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Democrats block amendment to prevent Fairness Doctrine

Sean is more reliable the you - that is a fact

You twist, turn, and outright lie so much

you didn't even hear the show. how can you possibly tell me what hannity said?

Do you have any idea how absolutely foolish you look?

Not only did you not even hear the show, you try to tell me that an american corporation COWERS in fear before a movement that can make them even more money.

Give this up. really.
you didn't even hear the show. how can you possibly tell me what hannity said?

Do you have any idea how absolutely foolish you look?

Not only did you not even hear the show, you try to tell me that an american corporation COWERS in fear before a movement that can make them even more money.

Give this up. really.

If I have a choice between taking your word on what Sena said, and what I know about Sean and how he presents the facts

Sean wins everytime

You are a master at lying about and twisting other people words
again: you didn't even hear the show and you are arguing with ME, who DID hear the show about what Hannity said.

no one but you would be so foolish.

and KC cowering still makes me laugh my ass off.
again: you didn't even hear the show and you are arguing with ME, who DID hear the show about what Hannity said.

no one but you would be so foolish.

and KC cowering still makes me laugh my ass off.

I know how you operate - enough said
I hope so. you really look pretty fucking foolish telling me I am wrong about what Sean Hannity said when I heard the show and you didn't.

please don't say anymore.

:rofl: :rofl:

Can I help it if you are a lier and a hack

Who would take you at your word anyway?
Can I help it if you are a lier and a hack

Who would take you at your word anyway?

I don't care it you take my word or not. Just don't be so foolish as to try to tell me what Hannity said on a show that I heard and you did not. And do not continue to act as if you know a fucking thing about business.

Cowering????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

seriously... you can't make that shit up!
I don't care it you take my word or not. Just don't be so foolish as to try to tell me what Hannity said on a show that I heard and you did not. And do not continue to act as if you know a fucking thing about business.

Cowering????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

seriously... you can't make that shit up!

But you make it up everyday
But you make it up everyday

bullshit. I did not make up the fact that you are arguing with me about what Sean Hannity said on a show that I did hear and you did not.

I am not making up the fact that you suggest that an american corporation is "cowering" before the environmentalists when they produce a product that, no doubt was in the works long before Sheryl Crow made her silly little statemetn...and it was developed specifically to help businesses reduce the cost of their consumable paper products by forcing customers/consumers to use less shitpaper... a rather draconian, mean spirited, profit driven plan to say the least... and now they get to "sell" the very same product as "eco-friendly" It is a stroke of genius and I would not be surprised if Sheryl were on the Kimberly-Clark payroll as a marketing advisor.

Bottom line: industries do not "cower" in front of customer groups that can make them more money. They simply sell to them and laugh all the way to the bank.

Sean Hannity ascribing the Kimberly Clark product development to an "edict" from the "liberal nanny state" is not truth. It is spin and bullshit. I would have a lot more respect for Sean and for you if you both told it like it IS and applauded the market savvy product placement of Kimberly Clark to sell a product that simultaneously increases THEIR market penetration, decreases the costs to their business customers by limiting shitpaper use and cost, AND they can blow their own horns about it being "good for the environment"

That is the story here: innovation and opportunism on the part of American business. I applaud that. Sean should too. Instead, he tried to make it into a negative and claimed that this came about as a result of an EDICT from the liberal nanny STATE, when there was no edict from anyone, certainly not the state, and it was a brilliant marketing move on the part of a fairly well established mainline American corporation. That is good news.

"Cower" they did not!
It is all over for you libs to silence political speech you do not like

Fairness Doctrine hammered 309-115

By Alexander Bolton

June 28, 2007
The House voted overwhelmingly Thursday to prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from using taxpayer dollars to impose the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters who feature conservative radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

By a vote of 309-115, lawmakers amended the Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill to bar the FCC from requiring broadcasters to balance conservative content with liberal programming such as Air America.

The vote count was partly a testament to the influence that radio hosts wield in many congressional districts.

It was also a rebuke to Democratic senators and policy experts who have voiced support this week for regulating talk radio.

House Democrats argued that it was merely a Republican political stunt because there is little danger of the FCC restricting conservative radio while George W. Bush is president.

Republicans counter that they are worried about new regulations if a Democrat wins the White House in 2008.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said on Tuesday that the government should revive the Fairness Doctrine, a policy crafted in 1929 that required broadcasters to balance political content with different points of view.

“It’s time to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine,” he said. “I have this old-fashioned attitude that when Americans hear both sides of the story, they’re in a better position to make a decision.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee, said this week that she would review the constitutional and legal issues involved in re-establishing the doctrine.

Sen. John Kerry (Mass.), the Democratic Party’s 2004 presidential nominee, also said recently that the Fairness Doctrine should return.

Running from your distortions and twisting of other peoples words?


no...tell me again how Kimberly Clark "cowered"!

and you, yourself have said that you agreed with Sean's referring to this as an edict from the liberal nanny state. which words do you think I twisted and distorted? the ones you've already approved of?
Why Repugs Fear Media Fairness
The problem with conservatives is that they exist in a world of order, structure, and moral absolutes. Such primitive ideals preclude their tiny brains from comprehending the intellectual superiority of Liberal Talk Radio: a haven for moral relativism, logical fallacies, and hysterical hissy fits fueled by a thinly-veiled narcissistic loathing of the American people. As a result, the balance of political ideals among the dimwitted sheeple herd has lurched perilously to the right, and society is dangerously close to a return of the era of lynchings, cross burnings, and tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans.

Hate Radio proponents insist, of course, that it's all "market driven", and that the greedy broadcasting monopolies only air what people want to hear. That's exactly why it's all so damn UNFAIR. Given the choice between listening to John Kerry badmouth the troops or Sean Hannity badmouth John Kerry, the mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, radio-listening hordes will typically pick the latter. So while a Woman's Right to Choose is sacred, the right to choose what one listens to on the radio is far too important to be trusted to the American sheeple. To preserve our democracy and insure that Liberal ideas never fall victim to the whims of those that they are inflicted upon, we must reinstate the Doctrine of Fairness our Founding Fathers tacked onto the 1st Amendment.

How anyone could oppose something called a "Fairness Doctrine" is beyond me, but the anti-Fairness conservatives hate it almost as much as they hate blacks and gays. That's because deep down they know they can't compete on a Free & Open Market when it's content is controlled by a federal bureaucracy operated by liberals. But the tide is turning. Despite being constantly bombarded by right-wing lies, the imbecilic idgets overwhelmingly returned Congress to its rightful owners last year, and the White House is Hillary's for the taking. We approach the dawn of a A New Age of Fairness, my friends, where poisonous conservative opinions in the media are tempered with an equal portion of tasty liberal goodness.

For every minute Chickenhawk Hannity spends blubbering about how we should all "support the Troops", he will be required by the Rules of Fairness to spend an equal amount of time calling them babykillers and rapists. Every hour fatty pillpopper Rush devotes to attacking Hillary, he will be bound by law to spend another hour sweetly praising her, proudly endorsing her, and making nice comments about her hair.

The Fairness Doctrine would not be restricted to the realm of radio and TV media, either. For instance, high school commencement addresses that extolt the benefits of working hard and becoming financially independent must also encourage students to do lots of drugs, have lots of meaningless sex, and get Liberal Arts degrees. It's only fair.

To some, a Fairness Doctrine may seem like a vast government entity regulating the content of political speech is an infringement on our most basic civil liberties, but "Freedom of Speech" can only exist as long as the selfish pinhead masses are forced to listen to what progressives believe they need to hear, rather than what they want to hear.


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