Democrats Continue To Call For / To Incite Violence: 'Mad Max' Calls For More Anti-Police 'Confrontation'

Notice how 'innocent until proven guilty' no longer exists on the left? If the jury acquits, liberal trash are already saying they are wrong. They have completely abandoned the core basics of the justice system. All of it to demand that thugs can resist with impunity. It's pathetic and dangerous.
Notice how 'innocent until proven guilty' no longer exists on the left? If the jury acquits, liberal trash are already saying they are wrong. They have completely abandoned the core basics of the justice system. All of it to demand that thugs can resist with impunity. It's pathetic and dangerous.

They are 'normalizing' riots. It's very dangerous.
Notice how 'innocent until proven guilty' no longer exists on the left? If the jury acquits, liberal trash are already saying they are wrong. They have completely abandoned the core basics of the justice system. All of it to demand that thugs can resist with impunity. It's pathetic and dangerous.

They are 'normalizing' riots. It's very dangerous.
Not just that, they are holding the entire justice system hostage. If a verdict isn't guilty, they will riot, no matter the evidence.
Wasn't it enough that the violent rhetoric from Maxine Waters and other Democrats incited the attempted public assassination of Republican members of Congress?

Now Waters has incited the attempted assassination of U. S. National Guard members.

She needs to be EXPELLED from Congress. Censure is not enough!
Sadly, a lot of this is also simply to attempt to intimidate the jury in Chauvin’s case. Threats of violence if they don’t convict. That should be clear juror intimidation. Firing on the National Guard may be just a preview of what Maxine and the Dems want.
She is so fucking corrupt yet she comes off as a clown. This week, she and fellow Democrats are anti-police. If right wingers do a riot like they did January 6, they are all about the police. I am curious as to which party the police believes has their backs? Police unions are making a big mistake if the endorse Democrats like they used to.

Like VP Harris,, Maxine Waters calls for continued anti-police violence on the streets.

'Continued confrontation'?

She called for the same thing against President Trump, his team, & GOP politicians ... right before some left wing snowflake attempted to assassinate GOP politicians in a public park...

Now she's at it again, - this time her targets are Police officers.
No, you are wrong. They are calling for protests, not violence. It is the white supremacists who want violence.
She should have said:

"We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."

Much more peaceful.
Once again the Dems are inadvertantly busted HAVING HAD "ABUSED THEIR POWER" in trying to Censure Trump and impeach him while they vote in line against censuring Maxine Waters without even a motion to impeach her.
They literally are shown on record now to admit that they abused their power to go after a candidate rival during an election time.
=busted... Where's the OCE investigating every single house vote that was hypocritical on this manner?

By the way, 2 observations of the motion vote;
1) they messed up 2 votes one was a nay a dem representing an absent member vote was not recorded as a Nay and
*1 "I" vote by a Dem was not counted as a "present" vote, it was also stolen as a yea vote instead.
*(That's a joke "Aye" is yea vote)*
=they even cheat house votes.Oh and after typing this they had recorded a yea vote under republican then changed the mistake. Same went for the 2nd vote to revisit, a rep vote was miss placed, then corrected, must be Dominion software. *L*

2)mostly all votes not present being represented by collegues are Dems, it's like their commander in chief they never bother showing up.

Ilhan Omar a no show also voted Yea-thank you Capt. Obvious!
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Violence will come when Chauvin walks. There's no use in continuinig with half measures to free the black and non-white America.

It's ascended above just being a fight against systemic racism, it's become a fight against/for fascism.

The rest of the world watches what used to be an American democracy, as it crumbles to fascist principles.

Like VP Harris,, Maxine Waters calls for continued anti-police violence on the streets.

'Continued confrontation'?

She called for the same thing against President Trump, his team, & GOP politicians ... right before some left wing snowflake attempted to assassinate GOP politicians in a public park...

Now she's at it again, - this time her targets are Police officers.

Maxine Water is one of the most foul disgusting people in government.

Like VP Harris,, Maxine Waters calls for continued anti-police violence on the streets.

'Continued confrontation'?

She called for the same thing against President Trump, his team, & GOP politicians ... right before some left wing snowflake attempted to assassinate GOP politicians in a public park...

Now she's at it again, - this time her targets are Police officers.

Maxine Water is one of the most foul disgusting people in government.
Yup, a real bottom feeder.

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