Democrats attack freedom of the press and Journalists.

Taibbi is one of the best journalists around. I am disappointed he joined in the dog and pony show though.

Write about it Matt, don't participate in it.
That heating is a travesty. They Dems are disgusting fascists. They absolutely attack decorated LEGIT JOURNALISTS.
That's Free Speech ... we can say almost anything we want ... or do you only want to allow speech you agree with? ... typical conservative, only wants rights for themselves and no one else ... such a shame ...

Mainstream media will report what the money says to report ... capitalism ... or are you some kind of Bolshevik who thinks press needs controlled? ...
That's Free Speech ... we can say almost anything we want ... or do you only want to allow speech you agree with? ... typical conservative, only wants rights for themselves and no one else ... such a shame ...

Mainstream media will report what the money says to report ... capitalism ... or are you some kind of Bolshevik who thinks press needs controlled? ...
free speech and the 1st amendment are two different things,,

Absolutely sickening. The main stream press is allowing this to happen because they are supporting the dems. Can you imagine the shit storm if republicans said or did what these democrats did?
Republicans criticize journalists all the time. What rock have you been living under?
Yet... MSNBC backed everyone of these politicians in the last election.
And will back every single one of them again the next election.
You can't make this shit up.
I am willing to bet anyone $10,000 that if Biden somehow actually won again, and the Democrats somehow retook the house - we will see the formation of a information minister'ish position.
They almost got it done last year.
That heating is a travesty. They Dems are disgusting fascists. They absolutely attack decorated LEGIT JOURNALISTS.
So did Trump but you cared not.
On Twitter, President Trump deployed the phrase “fake news” 273 times this year — 50 percent more often than he did in 2018. He demanded “retribution” over a “Saturday Night Live” sketch, declared that Washington Post reporters “shouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the White House,” and accused The New York Times of “Treason.”

Trump admin secretly seized phone records of reporters to ...

Republic World › ... › US News

Jun 4, 2021 — The US Justice Department under Donald Trump had secretly seized the phone records of four New York Times reporters over four months in 2017 ...

Biden is doing the same shit that Trump did no difference.


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So did Trump but you cared not.
On Twitter, President Trump deployed the phrase “fake news” 273 times this year — 50 percent more often than he did in 2018. He demanded “retribution” over a “Saturday Night Live” sketch, declared that Washington Post reporters “shouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the White House,” and accused The New York Times of “Treason.”

Trump admin secretly seized phone records of reporters to ...

View attachment 764973
Republic World › ... › US News

Jun 4, 2021 — The US Justice Department under Donald Trump had secretly seized the phone records of four New York Times reporters over four months in 2017 ...

Biden is doing the same shit that Trump did no difference.
DeSantis '24

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