Democrats- Convince me Why I Should Join the DNC

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


If you have a problem leaving the party that elected a POS like Trump, there is no hope.

That may be true if I was a Republican

Try again

Well then you tell us what issues are important to you and we'll see where you ought to align yourself

Freedom, gun rights, religion, education, less taxes.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


If you have a problem leaving the party that elected a POS like Trump, there is no hope.

That may be true if I was a Republican

Try again

Well then you tell us what issues are important to you and we'll see where you ought to align yourself

Freedom, gun rights, religion, education, less taxes.

I’ll give u gun rights and less taxes . The rest is BS .
If you have a problem leaving the party that elected a POS like Trump, there is no hope.

A lot of middle dems voted for Trump out of protest of their party offering only deranged males in women’s showers and not much else.

The OP is pushing a compelling question that needs answering.
The ONLY reason I can see to be a Republican these days is a hatred of brown skin. If that's your issue...then no...there is no place for you in the Democratic Party

Why Are no Cities Burning Since 2016?

All the gop talking points are based on fear and hatered .
Lol are you scared?

No. That’s why fear mongering doesn’t work on me .

You're too shallow to understand deep thoughts.

Jack Handy ones, even. :eek:
The ONLY reason I can see to be a Republican these days is a hatred of brown skin. If that's your issue...then no...there is no place for you in the Democratic Party

Why Are no Cities Burning Since 2016?

All the gop talking points are based on fear and hatered .
Lol are you scared?

No. That’s why fear mongering doesn’t work on me .
Democrats have destroyed the African American community.. is that not true? I’d be scared
Less pay, less job opportunities, higher crime, less national security, corruption, crappy expensive government programs,anti white, anti-men, anti-Christian, anti-free speech, globalism. Sign me up.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


As I am not a democrat and only vote for democrats because we only have 2 parties and they are less terrible than republicans I can NOT convince you to join democrats.

I would prefer a third party of centrists, sane, rational and espousing freedom and rights for ALL citizens.

but that doesn't exist.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

Dont. Vote for politicians that agree with you on the most issues. Vote for those that are good leaders and bridge builders. Once they become president they are suppose to represent us all and be a positive world leader. Vote for those that have ideas that focus on the important stuff. If you think trickle down economics is the best thing for empowering individuals to exceed and become ideal economic actors in or near the middle class, then by all means vote for it. If you think our health at large and the environment are things we can trade away for higher gdp, captured mostly by the top earners, then fire away.
During election years I register as a Democrat or Republican depending on whose presidential primary I wish to vote in. Then after the vote for the one I find least objectionable I switch back to status of "not designated". With an incumbent president, I'll more than likely register as a Democrat next year.

My one switch I made in the 2018 mid-terms is that I gave up voting for non-Democrats and non-Republicans in races where it doesn't matter to me who wins. If I hit that situation when filling out my ballot I've begun calling out to the wife and asking who she wants to win and then go with it. .
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why don't you just stay or become an independent and then at voting time vote for who you think is best instead of any party line?

Primaries, next!

I know that was my only regret in Florida but not all states bar independents from voting in primaries.

State-by-State Primary Elections Map
My state, California, is a modified open primary state. It is up to the parties whether to allow independent voters to vote in their primary. One party consistently allows them, one does not. Guess which party allows the independent voter to vote in their primary and which doesn't...

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