Democrats, did slaves build Disney?

The only slaves that actually built anything were the Chinese used to build the railroads but no one ever pays attention to them because they weren't black and blacks are the only ones as a whole that have been demanding everything for nothing.

They also ignore all of the black people who owned black slaves in America like William Ellison. They also ignore the fact that blacks are the ones who enslaved blacks and sold them.

They demand reparations even though none of them were a slave.

They demand to be treated as equals but don't act like they are equals and want special treatment.

They demand the end of racism by using racism by wanting to be hired just for being black and keep racism alive by claiming whites are racist. They want to use the nword but no one else can.

They demand an end to racist cops when they go out and comit crimes and are treated like criminals. Or they want to end racism by going out and burning and looting and harassing people.

I wish Disney nothing but total bankruptcy in the hopes that maybe they will have to rebuild again without the woke nonsense. But it won't ever happen because Disney is woke to get esg scores which bring in more than than they lose by people like me boycotting them.
The Left ignores all facts that contradict their ideology and goals.

Here are the facts

1. There is more slavery today in the world than at any other time in history.

Yet the Left ignores it and only focuses on slavery of the past, slavery that none of us had anything to do with. They purposefully live in the past to ignore the problems we face today, all for political gain.

2. Next to Denmark, the US imported the least number of slaves. That's right, slavery was worldwide and not only an American conservative white phenomenon like Disney is teaching children. It was just the status quo.

The only reason that the number of slaves rose in the US was that the US was the only nation to allow them to have families. In other words, they were treated better than in the rest of the world.

3. Some of the Founders, like George Mason, refused to sign the Constitution because it did not free the slaves a radical position at the time in the world.

4. Thomas Jefferson wanted to include the slaves in the Declaration of Independence, but was persuaded out of it in order for the Southern states to sign on. Since that time, abolition had always been a major driving force in American politics. Again, this was a radical position at that time in the world.

5. White Americans killed their white brothers to the tune of about a million dead, the largest number of deaths in any American war, all to free the slaves. Why? Is this not enough "atonement"? In fact, how does one atone for just one slave? What amount of money and blood can atone for that? None that I can think of. But that was the point in the cartoon. The point was, we need reparations, but they still won't atone for the sins of the past, so that is why they need more reparations, but not that that will ever atone for it either.
Illegal aliens are today's slaves. They depress wages and destroy the American dream for millions of native-born Americans. We should fine the piss out of any company that hires them.
That is the exact opposite of the corporate and political culture.

You do realize they can cancel you for saying that, right?
Illegal aliens are today's slaves. They depress wages and destroy the American dream for millions of native-born Americans. We should fine the piss out of any company that hires them.
Good luck fining businesses in any meaningful way.

That cheap labor is too ingrained in our business mode… both parties
Good luck fining businesses in any meaningful way.

That cheap labor is too ingrained in our business mode… both parties
Yes, the American people do not have any representation, that is for sure, which is why every time the American people are polled, they say the country is headed down the wrong road no matter who is in power.
Who gives a shit about Disney
Not many these days as many have cancelled their subscription in droves for the first time.

Disney then had to fire a bunch of people to make ends meet

But do they really care about making money? I don't think so and don't think they care about the people they fired.

It's all about Leftist activism and power.

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