democrats crapping themselves

That's right!

And the people voted out Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security, and . . .

Oh, wait.

The difference was the majority of the people were for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and both parties voted for it.

The Health Care was passed by one party and against the majority of the people.
If Obamacare turns out to be a big budget busting fiscal nightmare that oppress most of the middle class, it will get removed.

So I guess that the next 4 years are going to be a test of how people really feal about Obamacare. Will we love it, or are we going to have an old fashioned Tea Party?

Time will tell.
Just judging from the hysteria emanating from the liberals on this board, the democrats are crapping themselves.

They will indeed succeed in ramming their destructive agenda on Americans. But that's not all they want. What they want is the appearance of their agenda having bipartisan approval. They will lie about it anyway and say Republicans agreed it may just be harder this time. How many democrats are convinced that obamacare passed with bipartisan votes? There you go. That's how their lies work.
The democrats are clearly, viscerally, desperately afraid of what is not even an organized political party. Just Americans - no, not racists, not extremists, not radicals despite the comically obvious efforts of democrats and their media lapdogs to portray them as such - just Americans who happen to be conservative (as the larger percentage of Americans are) who want smaller, responsible government that adheres to the US Constitution as every elected democrat has sworn to. The democrats sense instinctively that simple, common-sense Americans are a threat to their larger efforts to take power from states, and individuals, and concentrate it in a central government that can then force - nakedly - the country to become something it was never intended to be.

They are right to be afraid, but wrong to so openly fuck with the country because of it.

right, and that is the reason that they are so desperate to ram obamacare up our butts before the people have time to understand what it will do to them personally.

they know that if the people know the truth, they will reject it completely.
Are they shoving the ACA up your butts or down your throats? Make up your mind. I don't have all day.
That's right!

And the people voted out Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security, and . . .

Oh, wait.

The difference was the majority of the people were for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and both parties voted for it.

The Health Care was passed by one party and against the majority of the people.

Something like Medicare Part D and the false cost of that program!
If Obamacare turns out to be a big budget busting fiscal nightmare that oppress most of the middle class, it will get removed.

So I guess that the next 4 years are going to be a test of how people really feal about Obamacare. Will we love it, or are we going to have an old fashioned Tea Party?

Time will tell.

you really think so?

you are naive.
That's right!

And the people voted out Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security, and . . .

Oh, wait.

The difference was the majority of the people were for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and both parties voted for it.

The Health Care was passed by one party and against the majority of the people.

Something like Medicare Part D and the false cost of that program!

Medicare part D is not even comparable to the train-wreck we acquired with obablecare.
Just judging from the hysteria emanating from the liberals on this board, the democrats are crapping themselves.

They will indeed succeed in ramming their destructive agenda on Americans. But that's not all they want. What they want is the appearance of their agenda having bipartisan approval. They will lie about it anyway and say Republicans agreed it may just be harder this time. How many democrats are convinced that obamacare passed with bipartisan votes? There you go. That's how their lies work.

Well, the left is a straight A+ Goebbels students, so you expect nothing less.

This board has become a right wing whining post. Are there any moderators here?

There is no factual logic to this post, no links no argument, just a bunch of talk.. Just a flaming whine post to get some likes and karma from your fellow flat tops.

TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything in the post, but I hate it anyway. So I'll attack the messenger instead, call him names, call his post names, and hope somebody believes me instead of him.
The democrats are clearly, viscerally, desperately afraid of what is not even an organized political party. Just Americans - no, not racists, not extremists, not radicals despite the comically obvious efforts of democrats and their media lapdogs to portray them as such - just Americans who happen to be conservative (as the larger percentage of Americans are) who want smaller, responsible government that adheres to the US Constitution as every elected democrat has sworn to. The democrats sense instinctively that simple, common-sense Americans are a threat to their larger efforts to take power from states, and individuals, and concentrate it in a central government that can then force - nakedly - the country to become something it was never intended to be.

They are right to be afraid, but wrong to so openly fuck with the country because of it.

When has Republicans governing in the last 20 years been "responsible".

Besides, when you talk about Republicans, you talk about the 90% who are white and Christian. Basically one big group of people who are pretty much the same.

When you talk about Democrats, which group are you talking about? The whites? blacks Hispanics, gays feminists young old rich poor educated uneducated college professors who? Because the only place you can include all these different kinds of Americans is in a coalition party. So to pigeonhole such a diverse group doesn't make any sense.
That's right!

And the people voted out Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security, and . . .

Oh, wait.

The difference was the majority of the people were for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and both parties voted for it.

The Health Care was passed by one party and against the majority of the people.

Something like Medicare Part D and the false cost of that program!

Yep that was also bad, but some Dems did vote for it in the end in the House and more Dems in the Senate voted for it, unlike the Health Care Bill which was zero Republicans.

The people were 38% opposed to Medicare Part D, while 43% oppose the New Health Care Law.
I don't know about you guys but I haven't been this afraid since that Romney poll saying he was going to win. /sarcasm lika mofo
The difference was the majority of the people were for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and both parties voted for it.

The Health Care was passed by one party and against the majority of the people.

Something like Medicare Part D and the false cost of that program!

Medicare part D is not even comparable to the train-wreck we acquired with obablecare.

Yeah, without the mandate I might have supported it, but no way when it's required by law. That's un-American.
Medicare Part D cost at least three times what Congress was told,,,that isn't small potatoes too.
The democrats are clearly, viscerally, desperately afraid of what is not even an organized political party. Just Americans - no, not racists, not extremists, not radicals despite the comically obvious efforts of democrats and their media lapdogs to portray them as such - just Americans who happen to be conservative (as the larger percentage of Americans are) who want smaller, responsible government that adheres to the US Constitution as every elected democrat has sworn to. The democrats sense instinctively that simple, common-sense Americans are a threat to their larger efforts to take power from states, and individuals, and concentrate it in a central government that can then force - nakedly - the country to become something it was never intended to be.

They are right to be afraid, but wrong to so openly fuck with the country because of it.

When has Republicans governing in the last 20 years been "responsible".

Besides, when you talk about Republicans, you talk about the 90% who are white and Christian. Basically one big group of people who are pretty much the same.

When you talk about Democrats, which group are you talking about? The whites? blacks Hispanics, gays feminists young old rich poor educated uneducated college professors who? Because the only place you can include all these different kinds of Americans is in a coalition party. So to pigeonhole such a diverse group doesn't make any sense.

Republican's balanced the budget under President Clinton.
Something like Medicare Part D and the false cost of that program!

Medicare part D is not even comparable to the train-wreck we acquired with obablecare.

Yeah, without the mandate I might have supported it, but no way when it's required by law. That's un-American.
Medicare Part D cost at least three times what Congress was told,,,that isn't small potatoes too.

the only chance of obamacare working is if they force the young and healthy to buy expensive policies that they don't need in order to give it to the poor, sick, and old for nothing. Obozocare is nothing but a wealth redistribution scheme.

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