Democrats are pretending the cities aren’t burning

I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.

They most certainly do not "own" the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act, nor were they "passed by Democrats". I will never understand how or why you leftists think that because you jump on the bandwagon of basic humanity 100 years after everyone else, you now get to claim you've been the driver all along.

Let's review.

The main reason the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were needed was Jim Crow, legally-imposed segregation and discrimination in the Southern states. Refresh my memory, which political party controlled those states? That's right, the only way the Democrats "own" those two acts is by instituting the evil they were needed to fight.

The Democrats held the majority in both the House and the Senate. When the bill that became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in the House, it received 78% of the Republican votes . . . and only 60% of the Democrat votes.

When the bill moved to the Senate, it passed with 82% of the Republican votes . . . and 69% of the Democrat.

The Senate version was sent back to the House and received 76% of the Republican vote . . . and 60% of the Democrat.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who knows history - and arithmetic - that far from being the champions of civil rights, Democrats had to be dragged to them kicking and screaming. So fuck off with your attempts to appropriate history for yourself.

You answered your own question.

"The Democrats held the majority in both the House and the Senate." They also held the Presidency. Furthermore students of history know it was a North South issue again with the North winning again as well.

The House of Representatives:
  • Northern: 281–32 (90–10%)
  • Southern: 8–94 (8–92%)
    • Southern Democrats: 8–87 (7–93%) (four Representatives from Texas, two from Tennessee, Claude Pepper of Florida and Charles L. Weltner of Georgia voted in favor)
    • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
    • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
    • Northern Republicans: 138–24
The Senate:[26]
  • Northern: 72–6 (92–8%)
  • Southern: 1–21 (5–95%) (Ralph Yarborough of Texaswas the only southerner to vote in favor in the Senate)

I didn't ask a question, shitforbrains. I made a statement: Democrats don't own something they fought against for over a hundred years and had to have forced on them in the end simply because they had a numerical majority even after over a third of their party STILL refused to accept it.

Democrats are not the party of civil rights. They never have been, and at the rate they're going, they never will be. They always have been and always will be the party of treating minorities like property and tools to be used for their own benefit.

No matter how much glitter you dump on a pile of shit, it's still a pile of shit.

Sure you did. The Democrats turned on their former stronghold states and they became the party of Civil Rights. It's not glitter, it history no matter how much you Banana Republicans want to shit on it!

No, their former stronghold states turned on them, and they had to try to mask their racism and naked grasping for power as "civil rights". It's bullshit euphemisms, which you would know if you weren't a leftist robot, programmed to chant the party line without a single original thought.

Keep on thrashing for a way to feel good about supporting racists and liars. Your attempt to find the right buzzwords to pretend you're a good person is funny.
Kkkers that dude hangs with
I have no sympathy for these lib mayors and governors who allow this and have the spine of a jellyfish to stop this inequity and lawlessness. Burn baby burn! It will get worse.
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I agree, Biden should be out everyday countering the Trumpy narrative. Protesters have rights to protest. Rioters do not have the right to riot. De-fund choke holds not the PDs.

Biden SHOULD be out every day countering Trump's narrative, since that's what a living candidate would do. But how's he supposed to do that? You've nominated him to represent a party full of ignorant, violent savages, and the only choices he has for countering Trump's narrative - aka the truth - are either alienating the frothing mob of his party, or telling lies so blatantly ridiculous that they won't fool anyone who isn't already part of the aforementioned mob.

"Trump's narrative - aka the truth "

Hahaha. Is that one of them oxy-moronic thingies?

I'm not surprised you have to ask someone to explain what truth is. Rarer than unicorns on the left.

LOL, Again you fail to grasp it. It's the diametric opposite of Trumpybear, "the lying piece of shit" on one side and "the truth", on the other side.

"LOL" Again, you fail to grasp it. YOU are in no position to call anyone else a lying piece of shit. You have no credibility or authority on the subject of the truth, nor does anyone else in that infestation of diseased vermin that is the Democrat Party. You disagree with Trump? As far as I'm concerned, that alone makes him more believable.

Coming from a Banana Republican, such disparaging verbiage is a high complement, so thanks for that.

Coming from a supporter of the party of bigots, this continued scramble for moral standing is pathetic.

Call me if your party ever stops being evil, won't you?
No, their former stronghold states turned on them, and they had to try to mask their racism and naked grasping for power as "civil rights". It's bullshit euphemisms, which you would know if you weren't a leftist robot, programmed to chant the party line without a single original thought.
Ah, the civil rights movement was a mask for racism.

Does that make any sense to anyone rational human being?
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.
Oh, you were there in Watts in 1968?

I was in Southern CA back in 1968 with my parents to visit my brother in San Diego.
You could see the smoke from fires in L.A 150 miles away.
We drove up to L.A. afterwards and drove thru.....didn't see any burned buildings.
Blacks were just doing what they always do....burning down their neighborhoods.

The difference between then and now is in CA they were arresting people and keeping them in jail.
They're not doing that now. In some cities the Dems are just booking them and then letting them back out.

The whole time I lived in CA the only black/white violence was blacks attacking whites.
I was held up twice in 1981 when I was in college while working nights at a Shop & Rob. Listened to the police scanner, most 211s (Robbery) the suspect was a "Black Male".
Now in San many blacks have moved away that not many blacks are left.

In 2003 many of them were moving to Atlanta and other cities in the East.....because they were trying to get away from the flood of Hispanics pouring over the border.
I was in Compton in 1968. I was inside the perimeter when the National Guard had tanks rolling down Santa Fe Avenue.
No, their former stronghold states turned on them, and they had to try to mask their racism and naked grasping for power as "civil rights". It's bullshit euphemisms, which you would know if you weren't a leftist robot, programmed to chant the party line without a single original thought.
Ah, the civil rights movement was a mask for racism.

Does that make any sense to anyone rational human being?
Oh yes. Tell me this, why black ghettos in demofks cities only? The con was on! Walks like duck swims like a duck, it’s a duck
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.



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