Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
Today’s Democrats bear little resemblance to those of the Truman or even Kennedy eras. They are not just economic Marxists believing in equality of outcome, but cultural Marxists who wish to deny and/or destroy all that came before them, including the very concept of men and women.

Not content with even this, they boldly attempt to impose their ideas — and will -- on everyone else. They want equity of beliefs and values, as long as those beliefs and values are their own.
nd that others should not have the right to believe what they see, think what they want, say what they will, or even defend themselves. This kind of tyranny, especially in the guise of “democracy,” simply cannot be tolerated if we are to have a free and representative republic…and a viable society. The Biden administration has issued a veritable plethora of edicts and mandates that should rightly constitute a modern version of the “Intolerable Acts,” so many in fact that there is not space enough for them to be catalogued here.

As Thomas Jefferson so unambiguously stated, “I have sworn-- on the altar of God—eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.”

Unfortunately, there are few, if any, Thomas Jeffersons, Patrick Henrys, Paul Reveres, Samuel Adamses, or George Washingtons in today’s Republican Party—or anywhere else.

So, it may well be up to us to reclaim our birthright through the democratic process we have and take back our freedoms.

Time grows short. Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response

Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
Today’s Democrats bear little resemblance to those of the Truman or even Kennedy eras. They are not just economic Marxists believing in equality of outcome, but cultural Marxists who wish to deny and/or destroy all that came before them, including the very concept of men and women.

Thread fail due to ignorant flame baiting.
The Dems during Truman to Kennedy would put you into re-education camps like the Republicans would, they would also use economic exclusion of society like they did blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and women that they wanted to control.
Today’s Democrats bear little resemblance to those of the Truman or even Kennedy eras. They are not just economic Marxists believing in equality of outcome, but cultural Marxists who wish to deny and/or destroy all that came before them, including the very concept of men and women.

Thread fail due to ignorant flame baiting.
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
The original Republicans would not recognize this party, particularly post-Civil War Radical Republicans. You know, the ones that stood up for blacks and opposed white privilege!
The original Republicans would not recognize this party, particularly post-Civil War Radical Republicans. You know, the ones that stood up for blacks and opposed white privilege!
No, that’s just your troll, based on nothing but the extremism of your own hatred…
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
With an OP title complaining about Democrats.

The original Republicans would not recognize this party, particularly post-Civil War Radical Republicans. You know, the ones that stood up for blacks and opposed white privilege!
They were progressives and went to bat for the common worker and tried to change the living conditions of the poor until the 1920s.
No, that’s just your troll, based on nothing but the extremism of your own hatred…
Really? Then why the resistance anytime black history is mentioned? History is history and not just for your use to flagellate Democrats. IMO, the MAGA Republican Party and Reconstruction Democrats have a lot in common.
Really? Then why the resistance anytime black history is mentioned? History is history and not just for your use to flagellate Democrats. IMO, the MAGA Republican Party and Reconstruction Democrats have a lot in common.
(Rabid Republicans) Hell, the Repubs today hate the Amendments the GOP put onto the Constitution after the Civil War.
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
Maybe don't use slavers as your example of good and decent people..... just sayin. 😄
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
100% correct

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