Democrats Bear Responsibility For The Actions Of Every One Of Their Supporters

Who is more responsible for Charlottesville?

  • Total voters
what about actual Bears? i mean, dont Bears Bare Arms too?
maybe we will get to see all of these bears in combat this weekend. hopefully they wont be wearing red hats.
The media is trying great to blame Trump for the actions of one person they assume supported Trump.

If that's the case then Democrats are responsible for every violent act or every illegal act of every one of their supporters.
you are creating blame for the actions of a few yourself.
How about ALL of you hacks drop it and we blame who is actually RESPONSIBLE?
Like the governor and Mayor, I agree those turkeys need to go to jail.
These things always seem to happen wherever Democrats are in control.

VIDEO: Democrat Virginia Governor and Chancellorsville mayor raise violent antifa flag - Geller Report


The media is trying great to blame Trump for the actions of one person they assume supported Trump.

If that's the case then Democrats are responsible for every violent act or every illegal act of every one of their supporters.
you are creating blame for the actions of a few yourself.
How about ALL of you hacks drop it and we blame who is actually RESPONSIBLE?

I notice his poll has "Democrats" (but not "Republicans", not that either one is relevant) and also "Hillary", a person who has AFAIK no involvement (or political office) at all.

Also notice nothing on the list about "James Fields".
Here's why:

  • Democrats support Antifa.
  • Republicans don't support White Nationalists.
And if you think Hillary hasn't had a hand in the Antifa movement, calling for RESISTANCE to everything Trump does, you must be putting your head in the sand.

Reeeeaally. So ---- Rump was in Charlottesville?


This is him at the wheel of the Dodge, right? Look at him brace for impact...

Now OP, you've had the spelling of your title corrected.

That's gonna cost you the porn-search audience.

Certainly the only reason I clicked in here........
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?
The media is trying great to blame Trump for the actions of one person they assume supported Trump.

If that's the case then Democrats are responsible for every violent act or every illegal act of every one of their supporters.

Name the media doing so and I will look, the NeoNazis and KKK are not of Trump's doing.
By far, the guy who drove the car.

Then, zealots who are only capable of screaming, not communicating.
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.
The media is trying great to blame Trump for the actions of one person they assume supported Trump.

If that's the case then Democrats are responsible for every violent act or every illegal act of every one of their supporters.

this is what you sound like...


I don't associate the pig neo-fascists with mainstream GOP.

The real republicans have shown their American colors by condemning evil and not making the same retarded false equivalency trumpy did.
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.

Technically that's just about the most stupid thing you've ever posted.

I didn't think you could prove yourself any more ignorant, I was wrong.
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.
and what was the total if we didnt include California? Trump wins by 14 Million Votes?
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.
and what was the total if we didnt include California? Trump wins by 14 Million Votes?

Eliminate Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and most of Texas then.
why Hillary lost by 8 Million votes? maybe its because the 75 Million People who voted for Trump see all Democrats as KKK symposizers?

Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.
and what was the total if we didnt include California? Trump wins by 14 Million Votes?

Eliminate Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and most of Texas then.
and Guam
Uh, Clinton received 2.9 million MORE votes actually. Not a huge difference and Trump won the electoral college. Small states do have impact.
i dont consider California as a state anymore
Technically CA is a 3rd world country now after decades of Democrats control.
and what was the total if we didnt include California? Trump wins by 14 Million Votes?

Eliminate Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and most of Texas then.
and Guam

Most of North Florida would be unnecessary, but we have the Oseola forest, Suwanneee river, and other beautiful sections of nature.
Blog: Something stinks about Charlottesville

August 17, 2017
Something stinks about Charlottesville
By Russ Vaughn
Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone's face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a former Barack Obama supporter. I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here.

I've been suspicious of the nature of the violence at this supposed Alt-Right demonstration since the news first began breaking. It is no secret that radical elements in the Democrat left have been routinely utilizing violence when it suits their purposes. We also know via secret tapings by Project Veritas that the Democratic Party has a semi-official director of dirty ops, Dick Creamer, who hires, trains, and emplaces professional disruptors to encounter, engage, and infiltrate conservative demonstrations to foment violence, assuring that the demonstrations then become the targets of negative media attention – naturally, against the conservative side. Creamer was caught on videotape boasting about his nefarious capabilities when he thought he was in friendly company.

So here we now have another blown supposedly conservative demonstration, where violence erupts and people are killed, and guess who just happens to be a ringleader of the various ultra-right to Alt-Right organizations ranging from KKK and neo-Nazis to the kind of patriotic folks who might go to a Flag Day celebration! Um, that would be our vaporous political will o' the wisp, Jason Kessler, whose Occupy activities may well have put him in operational cahoots with high-level Democrat operatives. And owing to the leniency of Virginia open carry laws, too many of Jason's followers just had to parade their personal armories in all their camo combat gear, showing off their minuteman firepower. My first reaction at seeing those clowns strutting down the street like they were in Mosul was, like that of many of my fellow NRA members and military veterans, shaking my fist and yelling at the TV, "No! No! No, you idiots! No!" And that kind of award-winning stupidity makes me wonder if the head planner for the event, Jason, Kessler, didn't have that firepower demonstration all lined up and ready to go precisely to make those right-wing tools look just like the fools they were being, while scaring the bejeezus out of the lefties, blacks, and MSM twerps.

There's still not enough evidence on the actual violence, other than the schizophrenic kid who ran over the woman, to make any kind of assessment as to who did what in the confrontations between the right-wing demonstrators and the surprisingly strong counter-demonstration. I have to wonder if this Kessler fellow, strong Barack Obama-supporter that he is, had a hand in making sure his Alt-Right marchers were clearly guaranteed to encounter a strong crowd of riled up counter-protesters as well. The reporting of Kessler's background, as well as that of Charlottesville mayor and Democrat activist Mike Signer and Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy, has convinced me that Charlottesville was a Democratic Party black operation, planned, organized, and carried out to its successful conclusion, to make the media portray all these conservative whites as stupid, racist, and violent. I believe that it was done by this soulless young man, who succeeded in selling himself to the dumb-bunny right-wingers as one of them.

Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone's face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a former Barack Obama supporter. I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here.

I've been suspicious of the nature of the violence at this supposed Alt-Right demonstration since the news first began breaking. It is no secret that radical elements in the Democrat left have been routinely utilizing violence when it suits their purposes. We also know via secret tapings by Project Veritas that the Democratic Party has a semi-official director of dirty ops, Dick Creamer, who hires, trains, and emplaces professional disruptors to encounter, engage, and infiltrate conservative demonstrations to foment violence, assuring that the demonstrations then become the targets of negative media attention – naturally, against the conservative side. Creamer was caught on videotape boasting about his nefarious capabilities when he thought he was in friendly company.

So here we now have another blown supposedly conservative demonstration, where violence erupts and people are killed, and guess who just happens to be a ringleader of the various ultra-right to Alt-Right organizations ranging from KKK and neo-Nazis to the kind of patriotic folks who might go to a Flag Day celebration! Um, that would be our vaporous political will o' the wisp, Jason Kessler, whose Occupy activities may well have put him in operational cahoots with high-level Democrat operatives. And owing to the leniency of Virginia open carry laws, too many of Jason's followers just had to parade their personal armories in all their camo combat gear, showing off their minuteman firepower. My first reaction at seeing those clowns strutting down the street like they were in Mosul was, like that of many of my fellow NRA members and military veterans, shaking my fist and yelling at the TV, "No! No! No, you idiots! No!" And that kind of award-winning stupidity makes me wonder if the head planner for the event, Jason, Kessler, didn't have that firepower demonstration all lined up and ready to go precisely to make those right-wing tools look just like the fools they were being, while scaring the bejeezus out of the lefties, blacks, and MSM twerps.

There's still not enough evidence on the actual violence, other than the schizophrenic kid who ran over the woman, to make any kind of assessment as to who did what in the confrontations between the right-wing demonstrators and the surprisingly strong counter-demonstration. I have to wonder if this Kessler fellow, strong Barack Obama-supporter that he is, had a hand in making sure his Alt-Right marchers were clearly guaranteed to encounter a strong crowd of riled up counter-protesters as well. The reporting of Kessler's background, as well as that of Charlottesville mayor and Democrat activist Mike Signer and Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy, has convinced me that Charlottesville was a Democratic Party black operation, planned, organized, and carried out to its successful conclusion, to make the media portray all these conservative whites as stupid, racist, and violent. I believe that it was done by this soulless young man, who succeeded in selling himself to the dumb-bunny right-wingers as one of them.

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