Democrats Dog Whistle: Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler says President Trump is a "threat" that Biden will "end ... once and for all."

If Trump convinces SCOTUS that Presidents are legally allowed to do anything at all, maybe Biden will have Trump assassinated. That could be what the guy is referring to.

No such argument has been made. That came from the skull full of mush of judge Pan.
Intelligent people understand that the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party's illegitimate prosecution of President Trump is the real threat to the foundation of our constitutional republic.
This is the sort of primitive neo-marxist political tactic that is done in backwards third world countries.

Venezuela issues arrest warrant for US-based opposition leader …

Oct 5, 2023 · Bogota CNN —. Venezuelan authorities on Thursday issued an arrest warrant for opposition leader and former interim president Juan Guaido, who dismissed the move as politically motivated....
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The American citizens will decide who your next leader is.

If not, you are nothing more than a good old fashioned Banana Republic shytehole that Europe and Asia will turn away from. Who will benefit from this? Chinese, Russian and Iranian spies.

Who will pay the steepest price? Americas closest allies, be they Britain, Israel or Japan.

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