Democrats- Convince me Why I Should Join the DNC

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why don't you just stay or become an independent and then at voting time vote for who you think is best instead of any party line?

Primaries, next!

I know that was my only regret in Florida but not all states bar independents from voting in primaries.

State-by-State Primary Elections Map
My state, California, is a modified open primary state. It is up to the parties whether to allow independent voters to vote in their primary. One party consistently allows them, one does not. Guess which party allows the independent voter to vote in their primary and which doesn't...

Democrat? :dunno:
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Well we need to know about your interests and beliefs .

For example . Are you a millionaire? What type of employment do you have ?
Is that like a Democrat Census or something? How do those metics apply?


How can I say what’s good about the Dems if o don’t know what you are into .

If you are a millionaire coal mine owner wh a passion for hating gays . Then the Dems ain’t for you. .
Is that the foundation of the Democratic Party? You mean the Democrat Party is absent of millionaires? I could swear Bloomberg is worth billions


No . Depends on the millionaire.
If you are a money obsessed soulless monster than it might not be for you .

Im trying to answer your question but you aren’t answering mine .

Methinks you aren’t interested at all.
Like Pelosi?
I need educated

Yea ya do.

Home school?

Seriously what is the attraction for say..a working man trying to be "upwardly mobile" to join the Democrat party?

Give me some selling points! Let's see whatcha got!

Dems are pro union . Union workers do better as they level the playing field and get people paid what they deserve.

I don't want to pay any dues, anything else?
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

You post a list like that and claim the Dems are the ones who hate ! Lol. You can’t see your hate forest for your hate trees .
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

You post a list like that and claim the Dems are the ones who hate ! Lol. You can’t see your hate forest for your hate trees .

Timmy, I’m a hateful muthafucker, I’m all for hate...The key is in hating the right groups and people. In the backwards LibTardian Twilight Zone the wackos struggle with making that simple distinction.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Sure thing chicken little .

Wasn’t gay marriage supposed to end life as we know it?
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Logic, reason, sanity, a better way of life. Oh and a longer life. Countries with universal health care, mandated vacations, and a living minimum wage have citizens who are happier, healthier, commit fewer murders, and have lower rates of drug deaths, murders and violence than the USA.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Sure thing chicken little .

Wasn’t gay marriage supposed to end life as we know it?
It is a symptom of the decline of Heterosexual marriage in which progressive socialism has bludgeoned. The womens' march you saw is part of it. This is not going to end good.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Logic, reason, sanity, a better way of life. Oh and a longer life. Countries with universal health care, mandated vacations, and a living minimum wage have citizens who are happier, healthier, commit fewer murders, and have lower rates of drug deaths, murders and violence than the USA.

Hold on a minute...I have top notch healthcare, I take many vacations and I’m paid a “living wage”.
I think what you mean is; you believe Guadalupe and Gustavo who can’t speak English, who have a litter of children and who both work at McDonalds should live my quality of life on my dime....right?
Let’s not dress it up...spit it out.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Logic, reason, sanity, a better way of life. Oh and a longer life. Countries with universal health care, mandated vacations, and a living minimum wage have citizens who are happier, healthier, commit fewer murders, and have lower rates of drug deaths, murders and violence than the USA.
Fuck them... this is America... not where those assholes are from

Move there and you can have those things.

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears



I don't believe for one second your mind is open about this. You are just trying to troll...pure and simple.

BTW - both major parties suck.

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