Democrats backing away from Obamacare?

Sorry, but I don't see your point.

The point is that Social Security is not a "pay in to receive a ROI" program, as many people believe it to me. You are not "paying in." Your tax money is not being saved for your retirement. Your money is being taken via taxation and being given to someone else. Later on, if you collect benefits, it will be someone else's money which has been taken from them.

It is nothing more than a welfare system, where a special tax is being itemized on your payroll taxes. Everything else you believe about SS is all smoke and mirrors.
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.

and apparently you're just now taking offense to a post made 13 months ago.

and much has changed in that 13 months.
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.

and apparently you're just now taking offense to a post made 13 months ago.

and much has changed in that 13 months.
What has changed?
Miss the election of a president that says, "do it", and offers no other input but threats?

Miss your nap?
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?

Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition

OH WOW... So it happened to you bullshit artist and therefore IT HAPPENS to ALL 320 million Americans!
GEEZ maybe just maybe you dummy you made up the less then 1.5 million that according to the people that doing the insuring you dumb f...k...
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

Or were you one of those DUMB f..ks... that make up the Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment supposedly the
insurance for pre-existing dummies like yOU!
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
I just can't understand how idiots like you thinking just because it happens to YOU it happens to EVERYONE! DUMMY! If everyone had a pre-existing condition NO one
would be insured! GEEZ how stupid some people like you really are!
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891

The fact is that there were tens of millions of people without insurance. Obamacare did succeed in covering millions more people. Voters recognize it has partially succeeded and also recognize that it needs to be fixed. They also realize that telling people to drop dead is not a answer.
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.

They are not backing away from it, they are going to say it doesn't go far enough.

Obamacare was the Dieppe raid. Single payer, DMV style health care is the upcoming Normandy Invasion they always wanted.

We can only hope.

Just keep being the lemming you are, right over the cliff.

Yeah access to affordable healthcare for everyone will send us right over the cliff. Scary!!

Access to unaffordable heath insurance but no access to health CARE because of the 5K deductible looming.
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition

OH WOW... So it happened to you bullshit artist and therefore IT HAPPENS to ALL 320 million Americans!
GEEZ maybe just maybe you dummy you made up the less then 1.5 million that according to the people that doing the insuring you dumb f...k...
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

Or were you one of those DUMB f..ks... that make up the Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment supposedly the
insurance for pre-existing dummies like yOU!
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
I just can't understand how idiots like you thinking just because it happens to YOU it happens to EVERYONE! DUMMY! If everyone had a pre-existing condition NO one
would be insured! GEEZ how stupid some people like you really are!
Oh they'll insure your dumb ass but they won't cover your pre existing conditions
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition

OH WOW... So it happened to you bullshit artist and therefore IT HAPPENS to ALL 320 million Americans!
GEEZ maybe just maybe you dummy you made up the less then 1.5 million that according to the people that doing the insuring you dumb f...k...
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

Or were you one of those DUMB f..ks... that make up the Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment supposedly the
insurance for pre-existing dummies like yOU!
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
I just can't understand how idiots like you thinking just because it happens to YOU it happens to EVERYONE! DUMMY! If everyone had a pre-existing condition NO one
would be insured! GEEZ how stupid some people like you really are!
Oh they'll insure your dumb ass but they won't cover your pre existing conditions
AND AGAIN!!! HOW MANY dummies like you do you think there are????
That's the point! NOT all Americans have had pre-existing conditions and in fact 155 million don't count as they are covered by their employers' insurance plans!
Only those few idiots like you that think EVERYTHING revolves around them think that!
My point which I guess keeps going over your head is that NOT everyone much less HALF of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions"!
As the above facts bore out, less then 115,000 signed up for Obamacare's supposed answer to Pre-existing conditions. I imagine you should have been one!
Last edited:
Democrats Begin the Long, Tortuous Retreat from Obamacare

According to the article, even Hillary has problems with it.
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891

The fact is that there were tens of millions of people without insurance. Obamacare did succeed in covering millions more people. Voters recognize it has partially succeeded and also recognize that it needs to be fixed. They also realize that telling people to drop dead is not a answer.
NO THERE WEREN"T tens of millions!
18 million didn't want health insurance!
10 million were illegals!
14 million just didn't sign up for Medicaid because of the gross stupidity of Obama administration!
That leaves of the supposedly 46 million less then 5 million!
NOT 46 million! And idiots like you believed the gigantic LIE.
NoW you don't believe that lawyers should be taxed 10% which would have paid the premium for the truly 5 million that are wanting insurance!
It was that simple. But you like most uninformed people never heard of how lawyers contribute to over $1 TRILLION a year in wasted health costs!
HERE read again the concept of "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE " and deal with reality!
It needs to be fixed. But notice after 6 years promising to get rid of Obamacare, Republicans FAILED.

Apparently they don't have that much of a problem with it right? I mean it is still the law of the land.
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition

OH WOW... So it happened to you bullshit artist and therefore IT HAPPENS to ALL 320 million Americans!
GEEZ maybe just maybe you dummy you made up the less then 1.5 million that according to the people that doing the insuring you dumb f...k...
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

Or were you one of those DUMB f..ks... that make up the Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment supposedly the
insurance for pre-existing dummies like yOU!
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
I just can't understand how idiots like you thinking just because it happens to YOU it happens to EVERYONE! DUMMY! If everyone had a pre-existing condition NO one
would be insured! GEEZ how stupid some people like you really are!
Oh they'll insure your dumb ass but they won't cover your pre existing conditions
AND AGAIN!!! HOW MANY dummies like you do you think there are????
That's the point! NOT all Americans have had pre-existing conditions and in fact 155 million don't count as they are covered by their employers' insurance plans!
Only those few idiots like you that think EVERYTHING revolves around them think that!
My point which I guess keeps going over your head is that NOT everyone much less HALF of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions"!
As the above facts bore out, less then 115,000 signed up for Obamacare's supposed answer to Pre-existing conditions. I imagine you should have been one!
They don't have pre existing conditions now because insurance companies aren't allowed.

You're a stooge for the insurance companies. How much do they pay you?
A part of the problem is EVEN conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend the enormity of the LIE that there were "46 million uninsured Americans" that
Obama used to pass ACA. Or are conservatives like Rush don't seem to comprehend that there never were "half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" again a lie
told by Obama and again still believed to this day even by conservatives.
Unless someone can prove to me differently PLEASE read the below and explain to me where the 46 million or half of all Americans are?
View attachment 141888

View attachment 141891
Bullshit. I was once told something I had wouldn't be covered for something because I had it before. If you've been to the doctor for anything you have a pre existing condition

OH WOW... So it happened to you bullshit artist and therefore IT HAPPENS to ALL 320 million Americans!
GEEZ maybe just maybe you dummy you made up the less then 1.5 million that according to the people that doing the insuring you dumb f...k...
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

Or were you one of those DUMB f..ks... that make up the Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment supposedly the
insurance for pre-existing dummies like yOU!
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
I just can't understand how idiots like you thinking just because it happens to YOU it happens to EVERYONE! DUMMY! If everyone had a pre-existing condition NO one
would be insured! GEEZ how stupid some people like you really are!
Oh they'll insure your dumb ass but they won't cover your pre existing conditions
AND AGAIN!!! HOW MANY dummies like you do you think there are????
That's the point! NOT all Americans have had pre-existing conditions and in fact 155 million don't count as they are covered by their employers' insurance plans!
Only those few idiots like you that think EVERYTHING revolves around them think that!
My point which I guess keeps going over your head is that NOT everyone much less HALF of all Americans have "pre-existing conditions"!
As the above facts bore out, less then 115,000 signed up for Obamacare's supposed answer to Pre-existing conditions. I imagine you should have been one!
They don't have pre existing conditions now because insurance companies aren't allowed.

You're a stooge for the insurance companies. How much do they pay you?

And you are a first class ignorant person!
Obviously you never heard of this component of Obamacare!
Now ACA had the following plan:Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP),
a high-risk insurance program established as a bridge between pre-Obamacare coverage and the establishment of its exchanges.

This was incredibly generous insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, far more generous than previously established high-risk pools.
There were no exclusions, no waiting periods to sign up, deductibles were as low as $1,000, and out-of-pocket maximums were less than $6,500.
I am sure many of the healthiest people reading this article wish they could get a policy like that today, let alone a person who has a serious condition in need of immediate treatment.
Yet only 115,000 people took advantage of this offer, at its highest level of enrollment.
That, again, seems like far less than 27 percent of the population, KFF.
Therefore, on the very high-end, we are talking about 1 million people, almost all of them older than 18 (since those younger than that are covered by Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, depending on family income).

That’s also if all of these conditions are met in the maximum number of cases, meaning the true number of people to be affected will probably
be less than half a million people. While it is terrible that it’s still that many people, you are probably only looking at 0.5 of the adult U.S. population facing any chance of a potential insurance issue.
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans

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