Democrats- Convince me Why I Should Join the DNC

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Well we need to know about your interests and beliefs .

For example . Are you a millionaire? What type of employment do you have ?
Is that like a Democrat Census or something? How do those metics apply?


How can I say what’s good about the Dems if o don’t know what you are into .

If you are a millionaire coal mine owner wh a passion for hating gays . Then the Dems ain’t for you. .
Is that the foundation of the Democratic Party? You mean the Democrat Party is absent of millionaires? I could swear Bloomberg is worth billions


No . Depends on the millionaire.
If you are a money obsessed soulless monster than it might not be for you .

Im trying to answer your question but you aren’t answering mine .

Methinks you aren’t interested at all.
Or maybe you are a gun nut . Like really into big guns and buying 100s of them.

The Dems wouldn’t be for you .
Dems are pro union . Union workers do better as they level the playing field and get people paid what they deserve.

Why bother?

The OP is a Trumper.

Trumpers hate working people
The Democrat Party has nothing to offer a taxpayer.

If you are a piece of shit Couch Surfer, or The Me First Generation, a terrorist, or a Leftist Elite Plantation owner then join The DemNazi party.
I've always compared Democrats to a box full of 1950's Christmas lights that I have in my attic...half of them don't work...and the ones that do aren't very bright...
The Democrat Party has nothing to offer a taxpayer.

If you are a piece of shit Couch Surfer, or The Me First Generation, a terrorist, or a Leftist Elite Plantation owner then join The DemNazi party.

Maybe 40 years ago .

News flash Francis , the new GOP has zero interest in fiscal responsibility.

Want an example ? Trumps wall.

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