Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Of course, if we had a truly empowered workforce, employees would negotiate these issues.

Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.

Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

You are not oppressed, troll. You're just another mindless proglodyte with a victimhood fantasy.

You're not important enough to oppress.
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

You are not oppressed, troll. You're just another mindless proglodyte with a victimhood fantasy.

You're not important enough to oppress.

I know. Right? Lunatics.
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The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

If I want to work for someone who offers me insurance without contraception coverage, or for that matter doesn't offer me insurance at all, it should me between me and my employers. It's really no one else's business.

A pill that causes an abortion IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE. Contraceptives prevent conception. HL includes contraceptives in its insurance package. SCOTUS ruled that it does not have to include abortion causing pills.

you libtards have completely mischaracterized this entire issue. But that what you do, because if you are truthful you will lose every debate on every subject.

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy.

And frankly, your employer is not a doctor and shouldn't have a say in what the best medical treatment is for you.

A pill that causes an abortion IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE. Contraceptives prevent conception. HL includes contraceptives in its insurance package. SCOTUS ruled that it does not have to include abortion causing pills.

you libtards have completely mischaracterized this entire issue. But that what you do, because if you are truthful you will lose every debate on every subject.

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy.

And frankly, your employer is not a doctor and shouldn't have a say in what the best medical treatment is for you.

Employer's don't have any say in what medical treatment is best for you.
Empowered? You mean if they could use violence?

The biggest reason why the Labor Movement is failing is that it forgot how to use violence to achieve its ends.
Yeah, the good ol days. Remember those days when companies would crack open the heads of union thugs! Bet you relished that violence as well.

the Union guys eventually won. We were all better off for it. Even the rich, who found well paid workers made better product and had money to buy products. SO yeah. That's fine with me.
And that is precisely why we should disregard people such as yourself and keep you out of power. Because you want to abuse it for your own purposes.

He is a poster child for why the "labor movement" should be declared a domestic terrorist group and dealt with as such.

Yep, he advocated using violence to achieve his political agenda. That pretty much defines the word "terrorism."

I'll keep that in mind the next time one of you wingnuts masturbates over the thought of shooting ATF agents who try to collect your guns.
Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.

Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?

Yes, because that works so well in Cuba.

Cuba has an infant mortality rate and life expectency on par with ours- DESPITE a fifty year regime of sanctions meant to punish them for dumping their rich trash on Florida.

It amazes me how the Wingnuts continue to freak out over Castro. Seriously, if Cuba was a girl, the Right Wing would be the worst kind of stalker after a breakup.
Actually, you guys are running on, "Buy your own contraception, you slut", which is the truly "outlier" position, given 99% of women have used birth control at some point in their lives.
And Hobby Lobby offers 16 different pills through their insurance, Joe. You are the outlier and very disingenuous with your mantra. You have nothing other than doing the grandstanding

And what Medical School did Hobby Lobby go to to determine which 16 methods were appropriate to the cases of their female employees?

Trust me, guy, you nuts have shot yourselves in the foot with this one. The smart thing would be to quietly modify the RFRA to close this loophole.
The question is whether government has ANY business dictating what insurance must cover.

It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

If I want to work for someone who offers me insurance without contraception coverage, or for that matter doesn't offer me insurance at all, it should me between me and my employers. It's really no one else's business.

Actually, it IS someone else's business--namely the government's--due to the very reason you yourself posted in this thread:

Employer's don't have any say in what medical treatment is best for you.

Employers that provide insurance have a responsibility to cover whatever their workers say they need, regardless of how butthurt or confused it makes said employer.

Abortions are a humyn ryght, as are the pills that induce them. Deal with it.
And you wonder why people laugh at you.

Because I have an understanding of history?

Because you condone the initiation of violence to achieve your ends.

If necessary, yes.

The thing I got out of this last recession is that violence is pretty much the only thing the One Percenters will respond to, to be honest. They clearly can't be reasoned with, and you can't appeal to their sense of decency.
It does.

It just has no business dictating what companies can decline to cover, such as abortion pills. The government shouldn't be allowing the tyranny of private enterprise to oppress We the People in such an overt fashion.

If I want to work for someone who offers me insurance without contraception coverage, or for that matter doesn't offer me insurance at all, it should me between me and my employers. It's really no one else's business.

Actually, it IS someone else's business--namely the government's--due to the very reason you yourself posted in this thread:

Employer's don't have any say in what medical treatment is best for you.

What do you mean? My observation was that employers have no means of saying what is best for you. All they get to decide is what kind of insurance they offer as compensation for employment. And you don't have to accept what they offer. Do you really see yourself as powerless to resist the desires of employers. You can san "no" to them. You realize that, right?

Employers that provide insurance have a responsibility to cover whatever their workers say they need, regardless of how butthurt or confused it makes said employer.

Abortions are a humyn ryght, as are the pills that induce them. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]
What do you mean? My observation was that employers have no means of saying what is best for you. All they get to decide is what kind of insurance they offer as compensation for employment. And you don't have to accept what they offer. Do you really see yourself as powerless to resist the desires of employers. You can san "no" to them. You realize that, right?

the problem with this argument is plentiful.

First and foremost is, Hobby Lobby had no problem with these forms of contraception UNTIL the mandate came out, and they volunteered to be the test case for challenging this mandate by the religious kooks.

Hobby Lobby also has no problem buying 93% of its merchandise from China, where abortion is mandatory for women who have exceeded their one child limit.

Third, most of us really don't find out what our insurance covers until we try to get treatment.
Which is why you insist on putting the government in charge of the negotiation,s because you are all about anything but empowering the individual.

Guy, given my druthers. Single Payer. Health care is provided for what it costs to produce, not how much money insurance companies and big pharma can wring out of desperate people.

Which is what every other civilized country does.

I mean, I really have to wonder, is Conservatism a form of Stockholm Syndrome, where you've all been abused by the 1%ers for so long that you are starting to sympathize with them?

Yes, because that works so well in Cuba.

works fine for others

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