Democrats- Convince me Why I Should Join the DNC

What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Sure thing chicken little .

Wasn’t gay marriage supposed to end life as we know it?
It is a symptom of the decline of Heterosexual marriage in which progressive socialism has bludgeoned. The womens' march you saw is part of it. This is not going to end good.
You are right. Women should know their place. Right asshole.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Instead of the Roy Moores?

If they were homosexual, what interest would they have in little girls?

Homosexuality is totally different than being a pedophile
This is a serious question.

no...It's not.....

Why, because the Democrats have nothing to offer me? How about you, what are they offering you?

The ability to live in a country that is not racist, bigoted, hate spewing, pissing off our allies, cozying up to dictators, stealing children, running up the debt , trashing our veterans, - how about that.
'With A Heavy Heart...' -- Secret JFK Speech Could Have Signaled Start Of WWIII
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.

Here's your chance. Show us that Democrats do not favor open borders and unrestricted immigration. Or, just admit Democrats do and stop wasting out time. Heck, I'll even take you off ignore to give you a chance to make your case.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Instead of the Roy Moores?

If they were homosexual, what interest would they have in little girls?

Homosexuality is totally different than being a pedophile

Roy Moore? What did CNN convict him of again?
Like most sexual deviants who lack self control, homos know no boundaries.
Homosexuality derives from deviance and poor self control...same shit.

Mama always said...”Son, if you aren’t willing to support ALL people doing something, you simply can not support even one person doing it.”
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Why should I join your party?”
You agree with free shit for pieces of shits
You agree with TAKING from productive folks
You hate proud, patriotic Whitey
You hate American traditions and values
You hate wealthy folks
You hate personal accountability
You hate normalcy
You hate Christianity
You believe homosexuality is cool
You think a man in a dress isn’t fucked up in the head
You love illegal Wetbacks and believe Mexico should own America

I could go all day, are you getting the gist of it?

So what if someone is homosexual. Here’s the thing wh Dems . Do what you like so long as you don’t hurt others .

It’s called freedom . Which you are against .

Nobody really cares about homosexuality, most never did....what decent, moral people DO care about is how the Loons hate boundaries and a society with limits. We hate the Loony gateway system.
Example: accepting pole puffers led straight to deranged men in dresses shitting next to our teen daughters.

Instead of the Roy Moores?

If they were homosexual, what interest would they have in little girls?

Homosexuality is totally different than being a pedophile

Roy Moore? What did CNN convict him of again?
Like most sexual deviants who lack self control, homos know no boundaries.
Homosexuality derives from deviance and poor self control...same shit.

Mama always said...”Son, if you aren’t willing to support ALL people doing something, you simply can not support even one person doing it.”

How many high school girls did you ate when you were 33?

Really, You & your Pretend Christian buddy Mike Pens0ce are quite the bigoted assholes.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.

Here's your chance. Show us that Democrats do not favor open borders and unrestricted immigration. Or, just admit Democrats do and stop wasting out time. Heck, I'll even take you off ignore to give you a chance to make your case.

Under Obama, border fences were built, border patrol increased, record deportations, Lower illegal immigration.

Democrats supported the bill under Bush that called for extensive border fences be built.

Democrats just passed border security funding.

Jesus fuck you are stupid.

You asdsfucks think stealing children is good border policy.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
NO NO NO NO NO AOC said we have 12 years to act to prevent serious consequences decades from now.

It is based on SCIENCE. You know, the stuff you obviously know nothing about,.
How about you STFU until you can get a fucking education.

SCIENCE says that the brain & the genitals do not always coincide.

We should REGULATE capitalism. No one said to destroy it.

And we don't need a 40' concrete wall on the border.

Trumpettes, dumber than shit & proving it every day.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.

Here's your chance. Show us that Democrats do not favor open borders and unrestricted immigration. Or, just admit Democrats do and stop wasting out time. Heck, I'll even take you off ignore to give you a chance to make your case.

Under Obama, border fences were built, border patrol increased, record deportations, Lower illegal immigration.

Democrats supported the bill under Bush that called for extensive border fences be built.

Democrats just passed border security funding.

Jesus fuck you are stupid.

You asdsfucks think stealing children is good border policy.

Under Obama, the Republican Congress allocated money to build the walls. border patrol was increased! Good. Turning people away at the border became included in deportations, which inflated his numbers.

You ALMOST made an argument, but then devolved into a profanity laced tirade because you realized you had failed to persuade. Honestly, I feel sorry for your low IQ existence. Back on ignore for you.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.

Here's your chance. Show us that Democrats do not favor open borders and unrestricted immigration. Or, just admit Democrats do and stop wasting out time. Heck, I'll even take you off ignore to give you a chance to make your case.

Under Obama, border fences were built, border patrol increased, record deportations, Lower illegal immigration.

Democrats supported the bill under Bush that called for extensive border fences be built.

Democrats just passed border security funding.

Jesus fuck you are stupid.

You asdsfucks think stealing children is good border policy.

Under Obama, the Republican Congress allocated money to build the walls. border patrol was increased! Good. Turning people away at the border became included in deportations, which inflated his numbers.

You ALMOST made an argument, but then devolved into a profanity laced tirade because you realized you had failed to persuade. Honestly, I feel sorry for your low IQ existence. Back on ignore for you.

Both parties voted for the border funding. Quit pretending it was just Republicans.

So, we should have jailed these people before we sent them back? That would be better?

If I failed to persuade it is solely because you are too fucking stupid to get it. ( I noted you had nothing to say about increasing the border patrol; or decreasing illegal immigration.)

If I have to put up with your lies & bullshit, then you have to put up with my fucking choice of words.

Fuck off liar.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears


Because AOC says that the world is going to end in 12 years, and you are not really the sex you think you are cuz it's all imaginary, and we should destroy capitalism and all walls cuz they are simply immoral and unsustainable.

Any questions?
NO NO NO NO NO AOC said we have 12 years to act to prevent serious consequences decades from now.

It is based on SCIENCE. You know, the stuff you obviously know nothing about,.
How about you STFU until you can get a fucking education.

SCIENCE says that the brain & the genitals do not always coincide.

We should REGULATE capitalism. No one said to destroy it.

And we don't need a 40' concrete wall on the border.

Trumpettes, dumber than shit & proving it every day.

I see, so serious consequences in 12 years. Well who want's that, right? So the world ends when again after these serious consequences?

Wasn't it Al Gore that said there would be serious consequences in 10 years a decade ago?

WE need to regulate capitalism? You mean like break up corporations, chase them out of cities, say that billionaires are immoral, and blame them for all our ills? That sort of regulation?

Walls are ineffective? Then why the big stink? Just give him his walls that by your estimation do nothing at all instead of continuing to divide the country.

Oh, and don't tell me that the billions of dollars are what is being fought over here. They spend that much on toilets at the Pentagon.

And yes, it is shocking that our brains don't coincide to the realities around us. I see it every day, but you don't see me going round chopping off perfectly good and functional body parts of those who have such problems.
What do you have to offer? Why should I join your party?

I'm all ears

My Dear Southern Bro why would you want any conversation with a Liberal. Just give up on them and pass them by. View attachment 241398
Why bother. You assfucks are too stupid top learn anything. You are sofa king stupid, that you think because we don't want a 40' concrete wall, that we want open borders. You do know Democrats voted for money for border security? Right?

If you morons are this stupid, why bother wasting your time discussing anything when you would rather believe Rush Limbaugh & that fast assed orange POS you voted for.

Here's your chance. Show us that Democrats do not favor open borders and unrestricted immigration. Or, just admit Democrats do and stop wasting out time. Heck, I'll even take you off ignore to give you a chance to make your case.

Under Obama, border fences were built, border patrol increased, record deportations, Lower illegal immigration.

Democrats supported the bill under Bush that called for extensive border fences be built.

Democrats just passed border security funding.

Jesus fuck you are stupid.

You asdsfucks think stealing children is good border policy.

Under Obama, the Republican Congress allocated money to build the walls. border patrol was increased! Good. Turning people away at the border became included in deportations, which inflated his numbers.

You ALMOST made an argument, but then devolved into a profanity laced tirade because you realized you had failed to persuade. Honestly, I feel sorry for your low IQ existence. Back on ignore for you.

BTW< that border security bill wads passed 1n 2010. You are so stupid that you thought Republicans were running Congress then.

So again,. STFU until you can get an education.

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