Democrats' Big 2020 Problem

Polling was spot on in the last election

Showed an electorate moving to the left
It showed O'Rourke beating Cruz. Cruz won. It showed Gillum Beating DeSantis. DeSantis won. It showed Nelson beating Scott. Scott won.
Here are the leading dems for 2020. Biden by 20 points?! I don't see Oprah? The top two are old white guys, so scratch them. Scratch Warren and her 1/1024 problem. Scratch Kerry, another white guy. That leaves Kamala, Spartacus, Bloomberg$$$$$$$$, Beto, and Holder. Plus possibly Oprah$$$$$$$$. If the economy is doing well in 2020 none of them have a prayer, its history, like the dems winning seats in the 2018 midterm.

New poll shows Biden leading Democratic 2020 hopefuls
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 33%
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 13%
  • Sen. Kamala Harris: 9%
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 8%
  • Sen. Cory Booker: 5%
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry: 5%
  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 4%
  • Rep. Beto O'Rourke: 4%
  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder: 3%
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: 2%
  • Attorney Michael Avenatti: 1%
  • Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: 1%
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar: 1%
  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick: 1%
You forgot the highest % choice >> None of the above. :doubt:
You're too late. I don't remember now. But it was just something I saw on one of the TV news channels.

Besides that, it's history. I'd rather talk about the ongoing CURRENT events of the Senate race in Arizona, with ballots still being counted. They keep counting them and the Democrat's (Sinema) lead keeps getting bigger, day by day.

This has SCAM written all over it, and I'll give you a link for that one if requested.
Polling was spot on in the last election

Showed an electorate moving to the left
It showed O'Rourke beating Cruz. Cruz won. It showed Gillum Beating DeSantis. DeSantis won. It showed Nelson beating Scott. Scott won.
Actually it didn’t

Polling indicated Cruz had a comfortable lead. Beto pulled within two percent
The Florida elections are in a recount
Polls showed they were close races
Not only do they not have a candidate, they promised to embark on a scorched earth series of Kavanaugh like hearings which are just going to piss the American People off.

We'll have a super majority in 2020 at the rate they are going.
Not only do they not have a candidate, they promised to embark on a scorched earth series of Kavanaugh like hearings which are just going to piss the American People off.

We'll have a super majority in 2020 at the rate they are going.

Just like a dozen Benghazi and email hearings turned off the voters in 2016
Just like a dozen Benghazi and email hearings turned off the voters in 2016
Those were hearing for good reasons, not like Democrat scammers in the Kavanaugh hearings.

Russia interfering with our elections is not a good reason?
It' s hoax. moron, No, hoaxes are not reasons/
No, no, no

You are supposed to say....Fake News and Witch Hunt
Those are also correct.
Lots of Democrats in USMB, in the media, and lots of other places have been saying just wait till 2020. Kind of like in major league baseball, the old saying used to be "wait till next year", after a team lost the world series.

Well, the Democrats can huff and puff all they want about Trump's approval rate, or any of his various scandals in whatever levels of truth or transparency. But the bottom line for Democrats in the next presidential election, is a big problem for them. That is that >> THEY DON'T HAVE A CANDIDATE.

In a new (Nov. 5-6) Hill.TV American Barometer poll, which surveyed 680 registered voters who identified themselves as Democrats or Independents, found that "none of the above" was the most popular choice among potential 2020 challengers to President Trump.

30% of the sample said they would prefer that "none of the above" become the Democratic nominee when asked to choose among former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (D), California Sen. Kamala Harris (D), former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

25% of respondents said Biden would be their preferred nominee. Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, came in second with 18%. Other candidates attracted even less support, with Cory Booker coming in last at 3%.

And all this is in contrast to an approximately 90% approval rate from Republicans for President Trump, setting up a Spring 2020 without any Republican primary, with Republicans sitting on the sidelines watching the Democrats beating each other to pulps in primary debates, while taking notes. That is, if the Democrats come up with anybody to actually run in those primaries. :biggrin:

‘None of the above’ tops list of potential 2020 Dems, poll shows

1. You can't expect any serious contenders to declare their running until 2019.

2. The primary to select a candidate does not start until early 2020.

3. Anyone with a (D) next their name will beat Trump

4. Trump's victory in 2016 was a WEAK one. He lost the popular vote, and barley won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

5. Trump can't win Michigan Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania again because Democrats will double down with money and campaigning in those Blue States. They won't make the mistake of neglecting them like they did in 2016.

6. Trump's average approval rating is 40% in the GALLUP poll, the worst AVERAGE approval rating of any President in history.

7. The highest approval rating Trump has ever had is 45%. He has only had that in a couple of weeks over the past two years. HIs best approval rating, 45%, is too low to be re-elected President.

8. There are no other states Trump can win, they he did not win in 2016, to make up for the loss of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

9. Trumps only hope in 2020 is a progressive independent 3rd party candidate that takes votes away from the Democratic candidate. Barring that, he can't be re-elected.
1. You can't expect any serious contenders to declare their running until 2019.

2. The primary to select a candidate does not start until early 2020.

3. Anyone with a (D) next their name will beat Trump

4. Trump's victory in 2016 was a WEAK one. He lost the popular vote, and barley won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

5. Trump can't win Michigan Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania again because Democrats will double down with money and campaigning in those Blue States. They won't make the mistake of neglecting them like they did in 2016.

6. Trump's average approval rating is 40% in the GALLUP poll, the worst AVERAGE approval rating of any President in history.

7. The highest approval rating Trump has ever had is 45%. He has only had that in a couple of weeks over the past two years. HIs best approval rating, 45%, is too low to be re-elected President.

8. There are no other states Trump can win, they he did not win in 2016, to make up for the loss of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

9. Trumps only hope in 2020 is a progressive independent 3rd party candidate that takes votes away from the Democratic candidate. Barring that, he can't be re-elected.
1. FALSE! Some already have >> West Virginia state Sen. Richard Ojeda, Maryland Rep. John Delaney, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New jersey Senator Cory Booker, California Sen. Kamala Harris, Montana Governor Steve Bullock

2. So what ? Nobody sees any need to wait >> Why wait? Democrats openly flirt with 2020 White House bids

3. Anybody ? How about Hillary ? LOL. Trump will beat any of these nobodies, but everybody is free to speculate.

4. He lost "the popular vote" ? But not the AMERICAN popular vote. illegal alien deportations have been quietly going on at a consistent and rapid pace. Lots of 2016 alien votes won't be here for 2020.

5. And if you think Trump can't win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, this might change your mind >>> Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

6/7. Last number I saw was 47%, but polls are strongly skewed to favor Democrats. That's because Republicans don't respond to polls. They see them as part of the enemy media. This causes Democrats to overestimate their popularity. Remember the 2016 "victory" party for Hillary Clinton ? :biggrin: Looks like Democrats still don't get it.

8. Trump won't lose Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. His tariff policies have strengthed his hold over those states, making him even more able to win them in 2020, than in 2016. In case you didn't read the link, here it is again >> Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

9. Don't bet your house on 2020. :rolleyes-41:
Biden would seem to be the safe choice. Trump has ceded college educated white women and suburbs unless the dems run someone as bad as Hillary/McGovern again. I'd say Carter too, but Trump is no Reagan. The last election even saw gop support weakening among white college educated men.

Republicans used redistricting to build a wall around the House. Trump just tore it down.

2018 exit polls show greater white Democratic support

The dems have to have high black turnout esp in states like Wisc, Mich, Pa and OH, but I just don't know if Harris or Booker will really play well in the burbs. Neither has the biracial story of Obama, which frankly still seems compelling to me. And both are coming from states that it's pretty impossible for the dems to carry even if they were to run the carcass of McGovern.

Simply put the dems have to double down on Trumps dummying down of the gop with educated whites, they have to energize minorities, and whatever blue collar white support they can skim off the top is just gravy.

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