Democrats are pretending the cities aren’t burning

Dems are broadcasting propaganda 24/7. Only weeks ago they claimed the 'protests' were peaceful. With the dead and injured piling up, burning of property at an all time high, blatant looting and riots Dems are in panic mode.

They've painted themselves into a corner once again, BL. The BLM assholes are far worse and more out of control than they expected. The rioting, mobs and violence is now working against the the democrats. But if they crack down on them now, they then risk being seen siding with Trump, vindicating his earlier actions and proving he was right all along!

What's hilarious is they are protesting against Democrats and demanding Dem mayors resign when the idiot Dems thought they would be protesting against Trump :auiqs.jpg:
don't they also have the police union paying them? how fking stupid are these fking idiots?

Really stupid. We got to watch the liberal Portland, OR mayor attend a protest to kiss the protestors ass. Instead they booed him, demanded he resign, then the Feds tear gassed him lmao and he ran away coughing with watering eyes. :auiqs.jpg:
Protesters against police brutality are indeed intolerant...

...of police brutality.

They march under the auspices of BLM. Sorry, I don't find a group that takes offense to the term "All Lives Matter", particularly tolerant. They are for anything an everything, particularly if it is perverse, except for those that disagree with them, in which case they steal, rob and beat.
it's obvious they want separation of races. can't call it anything else.

The entire Democratic Party is all about division, but the brainwashed Democratic electorate is, by and large, oblivious to this rather glaring fact.
so am I. they're just evil fks who hate human beings. huns anyone?
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I agree, Biden should be out everyday countering the Trumpy narrative. Protesters have rights to protest. Rioters do not have the right to riot. De-fund choke holds not the PDs.
It's too fucking hot in Houston to loot and riot.
We're waintn fer that ternader here! LOL

It's seems amusing to me that Portland is somehow "Americas city." I mean seriously. Portland was a comedy/reality show.

I still suppose it's possible that Trump can sell his dystopian vision of America. I regularly chat with my friends and family in Philly, Den and LA …. and there is a dystopian outlook, but its based on corvid. And if you believe the polls at all, middle America agrees that cops need to be retrained if not repurposed. Not many of them are bent upon assault and homicide but choking people to death and shooting them in the backs is just not ok. And when cops investigate cops, that seems to be the result most of the time.

It seems amusing to me that you think you can dismiss every place in the nation as "not America's city" whenever it suits your purpose and agenda. Please explain to me how and why Philadelphia, Denver, and LA are somehow more America than Portland, other than the fact that you know people there who will tell you what you want to hear. Last time I checked, Portland was just as much a part of the United States as any other city, and the residents just as much American citizens.

"If you believe the polls at all, you have to believe THESE polls, not the ones that disagree with me." How about not?

Vermin. Vile, scurrying, disease-carrying vermin. Literally the nicest thing I can honestly say about leftists these days. Like plague rats.
Portland is not America's city. LOL And you are reading challenged, and mentally bordering on paranoid.

I do think that some states, where its close, like Wisc could flip to the gop on this issue. But Wisc has had two unarmed and outnumbered black men injured by cops, with two separate riots. Brief, but still riots. Not like Watts in 68 or certainly not like DC, which still had physical scars in the early 90s. But people can get scared.
Protesters against police brutality are indeed intolerant...

...of police brutality.

They march under the auspices of BLM. Sorry, I don't find a group that takes offense to the term "All Lives Matter", particularly tolerant. They are for anything an everything, particularly if it is perverse, except for those that disagree with them, in which case they steal, rob and beat.
They would be marching for “all lives matter” but what they’re protesting is racial disparities in criminal justice.
The fires in Colorado that concern people are the wild fires.

Have your wet dreams, and enough people may join you. But the cities are not "burning." There are some idiots destroying property, but it ain't Watts in 1968 … no matter how much you want it to be.

Have your wet dreams, and enough leftists - I increasingly don't consider you vermin to be people - will join you. But the cities ARE burning, AND property is being destroyed, AND lives are being lost, and it certainly ain't Watts of the left's heyday . . . it's worse. Congratulations. You leftists have far outdone the previous pinnacle of when you were evil garbage. Take a bow.
Clearly you can see the smoke from your back porch. (you can get the front page of the Denver Post for free today, btw)

Well, I'm not a leftist - meaning I have a functioning brain - so I don't require my own personal city block of Phoenix, AZ, to be in ashes to be aware of what's going on in the rest of the nation. Neither do I require information to be on the front page of one specific newspaper in order to know it. Thank you for clarifying that YOU are that ignorant and oblivious.
Protesters against police brutality are indeed intolerant...

...of police brutality.

They march under the auspices of BLM. Sorry, I don't find a group that takes offense to the term "All Lives Matter", particularly tolerant. They are for anything an everything, particularly if it is perverse, except for those that disagree with them, in which case they steal, rob and beat.
it's obvious they want separation of races. can't call it anything else.
Hell yeah. They better stay out of my suburb. I'm voting TRUMP for property values. LOL

"Voting for Trump is silly, because it won't help this one narrow issue that I decided is the only thing to focus on, because it allows me to say voting for Trump is silly."

Do tell, plague rat: what issue are we supposed to vote for Biden on? Your party of diseased flea-carriers didn't see fit to make a single concrete, affirmative argument in favor of their candidate, so maybe you can. Mind you, I'm not holding my breath, but give it a shot. It should at least be funny to watch you attempting to ape a thinking human being.
Protesters against police brutality are indeed intolerant...

...of police brutality.

They march under the auspices of BLM. Sorry, I don't find a group that takes offense to the term "All Lives Matter", particularly tolerant. They are for anything an everything, particularly if it is perverse, except for those that disagree with them, in which case they steal, rob and beat.
They would be marching for “all lives matter” but what they’re protesting is racial disparities in criminal justice.
where's that at? I've been waiting for that disparity data but the whites get shot, killed and beaten up more than them. so where is it at? why aren't you smart enough to post that one fine data point?
Last edited:
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I agree, Biden should be out everyday countering the Trumpy narrative. Protesters have rights to protest. Rioters do not have the right to riot. De-fund choke holds not the PDs.

Biden SHOULD be out every day countering Trump's narrative, since that's what a living candidate would do. But how's he supposed to do that? You've nominated him to represent a party full of ignorant, violent savages, and the only choices he has for countering Trump's narrative - aka the truth - are either alienating the frothing mob of his party, or telling lies so blatantly ridiculous that they won't fool anyone who isn't already part of the aforementioned mob.
It's too fucking hot in Houston to loot and riot.
We're waintn fer that ternader here! LOL

It's seems amusing to me that Portland is somehow "Americas city." I mean seriously. Portland was a comedy/reality show.

I still suppose it's possible that Trump can sell his dystopian vision of America. I regularly chat with my friends and family in Philly, Den and LA …. and there is a dystopian outlook, but its based on corvid. And if you believe the polls at all, middle America agrees that cops need to be retrained if not repurposed. Not many of them are bent upon assault and homicide but choking people to death and shooting them in the backs is just not ok. And when cops investigate cops, that seems to be the result most of the time.

It seems amusing to me that you think you can dismiss every place in the nation as "not America's city" whenever it suits your purpose and agenda. Please explain to me how and why Philadelphia, Denver, and LA are somehow more America than Portland, other than the fact that you know people there who will tell you what you want to hear. Last time I checked, Portland was just as much a part of the United States as any other city, and the residents just as much American citizens.

"If you believe the polls at all, you have to believe THESE polls, not the ones that disagree with me." How about not?

Vermin. Vile, scurrying, disease-carrying vermin. Literally the nicest thing I can honestly say about leftists these days. Like plague rats.
Portland is not America's city. LOL And you are reading challenged, and mentally bordering on paranoid.

I do think that some states, where its close, like Wisc could flip to the gop on this issue. But Wisc has had two unarmed and outnumbered black men injured by cops, with two separate riots. Brief, but still riots. Not like Watts in 68 or certainly not like DC, which still had physical scars in the early 90s. But people can get scared.

Like I said, you clearly think "America's city" is just a designation of "This is what I've decided is important now, because people there tell me what I want to hear." If you don't like hearing your own posts repeated back to you without the lies, bullshit, and self-flattery, that's not me being reading-challenged; that's you being humanity-challenged.

Did you really just say, "I think Wisconsin could go to the GOP, but they're having riots now, so I think that'll make them vote Democrat?" Do you actually delude yourself that riots are helping you vermin, or that they represent people really getting behind the spreading of the disease of leftism?

Once again, losing yourself in memories of "We REALLY sucked and behaved like animals before, we're not nearly as violent and evil now" is not a winning debate point, quite aside from being totally inaccurate. Trust me, you really are far more of a blight on humanity now than you were then.
You keep pretending Republicans are bigots because you feel it.
Some sure are. You going to deny it?
not at all. *some* are in every fucking demographic out there.

are you going to deny that?
Nope. Never would.
so then what the fuck was the point of the argument? bored and just want to argue?

that shit gets old too. take the worst of the other side and make that a representative OF the other side and take the best of your side and say "this is US".

one of the best lines in a presidential speech i've ever heard - bush. go figure.
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I agree, Biden should be out everyday countering the Trumpy narrative. Protesters have rights to protest. Rioters do not have the right to riot. De-fund choke holds not the PDs.

Biden SHOULD be out every day countering Trump's narrative, since that's what a living candidate would do. But how's he supposed to do that? You've nominated him to represent a party full of ignorant, violent savages, and the only choices he has for countering Trump's narrative - aka the truth - are either alienating the frothing mob of his party, or telling lies so blatantly ridiculous that they won't fool anyone who isn't already part of the aforementioned mob.

"Trump's narrative - aka the truth "

Hahaha. Is that one of them oxy-moronic thingies?
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.

They most certainly do not "own" the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act, nor were they "passed by Democrats". I will never understand how or why you leftists think that because you jump on the bandwagon of basic humanity 100 years after everyone else, you now get to claim you've been the driver all along.

Let's review.

The main reason the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were needed was Jim Crow, legally-imposed segregation and discrimination in the Southern states. Refresh my memory, which political party controlled those states? That's right, the only way the Democrats "own" those two acts is by instituting the evil they were needed to fight.

The Democrats held the majority in both the House and the Senate. When the bill that became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in the House, it received 78% of the Republican votes . . . and only 60% of the Democrat votes.

When the bill moved to the Senate, it passed with 82% of the Republican votes . . . and 69% of the Democrat.

The Senate version was sent back to the House and received 76% of the Republican vote . . . and 60% of the Democrat.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who knows history - and arithmetic - that far from being the champions of civil rights, Democrats had to be dragged to them kicking and screaming. So fuck off with your attempts to appropriate history for yourself.
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I still think you're even dumber than Dementia Joe if you think going to one city and saying, "Look, no riots here, that means there are no riots anywhere in the whole country" is going to do anything but get him laughed at the same way you are.
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.

They most certainly do not "own" the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act, nor were they "passed by Democrats". I will never understand how or why you leftists think that because you jump on the bandwagon of basic humanity 100 years after everyone else, you now get to claim you've been the driver all along.

Let's review.

The main reason the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were needed was Jim Crow, legally-imposed segregation and discrimination in the Southern states. Refresh my memory, which political party controlled those states? That's right, the only way the Democrats "own" those two acts is by instituting the evil they were needed to fight.

The Democrats held the majority in both the House and the Senate. When the bill that became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in the House, it received 78% of the Republican votes . . . and only 60% of the Democrat votes.

When the bill moved to the Senate, it passed with 82% of the Republican votes . . . and 69% of the Democrat.

The Senate version was sent back to the House and received 76% of the Republican vote . . . and 60% of the Democrat.

I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who knows history - and arithmetic - that far from being the champions of civil rights, Democrats had to be dragged to them kicking and screaming. So fuck off with your attempts to appropriate history for yourself.

You answered your own question.

"The Democrats held the majority in both the House and the Senate." They also held the Presidency. Furthermore students of history know it was a North South issue again with the North winning again as well.

The House of Representatives:
  • Northern: 281–32 (90–10%)
  • Southern: 8–94 (8–92%)
    • Southern Democrats: 8–87 (7–93%) (four Representatives from Texas, two from Tennessee, Claude Pepper of Florida and Charles L. Weltner of Georgia voted in favor)
    • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
    • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
    • Northern Republicans: 138–24
The Senate:[26]
  • Northern: 72–6 (92–8%)
  • Southern: 1–21 (5–95%) (Ralph Yarborough of Texas was the only southerner to vote in favor in the Senate)
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
yeah... let me laugh

View attachment 379654

So you don't believe those things happened in 64 and 65 or changed the direction of the party, because some old codger joined the KKK in the 50's as a young man? It's not like he was a Grand Wizard or anything......

Yeah, I'm sure "It was a long time ago, and it's not like he had an important position with them" would totally work for you if the "codger" in question were a Republican.

How do you live with yourself, knowing you're such a hypocritical dirtbag?
I would argue most Democrats are bigots.
they own the kkk? did you forget that? mayor of Chiraq?

They also own the Civil Rights Act of 64 and voting rights act of 65. After those were passed by Democrats, the support for Democrats by the Racist KKK sort of dried up. After 50 year and more, I think the KKK type Support Donnie "I done more for Black folk than Abe Linclon" Trumpybear.
All he does is deflect disingenuously.

I still think Biden is missing an opportunity to visit some city like Denver and go "...… wait, no riots. Don't worry. Your city will do it's job and if there's any question, YOUR federal govt is here to make sure questions get answered."

I agree, Biden should be out everyday countering the Trumpy narrative. Protesters have rights to protest. Rioters do not have the right to riot. De-fund choke holds not the PDs.

Biden SHOULD be out every day countering Trump's narrative, since that's what a living candidate would do. But how's he supposed to do that? You've nominated him to represent a party full of ignorant, violent savages, and the only choices he has for countering Trump's narrative - aka the truth - are either alienating the frothing mob of his party, or telling lies so blatantly ridiculous that they won't fool anyone who isn't already part of the aforementioned mob.

"Trump's narrative - aka the truth "

Hahaha. Is that one of them oxy-moronic thingies?

I'm not surprised you have to ask someone to explain what truth is. Rarer than unicorns on the left.

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