Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Of course, if we had a truly empowered workforce, employees would negotiate these issues.

Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.

Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?
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Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

Thanks for showing your true colors to the entire forum.

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Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
And progressives wonder why people say they're violent psychopaths...

You do NOT have the right to assault people and damage other people's property because you don't get your way.

Good Gaea, I wish progressives would grow the fuck up. Bunch of stupid spoiled brats -- nothing more.

Guy, again, the only reason why we have a middle class today is because our great-grandparents were willing to use violence to get things like safe work places, no child labor, weekends off, fair wages.

The 1%ers have no problem using violence against us.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

I love it when the outlier posts these type of posts. It really shows the color of the chameleon, he just can't help himself.

As far as a fast track bill, it's no more than grandstanding for the sake of playing politics.
It's an election year and the dems are desperate.

The bill is dead and the dems just need to move along because it's the law of the land.

Actually, you guys are running on, "Buy your own contraception, you slut", which is the truly "outlier" position, given 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

Thanks for revealing your cloven hoof and showing the entire forum what a scumbag fascist you are.

THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

Thanks for revealing your cloven hoof and showing the entire forum what a scumbag fascist you are.

THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"
And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

Hey, the reason we don't have THIS kind of shit going on anymore..


Is because someone threatened the 1%ers of that time with imminent violence if they didn't knock that shit the fuck off.

Now the 1%ers just move the factories to some god-foresaken third world country...

No, actually the reason is that the increase in capital with respect to labour brought about by free market capitalism increased the productivity of labour to the point where parents didn't need their children to work to avoid starvation. Capitalism ended child labour, which had existed for 10,000 years prior to it.

Guy, that's utter horseshit, and it ignores American history from about 1900-1950.

Capitalism did nothing of the sort, There's still "child labor" going on today thanks to Capitalism and "Free Markets".

The reason that shit stopped if for a glorious moment, government took the side of working people over rich people. And rich people went along with it because they looked at places like Russia and China where they were taking out their rich people and shooting their asses.

"Um, give you the weekend off? Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Don't go Bolshevik on me!"
Thanks for revealing your cloven hoof and showing the entire forum what a scumbag fascist you are.

THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

He is a poster child for why the "labor movement" should be declared a domestic terrorist group and dealt with as such.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
And progressives wonder why people say they're violent psychopaths...

You do NOT have the right to assault people and damage other people's property because you don't get your way.

Good Gaea, I wish progressives would grow the fuck up. Bunch of stupid spoiled brats -- nothing more.

Guy, again, the only reason why we have a middle class today is because our great-grandparents were willing to use violence to get things like safe work places, no child labor, weekends off, fair wages.

The 1%ers have no problem using violence against us.
Why do most progressives have such a damned whiny victimhood fantasy?

Again, child: Grow the fuck up.
THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

A pill that causes an abortion IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE. Contraceptives prevent conception. HL includes contraceptives in its insurance package. SCOTUS ruled that it does not have to include abortion causing pills.

you libtards have completely mischaracterized this entire issue. But that what you do, because if you are truthful you will lose every debate on every subject.
THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

Right. That's what we're saying. You don't know what is.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

I love it when the outlier posts these type of posts. It really shows the color of the chameleon, he just can't help himself.

As far as a fast track bill, it's no more than grandstanding for the sake of playing politics.
It's an election year and the dems are desperate.

The bill is dead and the dems just need to move along because it's the law of the land.

Actually, you guys are running on, "Buy your own contraception, you slut", which is the truly "outlier" position, given 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives.
And Hobby Lobby offers 16 different pills through their insurance, Joe. You are the outlier and very disingenuous with your mantra. You have nothing other than doing the grandstanding
notice how lakhota like that FAST TRACKING of stepping all over us people in the country?

he be a proud independent indian who stands on principle, honor and care for the RULE OF LAW

OK that was a joke...sorry

Filing this post away in my "proof of racism" folder.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Viagra is supposed to be for men with a physical problem preventing or hindering sex, like Diabetes...
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.
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