist gets the nod at the Democratic National Convention, well, that's still a notch or two above a fence post. :21:

A large and bold font doesn't win the debate.
1. US voters will never vote for socialism, where some people are always more equal than others, and "Lois Lerner" is in-charge of your access to your government controlled single-payer healthcare.
2. You call Trump corrupt without listing one crime, because there aren't any crimes, so Trump has 2020 all but locked-up
3. You keep disparaging Trump with no evidence. In 2020 Trump will have an excellent record of peace and prosperity to run on, and the democrats will have socialism to run on.
4. In case you forgot about 2016, when Trump had the MSM, the democrats, the DOJ & FBI, and the Never-Trumpers to run against, when Hillary had a 93% probability of winning, Trump had no way to 270 EC votes, WTF happened???

That video will NEVER get old!
n 2016 God heard our prayers and ran Hillary, and we know what happened. Trump won a convincing EC victory.

God ran out of Locust?

Look, guy, I know you are all in a cult now...
Dimms, just a thought here.

Run a better candidate in 2020 and win the electoral college.

Stop trying to overturn 2016. Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election. HILLARY LOST FAIR AND SQUARE. GET OVER IT.

Col. Anus, Trump still broke the law.

You guys tried to impeach Clinton over a FUCKING BLOW JOB 20 years ago.

Trump's collusion with Russia and Bribery of the Ukraine is a lot more serious than getting a blow job from an intern.

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