Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

notice how lakhota like that FAST TRACKING of stepping all over us people in the country?

he be a proud independent indian who stands on principle, honor and care for the RULE OF LAW

OK that was a joke...sorry

congress writes laws.....

anyone...anyone? why the fuck is she allowed on here?
You libs/left/progressives made our live MISERABLE ALL during the Bush administaion...protesting, marches, invading Senate hearing rushing Sec. of States, etc etc

and you are ten times worse with this man and the Democrat party in power

snakes in the grass folks...learn a lesson from all this at least

Karl Rove and Dick Cheney aren't generally thought of as "libs/left/progressives". Huh.

Karl Rove never meant anything to me..another snake in my book

Dick Cheney is a libs hardon
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Actually, the British live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate than we do and they spend less.

I have been through this with you before, so I won't bother to repeat the factual evidence that points out why you are wrong. I will, however, point out that you are wrong.

You can claim that all day, but it still doesn't make it true. Our own CIA admits as much.

The CIA barely admits it exists, but feel free to make spurious claims about them admitting things that can be easily disproven to anyone with access to the data they actually publish.
It drives liberals batshit insane to think an employer should be allowed a choice as to what perqs will be provided to employees other than cash.

They just can't have that. They want the employer to be forced to buy them whatever they demand.

Employer-sponsored insurance is a labor boondoggle. Since they could not get what they wanted in the free market, they got their man Obama to force it upon every employer in the country.

But that wasn't good enough. They don't want employers to have so much as a scintilla of decision-making power as to the elements they will sponsor for their employees' insurance. Oh hell no!

In the wild topsy-turvy minds of takers, they don't see this as an intrusion in any way. Nope. Because they aren't the ones having to pay the price. They are the takers, not the forcibly raped givers. They don't mind robbery of other people if it benefits themselves.

The incredible ignorant mindset is along the lines of, "If I am getting free stuff, how is that an intrusion?"

They think this shower of stuff is free because they never think about how it is paid for. They never think about the cost coming out of someone else's pocket. "I dropped out of high school, give me free insurance!"

If you dare interrupt their flow of "free" goods, THEN it suddenly becomes an intrusion! Then it is a war on (fill in the blank).

Batshit insanity.

Except that they are not "Free Goods". They are earned by the labor of the employee doing tasks the employer cannot do for himself.

The employer is not going to hire anyone who isn't making in exccess of what it costs to employ him or her.

Of course, if we had a truly empowered workforce, employees would negotiate these issues.

Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.
DIPSHIT: Force my employer to buy me stuff.

UNCLE SAM: Here you go. I will fine them if they don't buy you this stuff.

EMPLOYER: I should not be forced to buy someone else stuff.

DIPSHIT: He's intruding into my life!!! WAAAAAAH!

well thats not really how insurance works now does it.
Rare you find a company that pays fully for insurance. Typically you pay into it weekly via your paycheck.

I know of one company that doesnt make you pay for your health insurance. Thats mine.

Wow, good way to make your point that companies don't pay for insurance.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
And progressives wonder why people say they're violent psychopaths...

You do NOT have the right to assault people and damage other people's property because you don't get your way.

Good Gaea, I wish progressives would grow the fuck up. Bunch of stupid spoiled brats -- nothing more.
notice how lakhota like that FAST TRACKING of stepping all over us people in the country?

he be a proud independent indian who stands on principle, honor and care for the RULE OF LAW

OK that was a joke...sorry

congress writes laws.....

anyone...anyone? why the fuck is she allowed on here?
Because the management believes in the freedom of speech...unlike progressives.
notice how lakhota like that FAST TRACKING of stepping all over us people in the country?

he be a proud independent indian who stands on principle, honor and care for the RULE OF LAW

OK that was a joke...sorry

congress writes laws.....

anyone...anyone? why the fuck is she allowed on here?
Because the management believes in the freedom of speech...unlike progressives.

What if freedom of speech was limited to professional journalists?
You libs/left/progressives made our live MISERABLE ALL during the Bush administaion...protesting, marches, invading Senate hearing rushing Sec. of States, etc etc

and you are ten times worse with this man and the Democrat party in power

snakes in the grass folks...learn a lesson from all this at least

Karl Rove and Dick Cheney aren't generally thought of as "libs/left/progressives". Huh.
They were good compared to the idiots in office now.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

I love it when the outlier posts these type of posts. It really shows the color of the chameleon, he just can't help himself.

As far as a fast track bill, it's no more than grandstanding for the sake of playing politics.
It's an election year and the dems are desperate.

The bill is dead and the dems just need to move along because it's the law of the land.
all of this talk about the pill.

If we had some higher wages, maybe people could choose to get it if we could all afford something.
all of this talk about the pill.

If we had some higher wages, maybe people could choose to get it if we could all afford something.

If higher wages was your goal why do you support a healthcare plan that keeps your wages and hours you can work down?

I have something you can afford...swallow. And then have your partner return the favor. No cost, no problem. Why does it need to be a we problem when it's really just you that has a problem? And why is that our fault or our need to pay for?
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

Hey, the reason we don't have THIS kind of shit going on anymore..


Is because someone threatened the 1%ers of that time with imminent violence if they didn't knock that shit the fuck off.

Now the 1%ers just move the factories to some god-foresaken third world country...


While you have guys like your boy Mitt Romney saying how wonderful it is...

(Because, hey, fuck those kids, they're "Gentiles".)
You libs/left/progressives made our live MISERABLE ALL during the Bush administaion...protesting, marches, invading Senate hearing rushing Sec. of States, etc etc

and you are ten times worse with this man and the Democrat party in power

snakes in the grass folks...learn a lesson from all this at least

You mean after they found out that we invaded a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, they made your lives miserable.

God, I hope so.

My question is, why aren't Cheney and Rummy and Bill Krystol in front of an International War Crimes Tribunal for war crimes.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

Hey, the reason we don't have THIS kind of shit going on anymore..


Is because someone threatened the 1%ers of that time with imminent violence if they didn't knock that shit the fuck off.

Now the 1%ers just move the factories to some god-foresaken third world country...

No, actually the reason is that the increase in capital with respect to labour brought about by free market capitalism increased the productivity of labour to the point where parents didn't need their children to work to avoid starvation. Capitalism ended child labour, which had existed for 10,000 years prior to it.
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