Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

notice how lakhota like that FAST TRACKING of stepping all over us people in the country?

he be a proud independent indian who stands on principle, honor and care for the RULE OF LAW

OK that was a joke...sorry

Filing this post away in my "proof of racism" folder.

omg, my life is over

Thank you for acknowledging the severity of your crime. If you need help dealing with the emotional trauma associated with the realization that you are a racist, I'm here for you, systyr.
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.
Hey, the reason we don't have THIS kind of shit going on anymore..


Is because someone threatened the 1%ers of that time with imminent violence if they didn't knock that shit the fuck off.

Now the 1%ers just move the factories to some god-foresaken third world country...

No, actually the reason is that the increase in capital with respect to labour brought about by free market capitalism increased the productivity of labour to the point where parents didn't need their children to work to avoid starvation. Capitalism ended child labour, which had existed for 10,000 years prior to it.

Guy, that's utter horseshit, and it ignores American history from about 1900-1950.

It ignores nothing. You are the one ignoring the previous 10,000 years of child labor.

Capitalism did nothing of the sort, There's still "child labor" going on today thanks to Capitalism and "Free Markets".

There has been child labor since the origin of the species. The only places where it has ended are places where society adopted capitalism.

The reason that shit stopped if for a glorious moment, government took the side of working people over rich people. And rich people went along with it because they looked at places like Russia and China where they were taking out their rich people and shooting their asses.

Duh, wrong. The first child labor act was passed in 1916, before the Russian revolution. It passed only because parents could make enough for a family to avoid starvation without their children working. Prior to that every attempt to pass legislation against child labor was shot down in flames because parents were against it.

"Um, give you the weekend off? Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Don't go Bolshevik on me!"

You have a source for this quote, I suppose?
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

By definition, tyranny is something only government can impose. Private companies aren't allowed to point guns at people, so how can they be tyrannical?
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

By definition, tyranny is something only government can impose. Private companies aren't allowed to point guns at people, so how can they be tyrannical?




THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

Is that an absolute truth coming from an atheist, a person who necessarily denies the existence of the prerequisite foundation of absolutes as he preaches and condemns and lectures . . . or are you just pulling on our legs? :lol:

Obviously, the only thing the atheist can assert about anything if his delusion were true would be the utterly arbitrary, the expedient, the latest fashion. In other words, mob rule. Might makes right.

Shut up!

The implications of the fact that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness are absolute, i.e., that one cannot escape the necessity of discrimination, decision. . . . The implications just fly right over the atheist's pointed head.


The atheist leftist is an especially stupid and vicious little troll. There is no God. There are no absolutes . . . except of course the absolutes of his threats of violence and mayhem against those with whom he disagrees. Does this self-appointed deity have the guts to face the rugged individualist like a man, make his own way, build his own life? No! This womanish little pissant runs to Big Daddy government, his sugar daddy, his eyes all a-flutter, all giggly and girlish, shaking his money maker.

Leftist woman are screeching hyenas. Leftist men are dickless freaks of nature.

YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

How the hell is the government's imposition of YOUR morality and YOUR religion on your employer an imposition on you, you Marxist thug? All you're really saying is that theists have no legitimate right to freely own and operate their own businesses in accordance with their values.

That's an existential threat, you depraved whore, so I will respond in kind. We will take up arms and end you. You barbaric animals are driving this nation toward civil war. We patriots don't do fantasy tough guy. We're armed, trained, many of us ex-military.


And as opposed to what, you lunatic? Your religion of mindless matter magically evolving to contemplate itself? Magical materialism? Magical space dust and chemistry? Make believe science? Alchemy? Abiogenesis? That is to say, that ol' falsified myth of spontaneous generation repackaged.

Life comes life, you obtuse moron. Consciousness comes from consciousness, not from mindless rocks via chance variation and happy coincidence in the face of an astronomically staggering mathematical improbability.

Prufrock's Lair: Abiogenesis: The Unholy Grail of Atheism

Serendipity. Magic. That's atheism all day long.

Even Hawking, for all his brilliance, is ultimately a damn fool who has uttered the most embarrassingly stupid things in the face of centuries-old philosophical imperatives which he necessarily presupposes in every other instance in order to do science in the first place! Outside of his field, he's a historically illiterate buffoon. And, yes, he's a leftist, bootlicking statist too, every bit as "hoooooooooooooly shit" stupid and "positively Orwellian" (g5000) in his thinking when it comes to political matters.

The likes of Hawking go all stupid when it comes to the obvious necessity of an eternally self-subsistent Consciousness for one reason only: Arrogance. For make no mistake about it, his atheistic arguments are not science at all, and they are no less sophomorically inane or theologically juvenile than those of any other atheist. The idea that there exists a Mind greater than his comparatively popsicle intellect is anathema to him. That he would be accountable to a Being greater than himself . . . why, the sheer impertinence of it all!

And so when it comes to the ontological matter of ultimate origin, he deviates, incidentally, from the very same absolute standards of categorical and mathematical logic that govern science.

No, Stephen, you idiot savant, the quantum vacuum is obviously not a metaphysical nothingness, and, no, it doesn't resolve the problem of infinite regression. It doesn't so much as lay a finger on it. Doh!

Prufrock's Lair: A Mountain of Nothin' out of Somethin' or Another

In fact, it looks an awful lot like an autonomously unpredictable free agent, either in and of itself or as the nexus between the temporal and the transcendent. Just saying. And, no, for the drooling idiots out there, that potentiality would not be the stuff of the so-called God in the gaps fallacy, which is in fact nothing but a meaningless slogan, indeed, a logical fallacy itself. The process of deciphering the laws of nature is not synonymously the process of eliminating God. Doh! The former presupposes order and predictability.


The implications of which are obvious to all but the intellectually malnourished and the spiritually depraved.

It is atheism that is superstition, the refuge of nose-picking, inbred hayseeds, the purveyors of a philosophically contradictory and scientifically unfalsifiable apriority. Free thinkers, my ass. For all their bullshit, they are the stuff of sheer faith sans any reason whatsoever. You dolts never even get past the irrefutable first principles of ontology.

Prufrock's Cave: the problem of the infinite regression of origin


In any event, the only persons around here threatening to impose upon the religious/ideological liberty, free-association, health care choices and the private property rights of others are monstrous leftist whores like you.

You mindless, brainwashed Orwellian twits! Up is down. Black is White. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery.

The liberty of others is an imposition on you?!

Shut up!

Dolts. Degenerates. Sheep. Magpies. Cackling hens. Shrews. Bitches. Pollyannaish Morons. Cowards. Limp Wrists. Puddles of soiled panties. Hand-wringing pussies. Thieves. Parasites.

ObamaCare is not about health care or coverage. It's not about choice, you dingbat. Single men under thirty harnessed with the costs of "reproductive medical care," that is to say, abortions and contraceptives. It's about the control of wealth and the redistribution of it, you zero-sum-gain mental midget.

You're the puritanical, moralizing little pricks amongst us.

Climate change! Global Warming! War on Women! Guns are bad! Trans Fats! False consciousness! Xenophobe! Homophobe! Bigot! Health Care! The sky is falling!

Bitch-ass Chicken Littles selling your asses to the state. . . .

This is why I despise most atheists, not merely because of their boorish stupidity and arrogance, but because most atheists, are bootlicking statists and, therefore, murderous thugs, responsible for the death of tens of millions in the Twentieth Century alone.

Most atheists are statist thugs for a reason. It's the rare atheist who isn't. The atheist's god is Self and in most cases, inevitably, the State. That's his idol. He drools over it. Genuflects at its alter and curses those who blaspheme it. Isn't that right, you little worm, you fascist pig, you useful idiot?

Prufrock's Lair: Is Atheist-Think "Hardwired" for Irrationality and Statism?

Prufrock's Lair: Another Atheist's Unexamined Thought Processes: A Close Encounter of the Raw Kind

As for those atheists on this board who, like me, are classical liberals, rugged individualists, don't take anything I said about atheism too personally. After all, classical liberals don't do phony ass tolerance, do we? We don't do pretend lovefeasts. I don't have to respect your ontological convictions, and I don't. Notwithstanding, live and let live. I respect your life, your liberty and your property . . . and would happily stand beside you and defend them against these jackbooted thugs.
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Filing this post away in my "proof of racism" folder.

omg, my life is over

Thank you for acknowledging the severity of your crime. If you need help dealing with the emotional trauma associated with the realization that you are a racist, I'm here for you, systyr.

Now if we could only snap you out of your Brave New World beta syndrome we'd have world peace.

BTW, you boorish shrew, this is you:

Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision - Page 41 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this is you again:

[ame=]How a Libtard Left Wing Elitest Moron Thinks - YouTube[/ame]

Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . . .
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It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

By definition, tyranny is something only government can impose. Private companies aren't allowed to point guns at people, so how can they be tyrannical?





Just as people can use guns to defend themselves and their property, so can corporations. What they can't do is use guns to force you to buy their products or to work for them. Only government can do that.

You have to be terminally stupid not to understand the difference.
Of course, if we had a truly empowered workforce, employees would negotiate these issues.
Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.

Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?

Yes, because that works so well in Cuba.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
And progressives wonder why people say they're violent psychopaths...

You do NOT have the right to assault people and damage other people's property because you don't get your way.

Good Gaea, I wish progressives would grow the fuck up. Bunch of stupid spoiled brats -- nothing more.

Guy, again, the only reason why we have a middle class today is because our great-grandparents were willing to use violence to get things like safe work places, no child labor, weekends off, fair wages.

The 1%ers have no problem using violence against us.

When was the last time a rich guy robbed you on the street?
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THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

Actually, I prefer making my own choices, which is why I hate Obamacare, it took all my options away.
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.


[ame=]The idiocy of political correct antirealism pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The idiocy of political correct antirealism pt 2 - YouTube[/ame]

THanks for revealing like most conservatives that you just like to bend over and take whatever the 1%ers give you....

So not bashing in skulls and extorting money from people is "bending over?"

Apparently. YOu seem to think it's fine for your employer to make your health care choices for you based on what magic sky pixies they believe in.

If that isn't "bending over", I don't know what is.

If you don't like the healthcare your employer provides you, you can purchase your own. You can also find another employer. On the other hand, I have no choice about complying with Obamacare.

You believe in compelling people to comply with your healthcare choices. Then you object when the government doesn't endorse your choices. I can't imagine anything more hypocritical than that.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
And progressives wonder why people say they're violent psychopaths...

You do NOT have the right to assault people and damage other people's property because you don't get your way.

Good Gaea, I wish progressives would grow the fuck up. Bunch of stupid spoiled brats -- nothing more.

Guy, again, the only reason why we have a middle class today is because our great-grandparents were willing to use violence to get things like safe work places, no child labor, weekends off, fair wages.

The 1%ers have no problem using violence against us.

The 1% has never used violence on anyone.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

I love it when the outlier posts these type of posts. It really shows the color of the chameleon, he just can't help himself.

As far as a fast track bill, it's no more than grandstanding for the sake of playing politics.
It's an election year and the dems are desperate.

The bill is dead and the dems just need to move along because it's the law of the land.

Actually, you guys are running on, "Buy your own contraception, you slut", which is the truly "outlier" position, given 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives.

99% of women haven't insisted they can't afforded and demanded that the taxpayers cover the cost of their sexual activities.
The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.

And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

He is a poster child for why the "labor movement" should be declared a domestic terrorist group and dealt with as such.

Yep, he advocated using violence to achieve his political agenda. That pretty much defines the word "terrorism."
And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

He is a poster child for why the "labor movement" should be declared a domestic terrorist group and dealt with as such.

Yep, he advocated using violence to achieve his political agenda. That pretty much defines the word "terrorism."

Which is why he isn't one of the 1%. If you have quality goods and service, you don't need violence to get people to get money.
all of this talk about the pill.

If we had some higher wages, maybe people could choose to get it if we could all afford something.
If people were worth more to their employers, they'd get paid more.
You libs/left/progressives made our live MISERABLE ALL during the Bush administaion...protesting, marches, invading Senate hearing rushing Sec. of States, etc etc

and you are ten times worse with this man and the Democrat party in power

snakes in the grass folks...learn a lesson from all this at least

You mean after they found out that we invaded a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, they made your lives miserable.

God, I hope so.

My question is, why aren't Cheney and Rummy and Bill Krystol in front of an International War Crimes Tribunal for war crimes.
Because the world does not revolve around your progressive butthurt.

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