Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

What do you mean? My observation was that employers have no means of saying what is best for you. All they get to decide is what kind of insurance they offer as compensation for employment. And you don't have to accept what they offer. Do you really see yourself as powerless to resist the desires of employers. You can san "no" to them. You realize that, right?

the problem with this argument is plentiful.

First and foremost is, Hobby Lobby had no problem with these forms of contraception UNTIL the mandate came out, and they volunteered to be the test case for challenging this mandate by the religious kooks.

Hobby Lobby also has no problem buying 93% of its merchandise from China, where abortion is mandatory for women who have exceeded their one child limit.

Third, most of us really don't find out what our insurance covers until we try to get treatment.

None of what you cite has anything at all to do with my argument.
What do you mean? My observation was that employers have no means of saying what is best for you. All they get to decide is what kind of insurance they offer as compensation for employment. And you don't have to accept what they offer. Do you really see yourself as powerless to resist the desires of employers. You can san "no" to them. You realize that, right?

the problem with this argument is plentiful.

First and foremost is, Hobby Lobby had no problem with these forms of contraception UNTIL the mandate came out, and they volunteered to be the test case for challenging this mandate by the religious kooks.

Hobby Lobby also has no problem buying 93% of its merchandise from China, where abortion is mandatory for women who have exceeded their one child limit.

Third, most of us really don't find out what our insurance covers until we try to get treatment.

None of what you cite has anything at all to do with my argument.

Uh, yes, it did.

When you are making $9.00 an hour at Hobby Lobby selling cheap Chinese shit it's not like you have a lot of options for your birth control if they say you can't have what your doctor recommended.

IUD's are the also used to control uterine bleeding. The Morning After Pill is the only option for a woman who has been raped other than an abortion.
the problem with this argument is plentiful.

First and foremost is, Hobby Lobby had no problem with these forms of contraception UNTIL the mandate came out, and they volunteered to be the test case for challenging this mandate by the religious kooks.

Hobby Lobby also has no problem buying 93% of its merchandise from China, where abortion is mandatory for women who have exceeded their one child limit.

Third, most of us really don't find out what our insurance covers until we try to get treatment.

None of what you cite has anything at all to do with my argument.

Uh, yes, it did.

When you are making $9.00 an hour at Hobby Lobby selling cheap Chinese shit it's not like you have a lot of options for your birth control if they say you can't have what your doctor recommended.

IUD's are the also used to control uterine bleeding. The Morning After Pill is the only option for a woman who has been raped other than an abortion.

Employers aren't saying what they're employees can or can't have. How many times does that need to be explained to you? They have no such power.

Employers aren't saying what they're employees can or can't have. How many times does that need to be explained to you? They have no such power.

If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

That's the point.

Now, they could pay her the $5000.00 they spend on insurance for her, and she could get her own policy, but then the older employees wouldn't be able to get insurance because the money left wouldn't cover claims.

Employers aren't saying what they're employees can or can't have. How many times does that need to be explained to you? They have no such power.

If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

Employers aren't saying what they're employees can or can't have. How many times does that need to be explained to you? They have no such power.

If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

JoeBlows point of view illustrated...


Employers aren't saying what they're employees can or can't have. How many times does that need to be explained to you? They have no such power.

If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

Yes, that would be nice, if we had Clinton era employment numbers, she could quit and get a better paying job the next day.

We don't have that right now.
If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

Yes, that would be nice, if we had Clinton era employment numbers, she could quit and get a better paying job the next day.

We don't have that right now.

So? She's still not a slave. She's under no threat of violence if she refuses to take a job that doesn't offer her the insurance she wants.
They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

Yes, that would be nice, if we had Clinton era employment numbers, she could quit and get a better paying job the next day.

We don't have that right now.

So? She's still not a slave. She's under no threat of violence if she refuses to take a job that doesn't offer her the insurance she wants.

Hey, let's apply that to all laws!

You know that silly "Right to Know" and requirement that MSDS sheets be posted for all hazardous chemicals in the workplace? Well, shit, man, we don't need to do that!

If you dont' want to work with the carcinogenic chemicals we arent' telling you about, no one is MAKING you do that!
Hobby Lobby pays well over minimum wage, even for part time. Full time is around $14, so they certainly can use that extra to pay out of pocket ... or they could get it for FREE at PP and many clinics.
It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

If I want to work for someone who offers me insurance without contraception coverage, or for that matter doesn't offer me insurance at all, it should me between me and my employers. It's really no one else's business.

Actually, it IS someone else's business--namely the government's--due to the very reason you yourself posted in this thread:

Employer's don't have any say in what medical treatment is best for you.

Employers that provide insurance have a responsibility to cover whatever their workers say they need, regardless of how butthurt or confused it makes said employer.

Abortions are a humyn ryght, as are the pills that induce them. Deal with it.

It should be a retroactive right when the rest of the people are programmed to think you should die.

Think Progress.

Hobby Lobby pays well over minimum wage, even for part time. Full time is around $14, so they certainly can use that extra to pay out of pocket ... or they could get it for FREE at PP and many clinics.

They can't get the four methods that are prohibited for "Free" at PP.

NOr should they have to. They worked for and paid co-pays on INSURANCE.

A pill that causes an abortion IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE. Contraceptives prevent conception. HL includes contraceptives in its insurance package. SCOTUS ruled that it does not have to include abortion causing pills.

you libtards have completely mischaracterized this entire issue. But that what you do, because if you are truthful you will lose every debate on every subject.

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy.

And frankly, your employer is not a doctor and shouldn't have a say in what the best medical treatment is for you.

If you don't want your boss in your medical decisions I suggest you stop insisting he pay for all those little extras you really don't need.
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Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?

Yes, because that works so well in Cuba.

Cuba has an infant mortality rate and life expectency on par with ours- DESPITE a fifty year regime of sanctions meant to punish them for dumping their rich trash on Florida.

It amazes me how the Wingnuts continue to freak out over Castro. Seriously, if Cuba was a girl, the Right Wing would be the worst kind of stalker after a breakup.

Keep lying to yourself it amuses me.
Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?

Yes, because that works so well in Cuba.

works fine for others

Which explains why no one form any foreign country ever comes here to get health care.
If the woman can't afford it, because she's not making enough money, then YES they are telling her what she can't have.

They have no power to force her to accept what they offer. Your point of view assumes that people are slaves of their employers. That isn't the case.

Yes, that would be nice, if we had Clinton era employment numbers, she could quit and get a better paying job the next day.

We don't have that right now.

And, just guessing here, that is Bush's fault, despite the fact that Obama has been president for close to 6 years now, right?

Did you ever consider the possibility that the stupidity you support is even partially responsible for the conditions you are complaining about?

If you don't want your boss in your medical decisions I suggest you stop insisting he pay for all those little extras you really don't need.

Or we can just get employers out of it altogether, like the Heritage Foundation insisted on 25 years ago before the Black Guy did it.

Which explains why no one form any foreign country ever comes here to get health care.

They come here to get expensive treatments most of us don't have access to because our insurance companies won't pay for it.

Meanwhile, people sneak into Canada to get free prescription meds for routine things.

If you don't want your boss in your medical decisions I suggest you stop insisting he pay for all those little extras you really don't need.

Or we can just get employers out of it altogether, like the Heritage Foundation insisted on 25 years ago before the Black Guy did it.

Some black guy got the employers out of the insurance business? Which black guy are you talking about? I know it wasn't Obama, if it was we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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