Democrats defeat bill banning abortion after 20 weeks


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Two Republicans — Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — continued their support for abortion by crossing the aisle to vote with the Democrats against the bill. Meanwhile, three Democrats — Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana — broke ranks and voted with Republicans in favor of the legislation. The vote split along similar party lines in 2015, the last time the Senate considered similar legislation.

Among the Democrats opposing the legislation were several from states that voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election: Jon Tester of Montana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters of Michigan, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota.

Read more at: Senate Fails to Pass 20-Week Abortion Ban

Certainly something to use in the elections this fall!
So the good guys win again, and the control freak liberty-haters lose.

I agree, the Democrats should use this vote to ream the Republicans come election time.
Apparently seven nations follow this policy, including China and North Korea. Twenty weeks to me certainly seems very late and as I age and surround myself with so many more conservatives, and my wife, I am starting to lean towards a real concern with abortion.
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When it comes abortion .. Democrats and medical science part ways..

Nope ... this 14 week old fetus isn't human...:eek2yum:

The Meaning of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" - Crisis Magazine

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Democrats Defeat Pro-Life Senate Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks |

Wow. Guess they need those babies to be a little more developed so when planned parenthood murders them they can get more for their body parts. This is going to go over well with electorates in Missouri,Montana,North Dakota,West Va,Indiana etc that have democrat senators up for reelection this year!

You stupid piece of shit. Amniocentesis testing for genetic abnormalities cannot be performed until you are 20 weeks pregnant and it takes 4 weeks to get results.

Abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy are those which MUST remain legal. They are the medically necessary abortions.

Any woman who is still pregnant at 20 weeks and who goes for amnio, wants her baby. She’s emotionally invested in this child and she’s praying that the results are negative. Her doctor will have told her to have her decision ready when the results are given because her pregnancy is so advanced.

These are the abortions which would have been made illegal by this poorly thought out law.
Democrats Defeat Pro-Life Senate Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions After 20 Weeks |

Wow. Guess they need those babies to be a little more developed so when planned parenthood murders them they can get more for their body parts. This is going to go over well with electorates in Missouri,Montana,North Dakota,West Va,Indiana etc that have democrat senators up for reelection this year!

You stupid piece of shit. Amniocentesis testing for genetic abnormalities cannot be performed until you are 20 weeks pregnant and it takes 4 weeks to get results.

Abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy are those which MUST remain legal. They are the medically necessary abortions.

Any woman who is still pregnant at 20 weeks and who goes for amnio, wants her baby. She’s emotionally invested in this child and she’s praying that the results are negative. Her doctor will have told her to have her decision ready when the results are given because her pregnancy is so advanced.

These are the abortions which would have been made illegal by this poorly thought out law.

Spare me the bullshit, women have been using abortion as a last gasp convenient birth control method well past the 20th week and leftards have trumpeted her "right" to do so.
Couldn't wait to get over to this site to see republican phonies crying about the abortion bill like they really gave a damn about anything but money money money. Now, if a mother has a baby and can't afford to take care of it properly and she's lucky enough to get some food stamps, maybe a little help to pay the rent... watch the hate come out of them full blast.
Couldn't wait to get over to this site to see republican phonies crying about the abortion bill like they really gave a damn about anything but money money money. Now, if a mother has a baby and can't afford to take care of it properly and she's lucky enough to get some food stamps, maybe a little help to pay the rent... watch the hate come out of them full blast.
That makes no sense whatsoever. If you are claiming we only care about saving tax money, then we would be all for full term abortions since most abortions are performed on poor or low income Moms. What could be more cost effective than removing poor babies from the welfare roles before they are born?
Couldn't wait to get over to this site to see republican phonies crying about the abortion bill like they really gave a damn about anything but money money money. Now, if a mother has a baby and can't afford to take care of it properly and she's lucky enough to get some food stamps, maybe a little help to pay the rent... watch the hate come out of them full blast.


Democrats will pick abortion profits and black, white and minority genocide in their American ghettos everytime..
Republicans want to abort dreamers that have been here 20 years. Or more in some cases.

For a Republican pro-life means pro-birth. Once you exit the womb they aren't concerned if you die on the ground in front of them. None of these people are pro-life, they are merely pro-birth because it requires little to no effort and no money.
Up until the Planned Parenthood controversy came up a couple of years ago, I was under impression abortion was limited to the first trimester. Shame of those blocking this measure. .
Republicans want to abort dreamers that have been here 20 years. Or more in some cases.

For a Republican pro-life means pro-birth. Once you exit the womb they aren't concerned if you die on the ground in front of them. None of these people are pro-life, they are merely pro-birth because it requires little to no effort and no money.

Someone is wrong on internet (1).png

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