Democrats did not oppose/attack China Travel restrictions

NY Gov. Cuomo and NYC mayor DeBlasio were labeling New Yorkers "racist" if they were hesitant to expose themselves early during the virus threat. Democrats were in the business of protecting China while Americans came down with the virus. You almost gotta laugh that the democrat party's biggest worry was that they might call it the China virus.
Read those links. Not a single one quotes any democrat who opposed the China travel restrictions. They are headlines without a matching quote or fact. Read one and see. You can read.

Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont on Monday said he wouldn’t shutter U.S. borders as part of a potential response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“What we need to do is have the scientists take a hard look at what we need to do,” Mr. Sanders said at a Fox News town hall. “There are communities where the virus is spreading. What does that mean? It may mean self-quarantining. It may be not having public assemblies.”

“But let’s not go back to the same old thing,” said Mr. Sanders, a top contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. “Isn’t it interesting that a president who has been demagoguing and demonizing immigrants, the first thing that he could think about is closing down the border?”

The title of the article is a lie.

I posted a Youtube video of your Great White Hope and Lord Saviour of the 2020 election, Joe Biden.

You want more? I'd be more than happy to provide it for you...

Just what "dictator" was trump referring to at 2:04?

Here's one you'll really like, seeing as how you're so aligned with the Chinese communists...

Oooohhhh! Trump's tweet about Coronavirus and China was "racist" and "xenophobic". I am shocked, I tell ya...

The man, in his own words, starting at 0:16...

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I posted a Youtube video of your Great White Hope and Lord Saviour of the 2020 election, Joe Biden.
He's just the likely nominee. You folks are the ones who worship your infallible Dear Leader.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS

Most of those links that did include China are not being very truthful.

Two of them try to portray the “No ban act” as preventing Trump from restricting travel as he did in January. I read the act. That would be a lie. Another link you posted said it was introduced this year, when in fact it was introduced in April 2019, a fact so obvious that they must have been lying about it. (they linked the bill in the article which clearly shows when it was introduced).
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

Not ONLY did Democrats oppose President Trump's Travel Ban intended to stop the global sporead of COVID-19 at the time he imposed the ban:

"House Democrats have introduced legislation that would undo President Trump’s travel bans from coronavirus stricken areas, despite the fact that the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has said that the impact of the crisis would be much worse had the travel bans on China and Iran not been in place.

Democrats want to strip the President of the authority to implement the bans, introducing a bill titled the “No Ban Act,” which would allow travelers from Wuhan and other infected areas to keep arriving in the US unimpeded."

As stated earlier and repeated, the Democrats themselves have continued to demonstrate that had they been in charge the impact of COVID-19 on the US would have been much greater, more infected and more dead American....

Instead of worrying about the welfare / security of the US they were instead immersed in yet another of a non-stop, never-ending string of failed coup attempts.
Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

Apparently everything you Democrats say is exactly the opposite of the truth.
I’ll take the lack of factual response as “I agree you are accurate but I do not care”.

BWAHAHA!! You could hardly display any more willingness to lie than that offering.

You made his point for him.... inadvertently, of course.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650

Funny - When it comes to the Meme Machine - Garbage in/ Garbage out ;)

Free Thought Project - Conspiracy - Fake News - Not Credible
Free Thought Project - pseudoscience - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate the Free Thought Project a Strong Conspiracy website and Low for factual reporting due to a very poor fact check record.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

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