Democrats defend china !

you would think US leaders and the msm would be taking a pro America stance during the pandemic thats been unleashed on the world by an evil communist dictatorship much like they did during the scourge of war led by Germany Italy and Japan during ww2 ! but unfortunately it seems that most of the msm and all of the democratic party have forsworn patriotism in favor of gutter politics ! and they have gone so far as to side with an enemy thats responsible for the deaths of thousands of their own countrymen !Democrats support World Health Organization and China over America
Democrats are defending the truth, not China. Do you have documented proof it was China, instead of a Bat?
the best case scenario would be that china hid info and lied about the virus and silenced scientist and doctors while the WHO lied and claimed there was no human to human transmission while china restricted domestic flights to and from wuhan but allowed international flight from the area to infect the world ! thats the best case scenario ! oh and why did dem leaders force nursing homes to take in infected patients ?
"The best case scenario would be that Trump hid info and lied about the virus & silencved scientists and doctors......."

Yes , Trump did this.
bull ! Trump started taking steps to fight the virus looooong before any leftist got on board ! remember the racist travel ban ? but of course the treasonous chicom operatives in the democratic party that attempted a coup know this .
You lying fuck.

This idea that everyone was calling the travel ban racist is bullshit. "Trump said Democrats “loudly criticized and protested” his announced travel restrictions, and that they “called me a racist because I made that decision.” Trump is overstating Democratic opposition. None of the party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats have." The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

I guess you are too fucking stupid to know what Trump's virus hoax statement wass about. Trump was talking about how the Democrats were concerned about the virus and he wasn't.
baaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaa ! liten to the lying leftist chicom shill deny what we all know to be true ! the fact are this traitor leaders in your party and the china bought and paid for mm called the travel ban racist and xenophobic ! and the country will be reminded of that fact all the way up to the election ! a vote for a treasonous communist dem is a vote for communist china !

Still lying about the "ban that wasn't a ban". Some how, the Virus that Trump had "total control of killed over 75,000 Americans. I am sure you will vote for the gujy that gave us 20,5 million job losses in a single month. Wow, you Trumpettes are really that fucking stupid.

"We have 15 cases, soon to be zero" Who said that? Trump? Your expert on pandemics, Trump? Did he say that?
how in the heck did he give us 20 million job losses traitor ? anyone with a brain knows that countries all over the world have shut their economies down because your allies unleashed a deadly virus that has killed hundreds of thousands across the planet ! but will the left place any blame on china ? no ! instead they spout chicom propaganda for political gain ! oh and the US has tested nearly 5 time a many people as the next country that has tested the most! there is no way a big government reg dem would have enabled the private sector to achieve this ! no way !Total COVID-19 tests

What virus? Certainly you aren't talking about this low risk Coronavirus that Trump had complete control of. The virus he did nothing about until mid march. The virus he lied about over & over.

Testing has been a failure. There’s One Big Reason the U.S. Economy Can’t Reopen

20.5 million jobs lost. That doesn't include the ones that the government is subsidizing. What a total failure,. How could Trump akllow such a low risk virus dio this to America?

Just think, Trump's average job gains per month is like a negative 800,000. Great record.
yep ! youre a lying chicom sympathizer .... you are spouting the exact same lies the chicoms are ! run on those lies in nov traitor ! or are you trying to actually trying to convince everyone that biden will be tougher on china ? of course he wont ! biden will do what china pays him to do ! jut like hes done in the past !
Traitor? Really? I am not supporting Putin's choice for President. You are.

Keep pedaling the Biden lies like the good little Trumpette you are.
the only people that colluded with Russians were the dnc and obama officials to get a fake dossier .
Naturally that is a lie and cannot be proven.
here did the dems get the dossier from traitor ?
Democrats are not defending China.
liar !
Asshole fuck. You really need to quit your fucking lying all the time. Democrtats care about human rights in China.

Trump blames Xi for hiding the threat while Trumpo did the same thing here.
dems dont give a crap about human rights in china ! bidens family got billions from those evil bastards !clinton welcomed them into the wto and gave them mot favored nation status !and that was the beginning of their evil rise !
Quit lytng about Hunter Biden. He worked with an investment company that gathered money to be invested. Hunter bought into this investment company but has yet to receive anything. Are you assfucks so stupid that if you invest money with an investment comopany that the company takes your money for their personal use?> Really?>

Who did benefit personally friom China? Trump & Ivanka. They got copyrights that they had been trying to get for years.
lol ! and hunter got the investment money shortly after flying to china on air force 2 with his crooked dad chicom joe ! you know darn good and well the left has been in the pocket of rich chicoms ! heck joe said theyre not bad people that the chicoms are not in competition with us ! anyone with a brain [not you ] can see that a vote for a dem for potus is a vote for your pals the chicoms traitor .
Democrats are not defending China.
liar !
Asshole fuck. You really need to quit your fucking lying all the time. Democrtats care about human rights in China.

Trump blames Xi for hiding the threat while Trumpo did the same thing here.
dems dont give a crap about human rights in china ! bidens family got billions from those evil bastards !clinton welcomed them into the wto and gave them mot favored nation status !and that was the beginning of their evil rise !
Quit lytng about Hunter Biden. He worked with an investment company that gathered money to be invested. Hunter bought into this investment company but has yet to receive anything. Are you assfucks so stupid that if you invest money with an investment comopany that the company takes your money for their personal use?> Really?>

Who did benefit personally friom China? Trump & Ivanka. They got copyrights that they had been trying to get for years.
lol ! and hunter got the investment money shortly after flying to china on air force 2 with his crooked dad chicom joe ! you know darn good and well the left has been in the pocket of rich chicoms ! heck joe said theyre not bad people that the chicoms are not in competition with us ! anyone with a brain [not you ] can see that a vote for a dem for potus is a vote for your pals the chicoms traitor .
OMG OMG OMG Hunter hitched a ride. I have news, Ivanka & Jr hitch riders all the time and meet with people for their personal business. Are you people just this fucking stupid? Really?

Trump & Ivanka had shit made in China. OMG OMG OMG

So the Trumps have been loving up Putin & loving up Xi when it was to trheir personal advantage.

And all assfuck you has is a lie about Hunter Biden.
Democrats are not defending China.
liar !
Asshole fuck. You really need to quit your fucking lying all the time. Democrtats care about human rights in China.

Trump blames Xi for hiding the threat while Trumpo did the same thing here.
dems dont give a crap about human rights in china ! bidens family got billions from those evil bastards !clinton welcomed them into the wto and gave them mot favored nation status !and that was the beginning of their evil rise !
Quit lytng about Hunter Biden. He worked with an investment company that gathered money to be invested. Hunter bought into this investment company but has yet to receive anything. Are you assfucks so stupid that if you invest money with an investment comopany that the company takes your money for their personal use?> Really?>

Who did benefit personally friom China? Trump & Ivanka. They got copyrights that they had been trying to get for years.
lol ! and hunter got the investment money shortly after flying to china on air force 2 with his crooked dad chicom joe ! you know darn good and well the left has been in the pocket of rich chicoms ! heck joe said theyre not bad people that the chicoms are not in competition with us ! anyone with a brain [not you ] can see that a vote for a dem for potus is a vote for your pals the chicoms traitor .
you would think US leaders and the msm would be taking a pro America stance during the pandemic thats been unleashed on the world by an evil communist dictatorship much like they did during the scourge of war led by Germany Italy and Japan during ww2 ! but unfortunately it seems that most of the msm and all of the democratic party have forsworn patriotism in favor of gutter politics ! and they have gone so far as to side with an enemy thats responsible for the deaths of thousands of their own countrymen !Democrats support World Health Organization and China over America
Democrats are defending the truth, not China. Do you have documented proof it was China, instead of a Bat?
the best case scenario would be that china hid info and lied about the virus and silenced scientist and doctors while the WHO lied and claimed there was no human to human transmission while china restricted domestic flights to and from wuhan but allowed international flight from the area to infect the world ! thats the best case scenario ! oh and why did dem leaders force nursing homes to take in infected patients ?
"The best case scenario would be that Trump hid info and lied about the virus & silencved scientists and doctors......."

Yes , Trump did this.
bull ! Trump started taking steps to fight the virus looooong before any leftist got on board ! remember the racist travel ban ? but of course the treasonous chicom operatives in the democratic party that attempted a coup know this .
You lying fuck.

This idea that everyone was calling the travel ban racist is bullshit. "Trump said Democrats “loudly criticized and protested” his announced travel restrictions, and that they “called me a racist because I made that decision.” Trump is overstating Democratic opposition. None of the party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats have." The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

I guess you are too fucking stupid to know what Trump's virus hoax statement wass about. Trump was talking about how the Democrats were concerned about the virus and he wasn't.
baaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaa ! liten to the lying leftist chicom shill deny what we all know to be true ! the fact are this traitor leaders in your party and the china bought and paid for mm called the travel ban racist and xenophobic ! and the country will be reminded of that fact all the way up to the election ! a vote for a treasonous communist dem is a vote for communist china !

Still lying about the "ban that wasn't a ban". Some how, the Virus that Trump had "total control of killed over 75,000 Americans. I am sure you will vote for the gujy that gave us 20,5 million job losses in a single month. Wow, you Trumpettes are really that fucking stupid.

"We have 15 cases, soon to be zero" Who said that? Trump? Your expert on pandemics, Trump? Did he say that?
how in the heck did he give us 20 million job losses traitor ? anyone with a brain knows that countries all over the world have shut their economies down because your allies unleashed a deadly virus that has killed hundreds of thousands across the planet ! but will the left place any blame on china ? no ! instead they spout chicom propaganda for political gain ! oh and the US has tested nearly 5 time a many people as the next country that has tested the most! there is no way a big government reg dem would have enabled the private sector to achieve this ! no way !Total COVID-19 tests

What virus? Certainly you aren't talking about this low risk Coronavirus that Trump had complete control of. The virus he did nothing about until mid march. The virus he lied about over & over.

Testing has been a failure. There’s One Big Reason the U.S. Economy Can’t Reopen

20.5 million jobs lost. That doesn't include the ones that the government is subsidizing. What a total failure,. How could Trump akllow such a low risk virus dio this to America?

Just think, Trump's average job gains per month is like a negative 800,000. Great record.
yep ! youre a lying chicom sympathizer .... you are spouting the exact same lies the chicoms are ! run on those lies in nov traitor ! or are you trying to actually trying to convince everyone that biden will be tougher on china ? of course he wont ! biden will do what china pays him to do ! jut like hes done in the past !
Traitor? Really? I am not supporting Putin's choice for President. You are.

Keep pedaling the Biden lies like the good little Trumpette you are.
the only people that colluded with Russians were the dnc and obama officials to get a fake dossier .
Naturally that is a lie and cannot be proven.
here did the dems get the dossier from traitor ?
The "dems" didn't. Hillarey got it from the opposition reserarch firm she hired.

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