Democrats- Convince me Why I Should Join the DNC

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
NO NO NO NO NO AOC said we have 12 years to act to prevent serious consequences decades from now.

It is based on SCIENCE. You know, the stuff you obviously know nothing about,.
How about you STFU until you can get a fucking education.

SCIENCE says that the brain & the genitals do not always coincide.

We should REGULATE capitalism. No one said to destroy it.

And we don't need a 40' concrete wall on the border.

Trumpettes, dumber than shit & proving it every day.

I see, so serious consequences in 12 years. Well who want's that, right? So the world ends when again after these serious consequences?

Wasn't it Al Gore that said there would be serious consequences in 10 years a decade ago?

WE need to regulate capitalism? You mean like break up corporations, chase them out of cities, say that billionaires are immoral, and blame them for all our ills? That sort of regulation?

Walls are ineffective? Then why the big stink? Just give him his walls that by your estimation do nothing at all instead of continuing to divide the country.

Oh, and don't tell me that the billions of dollars are what is being fought over here. They spend that much on toilets at the Pentagon.

And yes, it is shocking that our brains don't coincide to the realities around us. I see it every day, but you don't see me going round chopping off perfectly good and functional body parts of those who have such problems.

Your stupidity has no limits.

We are facing consequences of Global Warming now & they will only get worse.

Regulated capitalism. Does not always means breaking up or preventing monopolies, but is could. Regulating treatment of employees. This divide in wealth is a problem for this country. Making tax policies that worsen it is just stupid.

So, you want us to spend 15 billion or more to build a 40; concrete wall to placate Trump? Really? That 15 billion would be better spend on border issues that would be far more cost effective. Any division is coming from Trump & his band of dumbass cronies like you.

How about we take 15 billion & spend in helping poor people. Then we can spend 125 billion on helping people get health insurance. Then we can spend 15 billion on infrastructure. Then wed can spend 15 billion on helping the homeless, 15 billion of incentives to reduce emissions.

15 billion- come & get it because it is meaningless.

You are a fool.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
NO NO NO NO NO AOC said we have 12 years to act to prevent serious consequences decades from now.

It is based on SCIENCE. You know, the stuff you obviously know nothing about,.
How about you STFU until you can get a fucking education.

SCIENCE says that the brain & the genitals do not always coincide.

We should REGULATE capitalism. No one said to destroy it.

And we don't need a 40' concrete wall on the border.

Trumpettes, dumber than shit & proving it every day.

I see, so serious consequences in 12 years. Well who want's that, right? So the world ends when again after these serious consequences?

Wasn't it Al Gore that said there would be serious consequences in 10 years a decade ago?

WE need to regulate capitalism? You mean like break up corporations, chase them out of cities, say that billionaires are immoral, and blame them for all our ills? That sort of regulation?

Walls are ineffective? Then why the big stink? Just give him his walls that by your estimation do nothing at all instead of continuing to divide the country.

Oh, and don't tell me that the billions of dollars are what is being fought over here. They spend that much on toilets at the Pentagon.

And yes, it is shocking that our brains don't coincide to the realities around us. I see it every day, but you don't see me going round chopping off perfectly good and functional body parts of those who have such problems.

Your stupidity has no limits.

We are facing consequences of Global Warming now & they will only get worse.

Regulated capitalism. Does not always means breaking up or preventing monopolies, but is could. Regulating treatment of employees. This divide in wealth is a problem for this country. Making tax policies that worsen it is just stupid.

So, you want us to spend 15 billion or more to build a 40; concrete wall to placate Trump? Really? That 15 billion would be better spend on border issues that would be far more cost effective. Any division is coming from Trump & his band of dumbass cronies like you.

How about we take 15 billion & spend in helping poor people. Then we can spend 125 billion on helping people get health insurance. Then we can spend 15 billion on infrastructure. Then wed can spend 15 billion on helping the homeless, 15 billion of incentives to reduce emissions.

15 billion- come & get it because it is meaningless.

You are a fool.
/----/ "We are facing consequences of Global Warming now & they will only get worse."
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
NO NO NO NO NO AOC said we have 12 years to act to prevent serious consequences decades from now.

It is based on SCIENCE. You know, the stuff you obviously know nothing about,.
How about you STFU until you can get a fucking education.

SCIENCE says that the brain & the genitals do not always coincide.

We should REGULATE capitalism. No one said to destroy it.

And we don't need a 40' concrete wall on the border.

Trumpettes, dumber than shit & proving it every day.

I see, so serious consequences in 12 years. Well who want's that, right? So the world ends when again after these serious consequences?

Wasn't it Al Gore that said there would be serious consequences in 10 years a decade ago?

WE need to regulate capitalism? You mean like break up corporations, chase them out of cities, say that billionaires are immoral, and blame them for all our ills? That sort of regulation?

Walls are ineffective? Then why the big stink? Just give him his walls that by your estimation do nothing at all instead of continuing to divide the country.

Oh, and don't tell me that the billions of dollars are what is being fought over here. They spend that much on toilets at the Pentagon.

And yes, it is shocking that our brains don't coincide to the realities around us. I see it every day, but you don't see me going round chopping off perfectly good and functional body parts of those who have such problems.

Your stupidity has no limits.

We are facing consequences of Global Warming now & they will only get worse.

Regulated capitalism. Does not always means breaking up or preventing monopolies, but is could. Regulating treatment of employees. This divide in wealth is a problem for this country. Making tax policies that worsen it is just stupid.

So, you want us to spend 15 billion or more to build a 40; concrete wall to placate Trump? Really? That 15 billion would be better spend on border issues that would be far more cost effective. Any division is coming from Trump & his band of dumbass cronies like you.

How about we take 15 billion & spend in helping poor people. Then we can spend 125 billion on helping people get health insurance. Then we can spend 15 billion on infrastructure. Then wed can spend 15 billion on helping the homeless, 15 billion of incentives to reduce emissions.

15 billion- come & get it because it is meaningless.

You are a fool.

Quick, send in ALL your money, save the planet...dumbass.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears



I don't believe for one second your mind is open about this. You are just trying to troll...pure and simple.

BTW - both major parties suck.
Funny how Trump voters claim both parties are bad. As if this is not their fault.

It is not my fault.

I have NEVER voted for either Dem or Rep. So every POTUS who was elected I was against. It was the people who voted for them who are responsible for putting them in office.

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