Democrats cannot point to any Biden accomplishments, so they amplify TRUMP HATE

We were told Biden was the answer for everything wrong in the world in 2020.

So what has Biden accomplished?

Dems cannot find anything, so they are pushing DIVISION AND HATRED.

It is sad.
They did the same thing in 2020 while the vegetable hid in his basement. It was easier to find the secret documents, that he had no authority to possess, in his garage next to his Corvette than it was to find him.
So what has Biden accomplished?
In no particular order:

  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken thIe first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees
In no particular order:

  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken thIe first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees
Why no links?
In no particular order:

  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken thIe first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees

Don't forget "fucked up the border".

Baseless charges. Please link to just one criminal conviction. Would charging you with being a rapist, arsonist and murder make you guilty? That's right, this is the US, we believe you are innocent until proven guilty. Sorry your country doesn't believe that way---maybe you should return.

We were told Biden was the answer for everything wrong in the world in 2020.

So what has Biden accomplished?

Dems cannot find anything, so they are pushing DIVISION AND HATRED.

It is sad.
JoeBiden is a great president. Not just a good one. Not just a better choice than Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a historically great president.

Few presidents since FDR have faced the challenges and responded with the tactical success of Joe Biden.

And all of the below was done with the majority of Republicans believing he is an illegitimate president. Joe Biden isn't flawless (Border progress/Afghan withdrawal/mediocre speaker/age) and has his share of mistakes, gaffes, and missteps, but over the entirety of his administration he has delivered historic results within an era of historic challenges. He is owed some respect, even if he doesn't get your vote.

Post inspiration: Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President


  • An insurrectionist predecessorwho tried a coup and refused to participate in a peaceful transition of power for the first time in the history of our country
  • A worldwide once in a century pandemic that killed millions and disrupted the economy, lives, and culture of the country
  • A divided populace inflamed by social media culture warriors lacking perspective or nuance
  • An aggressive Russian dictator, the mortal enemy of democracy, freedom, and peace invading neighbors pushing to the edge of NATO
  • A Middle East teetering on war as a result of a savage terrorist attack


  • Economic turnaround that includes
    • Stock market highs rolling toward 40,000
    • Unemployment lows consistently in the 3%s
    • Record employment participation by 25-54 year olds
    • Record wages outpacing inflation from pre-covid levels
    • High wage growth rates in the lowest tier wages
    • Record small business start ups
    • Deficit levels reduced in half from Trump's covid levels and back to 2012 levels as a percent of GDP
    • Reigned in post-covid inflation to target levels now at 3% for last 12 months
  • Bipartisan legislation
    • Historic $1.2T Infrastructure bill
    • Tech manufacturing growth via CHIPS bill
    • Prescription drug cost reductions with Inflation Reduction Act including $35 insulin caps
    • Only progress made on gun safety in decades with Safer Communities Act
  • Energy Independence
    • Record Solar and Wind output with future investments accounting for all of incremental power growth in US
    • $7B solar power project
    • Record Oil production
    • Record Oil exports
    • Inflation adjusted gas prices lower than any year since 1974 - compared to 2020 adjusted gas is now only $2.24 based on wages
  • Safety & Culture
    • At historic lows in violent crimes in US
    • Fewer combat deaths than any president since Jimmy Carter
    • Strengthened allied relationships and an expanded NATO
    • Historic levels of people with health insurance
    • Low leadership turnover, leading to stability
    • Zero scandals, leading with ethics
    • Civility and grace, every day
    • Wonderfully boring and steady governing

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