Democrats did not oppose/attack China Travel restrictions

OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock
Another example of how Faux is purposefully misinforming its audience.

Sanders tells Fox News Town Hall he wouldn't close US borders during coronavirus-type contagion

Here is what Sanders actually said, in direct contradiction to the title of the story.

Sanders responded by calling Trump's actions in office xenophobic and claiming the president is "propagating ... anti-immigrant sentiment from before he was elected."

Instead of making what he characterized as a political decision in response to an epidemic, Sanders said he would let the medical experts and scientists decide what steps to take.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.

Wow I read the book my first time in the 4th grade.
Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

All it takes to smash your idiotic garbage post is the FACT de Blasio went full fucking retard when Trump instituted the travel ban and stopped the automatic screening of people coming and going at will.

Now the braindead New York Communist is kissing Trump's ass.

How cute, you post this nonsense after it became clear de Blasio fucked up and now crying to Trump to save his sorry ass.

Like I said, de Blasio went full retard when Trump shut it down and was out in the street telling everyone to come on down and party, We Got More Green Beer Than You Can Drink.

Time for you to request this thread be thrown in the Rubber Room or removed. You made an ass of yourself.

OMG. You are a fucking LIAR. Here is what you are referring to: Trump banned NYers from enrolling in trusted traveler over sanctuary laws NOT CHINESE TRAVEL BANS. OMG it’s so obvious to everyone it’s all a rouse.

Politico LMFAO

Hey, tard, that article was 6 days after Trump started the travel bans. All part of locking down our country.

Everyone with a fucking brain knows Politico is a propaganda arm of the DNC and they spun the article to make it all about Trump is a fucking bigot.

Another fail, petunia. What's that, about 4 now?

Dumb ass. Show one fucking link where the China ban was attacked. I showed you what the De Blasio spin in the post was about for clarity. I didn’t even comment on whic side was right just that the comment was utterly unrelated tho the China ban. I also took a shit 3 days after the Trump ban and guess what?? It wasn’t relaylted Notice the claim wasn’t backed up with any link and so you are saying my attempt to put the unlinked message board comment in context with a link is shoddy. Fuck you.

Your entire thread got slammed, dipshit. You made an ass of yourself. You should have requested it be taken down when I told you. Now you've got so much shit shoved in your face all you can do is chew on it.

Better luck next time, commie.
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.

Wow I read the book my first time in the 4th grade.

That's probably why you didn't understand it :)

OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.

Wow I read the book my first time in the 4th grade.

That's probably why you didn't understand it :)

It explains why they made up the TDS meme. They hate the truth.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune....

Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- and they are now beating a hasty retreat from that position as the coronavirus continues to ravage the economy and cause scores of deaths.


"Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden led the way, quickly attacking what he called Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering" after the travel restrictions were announced"

"In March, another Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., conspicuously insisted at a Fox News town hall that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's xenophobia."

"A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

"The Washington Post ran a story quoting a Chinese official asking for "empathy" and slamming the White House for acting "in disregard of WHO [World Health Organization] recommendation against travel restrictions."
- We now know the lead rep in the WHO was 'in bed with' / kissing China's ass, helping ythem keep the lid on the truth about their COVID-19 failures and lies.

ONCE AGAIN, evidence shows how Democrats and snowflakes are attempting to re-write history to eliminate the fact that they did NOT support a Travel Ban as early as President Trump imposed oned (despite say8ing now he did so 'late'), that they would NOT have put such a travel ban in place, and we would be facing a more dire situation now - with more infected and a greater number of dead Americans - had THEY been in charge.

Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

All it takes to smash your idiotic garbage post is the FACT de Blasio went full fucking retard when Trump instituted the travel ban and stopped the automatic screening of people coming and going at will.

Now the braindead New York Communist is kissing Trump's ass.

How cute, you post this nonsense after it became clear de Blasio fucked up and now crying to Trump to save his sorry ass.

Like I said, de Blasio went full retard when Trump shut it down and was out in the street telling everyone to come on down and party, We Got More Green Beer Than You Can Drink.

Time for you to request this thread be thrown in the Rubber Room or removed. You made an ass of yourself.

OMG. You are a fucking LIAR. Here is what you are referring to: Trump banned NYers from enrolling in trusted traveler over sanctuary laws NOT CHINESE TRAVEL BANS. OMG it’s so obvious to everyone it’s all a rouse.

Politico LMFAO

Hey, tard, that article was 6 days after Trump started the travel bans. All part of locking down our country.

Everyone with a fucking brain knows Politico is a propaganda arm of the DNC and they spun the article to make it all about Trump is a fucking bigot.

Another fail, petunia. What's that, about 4 now?

Dumb ass. Show one fucking link where the China ban was attacked. I showed you what the De Blasio spin in the post was about for clarity. I didn’t even comment on whic side was right just that the comment was utterly unrelated tho the China ban. I also took a shit 3 days after the Trump ban and guess what?? It wasn’t relaylted Notice the claim wasn’t backed up with any link and so you are saying my attempt to put the unlinked message board comment in context with a link is shoddy. Fuck you.

Your entire thread got slammed, dipshit. You made an ass of yourself. You should have requested it be taken down when I told you. Now you've got so much shit shoved in your face all you can do is chew on it.

Better luck next time, commie.

Dude. Honestly, I know it’s fun to joke around but at the end of the day not a single post on here dispelled what I posted. Basically every subsequent retort fell into two categories:
  1. Lies trying to apply the opposition to the Muslim ban to the Chinese travel restrictions
  2. Unrelated attacks on Trump that are cut off to appear to be not supporting the Chinese travel restrictions
I predicted that in the OP. Aren’t you interested in how I was able to clearly, and in the body of this thread post exact quotes of support from Democrats (in their entirety) yet all Republicans can do is link a headline and call me names?
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic,
Seriously, you folks really need to stop repeating that lie.

Former Vice President Joe Biden hammered President Trump for cutting health programs amid an outbreak of the coronavirus that originated in China and has since spread to the U.S.

“We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus,” Biden said in Iowa Friday. “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia - and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.”

The former vice president accused the president of curtailing progress on global health oversight that was made during the Obama administration.
After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune....

Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- and they are now beating a hasty retreat from that position as the coronavirus continues to ravage the economy and cause scores of deaths.


"Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden led the way, quickly attacking what he called Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering" after the travel restrictions were announced"

"In March, another Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., conspicuously insisted at a Fox News town hall that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's xenophobia."

"A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

"The Washington Post ran a story quoting a Chinese official asking for "empathy" and slamming the White House for acting "in disregard of WHO [World Health Organization] recommendation against travel restrictions."
- We now know the lead rep in the WHO was 'in bed with' / kissing China's ass, helping ythem keep the lid on the truth about their COVID-19 failures and lies.

ONCE AGAIN, evidence shows how Democrats and snowflakes are attempting to re-write history to eliminate the fact that they did NOT support a Travel Ban as early as President Trump imposed oned (despite say8ing now he did so 'late'), that they would NOT have put such a travel ban in place, and we would be facing a more dire situation now - with more infected and a greater number of dead Americans - had THEY been in charge.

Here is the whole quote. He clearly shouts it’s a crisis. Then he stakes out what kind of leader America needs - not xenophobic. At no time anywhere did he condemn travel restrictions. Nor anytime after. Nor anytime before. Never. You can’t make it true by wishes. The headlines you post don’t match the quote or the speech.

"We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus," Biden said in Iowa Friday. "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia - and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science."
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.

Wow I read the book my first time in the 4th grade.

That's probably why you didn't understand it :)


"A Jan. 31 article in The New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

The Fox News article quoted is pretty pathetic. The Biden quote doesn’t mention the travel restrictions. Sander’s quote was about a hypothetical complete border closure, so again not about the travel restrictions. The NY Times quoted a well respected epidemiologist, but the Fox News article excludes the entire context:
“Some public health and policy experts said the restrictions announced Friday, weeks after the virus was discovered in China, might not do as much officials hoped in containing the contagion.

At this point, sharply curtailing air travel to and from China is more of an emotional or political reaction, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

“The cow’s already out of the barn,” he said, ”and we’re now talking about shutting the barn door.”

As you can see, Osterholm isn’t criticizing it from any political perspective, but because he says it’s too late (he was right).

Pretty weak sauce Fox News. Not that any Trump supporters care. They got their marching orders.
Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

Oh just shut it.

"House Republican leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to pull a bill that would rescind President Trump’s controversial travel ban, arguing it could hinder the administration’s ability to limit the number of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that have faced widespread outbreaks of coronavirus. "

That was a bill that opposed the Muslim travel ban and it was polluted to support the Chinese restrictions that ended up not working.

Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

Oh just shut it.

"House Republican leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to pull a bill that would rescind President Trump’s controversial travel ban, arguing it could hinder the administration’s ability to limit the number of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that have faced widespread outbreaks of coronavirus. "

That was a bill that opposed the Muslim travel ban and it was polluted to support the Chinese restrictions that ended up not working.

Son, liars don't last long here.

"The Louisiana Republican cited Trump’s decision to limit the number of people coming in from China as a necessary precaution amid early reports of the widespread outbreak in that country, telling reporters the bill could create obstacles for officials looking to prevent the spread of the disease. "

Last edited:
OP loves a travel ban. Glad to know.

There where against it now for it, what a bunch of retarded sheep
Ha ha. Again. Nothing factual on your part. Your holding onto beliefs that are wrong. How many other lies have you bought hook, line, and sinker?

Says Mr. 1984

View attachment 320622

We're talking all things Orwellian now are we bear? Okay .. LETS


View attachment 320650
That's probably the most dishonest mis-representation of Orwell's beliefs I've ever seen. That org should rename itself thefreefromthoughtproject.

So you two never even read the book? Well that's a shock

I did - Two times maybe three. One was in a college government class. Had I reached the same conclusions your stupid meme did as part of my analysis, I'd have failed the class.

Wow I read the book my first time in the 4th grade.

That's probably why you didn't understand it :)


View attachment 320664

Lies. You can’t quote an attack on the China Travel Restrictions from leadership. Here’s what liars do:
  • Claim Pelosi was against the travel ban when the travel ban she opposed was the Muslim ban before China restrictions were announced .
  • Claim Biden was against the ban when the only comment they can find is Biden saying to lead with science and not xenophobia and fear. He never attacked the travel restrictions.
Lies lies and more lies from the right. All you can find are right wing articles claiming Democrats opposed it... not actual opposition.

Wake up righties. You’re being lied to.

“Dr. Fauci said it was a scientific medical decision. I have a great confidence in Dr. Fauci,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi questioned why the United Kingdom, which is outside the free-travel Schengen area, was exempted, but said she did not want to focus on criticizing Trump.

“I think it’s a good step, absolutely,” said Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat in a tough re-election fight.

“The fact of the matter is we’re going to have to take some very serious steps,” Jones told The Post. “And I think the administration started that yesterday. I wish they would have started things a little bit earlier.”

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) told The Post, “It seems like of the 35 states that now have coronaviruses, 30 of them have originated in Europe, so I think it’s a wise move.”

Oh just shut it.

"House Republican leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to pull a bill that would rescind President Trump’s controversial travel ban, arguing it could hinder the administration’s ability to limit the number of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that have faced widespread outbreaks of coronavirus. "

That was a bill that opposed the Muslim travel ban and it was polluted to support the Chinese restrictions that ended up not working.

The bill in question was introduced in April 2019. Trying to make it about COVID is stupid.

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