Democrats Celebrating Stormy Daniels

What crimes?
Document errors?
The charge was falsifying business records....a misdemeanor at best.

On the other hand you support a president that's taking cash from our enemies, the Chinese, which is textbook treason.
You also have an administration that uses the IRS, CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, and several other agencies to take away people's constitutional rights.

If the IRS goes after tax cheats, cry me a river.

If the CIA or FBI spies on Trump because he's talking to Russian criminals, that's legal. Trump should be careful who he does business with.

Sorry if Trump is involved in criminal investigations.

You're a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Boo hoo.
If the IRS goes after tax cheats, cry me a river.

If the CIA or FBI spies on Trump because he's talking to Russian criminals, that's legal. Trump should be careful who he does business with.

Sorry if Trump is involved in criminal investigations.

You're a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Boo hoo.
The IRS paid a visit to leftist journalist Matt Tabbi's home while he was testifying before congress about illegal acts by the Biden Adm to influence social-media and influence the election.
During the Obama Adm every right-wing talk show host, every vocal critic of Obama, was audited by the IRS, including Donald J. Trump.

The CIA cannot legally spy on Americans....especially the president. Their jurisdiction is spying on foreign governments.

The FBI has been raiding Trump associates over the last couple of years and has raided the home of the former president.

This it not enforcing the law. It is nothing but political persecution.
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Stormy Daniels is the darling of the media. The now famous porn star is being lauded by the left simply because the media cannot allow their hopes of bringing Trump down to crash and burn.

Yep, according to Democrats women who have sex for money and do it in front of cameras with 37 different men/women are wonderful people.
I keep wondering if these people have collectively lost their God Damned minds.

What next? Celebrating Child-Molesters?

Poll: Trump accuser Stormy Daniels sparks Democrats to embrace porn
Trump sex accuser and adult film actress Stormy Daniels seems to be giving porn a good name, at least with Democrats.​
A new Gallup morals survey, struggling to determine why porn popularity has grown to new highs, suggested that the sex star has given it a “moral credibility,” especially among critics of President Trump.​
How else to explain why for the first time ever a majority of Democrats are good with porn?​
“The partisan gap on the morality of pornography widened slightly this year (to 26 points), largely because of the sizable change in Democratic attitudes. Why Democrats' attitudes shifted is less clear. While Democrats have become increasingly socially liberal, the percentage of Democrats who describe themselves as socially liberal this year is essentially unchanged from the year before,” said the Gallup analysis.​
“Another explanation is that Stormy Daniels, adult film star actress and fierce critic of President Donald Trump, has given pornography a sense of moral credibility that it previously lacked,” it added.​
Overall since it has studied morals, Gallup found that the 43 percent now call pornograpy morally acceptable. Among Democrats support is at 53 percent. For independents it is 45 percent but it’s just 27 percent among Republicans.​
The poll notes that younger and unmarried Americans are more willing to embrace porn as acceptable than older, married couples.​
Gallup seemed a bit stumped with the surge of seven points in the endorsement of porn.​
“The cause of the single-year shift on this item, though, is less clear. It may represent something of an outlier, in which case acceptance of pornography would be expected to decrease next year, even if it remains above the 2017 level. Or the shift, though principally driven by a structural trend, may been have been exacerbated by political factors, such as the public battle between Stormy Daniels and the president,” said Gallup.​

Remember when CNN begged her now-imprisoned lawyer to run for president?


The IRS paid a visit to leftist journalist Matt Tabbi's home while he was testifying before congress about illegal acts by the Biden Adm to influence social-media and influence the election. During the Obama Adm every right-wing talk show host, every vocal critic of Obama, was audited by the IRS, including Donald J. Trump.

The CIA cannot legally spy on Americans....especially the president. Their jurisdiction is spying on foreign governments.

The FBI has been raiding Trump associates over the last couple of years and has raided the home of the former president.

This it not enforcing the law. It is nothing but political persecution.

Martin Luther King Jr. As King's fame and stature grew over the next several years, the FBI intensified its surveillance of him under its domestic counterintelligence program, COINTELPRO, arguing it was a matter of national security.

If only you cared before it was Trump.

Sorry, Trump's crimes and abuse of power are a matter of national security.

You guys don't like leakers unless they leak something you like. You guys say people who plead the 5th are guilty then you plea the 5th.

You can't have it both ways bro. If you want to be the law
Martin Luther King Jr. As King's fame and stature grew over the next several years, the FBI intensified its surveillance of him under its domestic counterintelligence program, COINTELPRO, arguing it was a matter of national security.

If only you cared before it was Trump.

Sorry, Trump's crimes and abuse of power are a matter of national security.

You guys don't like leakers unless they leak something you like. You guys say people who plead the 5th are guilty then you plea the 5th.

You can't have it both ways bro. If you want to be the law
Document errors have nothing to do with National Security.
You might as well pile mass-murders on the pile, because that makes as much sense than the horse shit we saw this afternoon in New York.

Biden kept TS-SCI Docs in his fucking garage for Christ's sake.
He allowed the Chinese to look at TS documents in his offices at the Penn Biden center in D.C. and at his home.
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Document errors have nothing to do with National Security.
You might as well pile mass-murders on the pile, because that makes as much sense that the horse shit we saw this afternoon in New York.

Biden kept TS-SCI Docs in his fucking garage for Christ's sake.
He allowed the Chinese to look at TS documents in his offices at the Penn Biden center in D.C. and at his home.

You don't get the difference. Pence, Trump and Biden had stuff they shouldn't have had. They were asked to turn them over. Pence and Biden did. Trump lied to his lawyers and kept some.

What about that is acceptable to you?

My brother gave the argument, "big deal, Biden just made copies and turned his in, maybe"

So maybe Trump is just dumb or so bold he thinks he can't be charged?
You don't get the difference. Pence, Trump and Biden had stuff they shouldn't have had. They were asked to turn them over. Pence and Biden did. Trump lied to his lawyers and kept some.

What about that is acceptable to you?

My brother gave the argument, "big deal, Biden just made copies and turned his in, maybe"

So maybe Trump is just dumb or so bold he thinks he can't be charged?
Wrong. Trump had been in contact with records...and they had a complete inventory of everything they had.
The last time they visited the secure facility at Mara-lago they made a request to double lock the containers. They were offered them to be turned in, but they said it wasn't necessary.
Then they raided Trump 90 days before the midterms and illegally leaked pictures of TS cover sheets scattered on the floor.
They were also granted a general warrant that did not state clearly the items they were searching for or the locations to be searched...which is illegal. They have to spell both of them out and show them to Trump or his lawyers before the search. They did not do this.
They also refused to allow Trump's lawyers to monitor the search, so it's easy to assume that they had every opportunity to plant evidence. They also made a strange request to turn off his security cameras. The lawyers kept the system up and running and have the entire search recorded. If they FBI tries to refer charges on the search they have the proof of malfeasance by agents during the search. Many agents objected to some of the conduct of the search including going thru the former First Lady's belonging and throwing them all over the floor.

She threw everything out and decided to get a new wardrobe because of their fucked up conduct during the search. She didn't want the stink of those FBI bastards all over her underwear.

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