Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Employers need to stay the fuck out of their employees lives.

What you want is physically impossible. The only way an employer can stay out of an employees life is if they are fired or seek new employment. My definition the existence of an employer employee relationship explicitly demands being involved in each other's life.
Have any of you conservatives thought about the fact that if a woman has access to contraception (meaning she can decide when to have a child or not), abortions would decrease?

And.................if a woman has a right to get an abortion, maybe she would be able to better plan her life and care for a child when she has enough money, rather than go on welfare to provide for her child?

Conservatives only care about kids when they are at the level of zygote or embryo. When it comes into the world, it's the fault (and responsibility) of the mother.

And then................when the child comes out and becomes a baby, and the child cannot be cared for because the mother doesn't earn enough, that child (and mother) become known as "takers".

Let women have the choice of when they become parents. It's much cheaper to pay for birth control or abortions than it is to pay for welfare for the child for the next 18 years.

Have you thought about the fact that no one is preventing anyone from having a contraceptive. In fact, Hobby Lobby is already willing to pay for a number of them in their insurance package.

Did you ever think that more people would support you if you didnt want to use violence to compel others to follow your values?
BTW I can't help but notice the "fast-tracked" bill isn't any closer to seeing the light of day.
Yet be required to provide them with health insurance? Fascinating.

Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them ...

Here's an even simpler solution. Mind your own fucking business. Let people buy, or not buy, whatever kind of insurance they can afford. Let employers offer whatever kind of compensation attracts the employees they need.

Here's the problem with that stupidity.

1) the Uninsured drive up my costs as someone who buys insurance. Again, when I talk about the huge medical bills that cost me my last job (because my employer illegally fired me) part of the reason why those bills were so high was that the hospital soaks the paying customers to cover the deadbeats.

2) Because the insurance company is out to save the employer money, that usually sucks for the employee.

So, no, I'm not going to mind my own business.

Please feel free to start whining about "Freedom" and the "Founding Fathers".
Wrong, it was to avoid the death penalty, it had nothing to do with the drugs.

Gotta love the way your brain refuses to acknowledge how stupid the things that come out of it are.

The guy was never going to be executed. Come on, get real. PA hasn't executed anyone since Tom Ridge was governor. When you're 72 years old, the DP isn't much of a threat.
As I said, you're a loon.

The left has no interest in getting people off government assistance. They WANT a permanent dependent class -- so they can make empty promises in exchange for votes.

This is undeniable. Don't bother denying it.

It's kind of hard to have an intelligent conversation with you if you engage in the most base stereotypes.

Here's some facts about the "Welfare State".

? What The Right Doesn?t Want You To Know About Welfare: 9 Myths Exploded

According to, the vast majority of TANF recipients, 80.4 percent, receive benefits for five years or less. (The site still refers to the program by the old name of Aid To Families With Dependent Children. AFDC is the program that seems to be most often identified with the term “welfare.” AFDC programs were replaced at the federal level by TANF in 1996, but it is still common to hear the program referred to as AFDC.)

But let's pretend you are right? What are you offering in exchange?

Work very hard for an employer who will exploit the fuck out of you and discard you the minute you get sick or have a problem?
Health insurance is compensation.

Here's a simple enough solution. Ban employer health plans. Have them ...

Here's an even simpler solution. Mind your own fucking business. Let people buy, or not buy, whatever kind of insurance they can afford. Let employers offer whatever kind of compensation attracts the employees they need.

Here's the problem with that stupidity.

1) the Uninsured drive up my costs as someone who buys insurance. Again, when I talk about the huge medical bills that cost me my last job (because my employer illegally fired me) part of the reason why those bills were so high was that the hospital soaks the paying customers to cover the deadbeats.

Then fix the problem! EMTALA is idiotic. It's an unfunded mandate passed by leaders too chicken shit to raise taxes to pay for it.
So, no, I'm not going to mind my own business.

Oh, I'm quite sure of that.

Please feel free to start whining about "Freedom" and the "Founding Fathers".

I don't give a shit about the "Founding Fathers, but freedom is important to me, so I'll keep speaking up and fighting against the people who want to piss it away.

Then fix the problem! EMTALA is idiotic. It's an unfunded mandate passed by leaders too chicken shit to raise taxes to pay for it.

Wow. "Let them Die". Amazing.

Please feel free to start whining about "Freedom" and the "Founding Fathers".

I don't give a shit about the "Founding Fathers, but freedom is important to me, so I'll keep speaking up and fighting against the people who want to piss it away.

Yes, and like most libertarians, you have the civil awareness of a child-like retard.

The rich love suckers like you.
Wrong, it was to avoid the death penalty, it had nothing to do with the drugs.

Gotta love the way your brain refuses to acknowledge how stupid the things that come out of it are.

The guy was never going to be executed. Come on, get real. PA hasn't executed anyone since Tom Ridge was governor. When you're 72 years old, the DP isn't much of a threat.

Never said he was going to be executed, did I. What I said is that he was convicted on three counts of murder, and that he waived the appeal because he wanted to avoid the death penalty. Those are facts that are in the court record, and nothing you can say will change the facts. Yet you keep trying to argue that they didn't actually prove he murdered babies.

That makes you the one with the problem, which probably explains why you keep trying to make it look like I said something I didn't.
Wrong, it was to avoid the death penalty, it had nothing to do with the drugs.

Gotta love the way your brain refuses to acknowledge how stupid the things that come out of it are.

The guy was never going to be executed. Come on, get real. PA hasn't executed anyone since Tom Ridge was governor. When you're 72 years old, the DP isn't much of a threat.

Never said he was going to be executed, did I. What I said is that he was convicted on three counts of murder, and that he waived the appeal because he wanted to avoid the death penalty. Those are facts that are in the court record, and nothing you can say will change the facts. Yet you keep trying to argue that they didn't actually prove he murdered babies.

That makes you the one with the problem, which probably explains why you keep trying to make it look like I said something I didn't.

What he wanted to waive were more legal fees.

Because he was going to jail for Mrs. Mognar regardless (and that's the ONLY thing he should have been charged with.)

But some anti-choice weirdos got a court to say for one day that Medical Waste is People.
The guy was never going to be executed. Come on, get real. PA hasn't executed anyone since Tom Ridge was governor. When you're 72 years old, the DP isn't much of a threat.

Never said he was going to be executed, did I. What I said is that he was convicted on three counts of murder, and that he waived the appeal because he wanted to avoid the death penalty. Those are facts that are in the court record, and nothing you can say will change the facts. Yet you keep trying to argue that they didn't actually prove he murdered babies.

That makes you the one with the problem, which probably explains why you keep trying to make it look like I said something I didn't.

What he wanted to waive were more legal fees.

Because he was going to jail for Mrs. Mognar regardless (and that's the ONLY thing he should have been charged with.)

But some anti-choice weirdos got a court to say for one day that Medical Waste is People.

Sure he did.

The only reason to waive an appeal is if you are guilty. No sane person wants to be in prison, which is why people in prison are famous for filing appeals over things that are barred by legal precedent. Maybe you should go visit a prison before you try to argue that a guy that won't be able to spend his money in prison wanted to save money.
Sure he did.

The only reason to waive an appeal is if you are guilty. No sane person wants to be in prison, which is why people in prison are famous for filing appeals over things that are barred by legal precedent. Maybe you should go visit a prison before you try to argue that a guy that won't be able to spend his money in prison wanted to save money.

There's lots of good reasons to waive appeals. ONe of them was his wife got special consideration as part of the deal. She'll actually see daylight again.

You know, the hilarious thing about this case is this is the kind of government overreach you nutters would be against if it didn't involve lady-parts.
Sure he did.

The only reason to waive an appeal is if you are guilty. No sane person wants to be in prison, which is why people in prison are famous for filing appeals over things that are barred by legal precedent. Maybe you should go visit a prison before you try to argue that a guy that won't be able to spend his money in prison wanted to save money.

There's lots of good reasons to waive appeals. ONe of them was his wife got special consideration as part of the deal. She'll actually see daylight again.

You know, the hilarious thing about this case is this is the kind of government overreach you nutters would be against if it didn't involve lady-parts.

The women who had already plead guilty to what amounts to minor felonies is getting special treatment because Gosnell waived the right of appeal? Can you prove that, or am I just supposed to assume you are wrong?
Sure he did.

The only reason to waive an appeal is if you are guilty. No sane person wants to be in prison, which is why people in prison are famous for filing appeals over things that are barred by legal precedent. Maybe you should go visit a prison before you try to argue that a guy that won't be able to spend his money in prison wanted to save money.

There's lots of good reasons to waive appeals. ONe of them was his wife got special consideration as part of the deal. She'll actually see daylight again.

You know, the hilarious thing about this case is this is the kind of government overreach you nutters would be against if it didn't involve lady-parts.

The women who had already plead guilty to what amounts to minor felonies is getting special treatment because Gosnell waived the right of appeal? Can you prove that, or am I just supposed to assume you are wrong?

Minor Felonies? Seriously? I never heard of a "Minor" Felony before.

Isn't that like being "A Little Bit Pregnant".

Here's the the thing. the women who copped pleas were probably as guilty as Gosnell. Often they were the ones performing the abortions. In once case, a woman who copped a plea was acting on instructions from Gosnell over the phone.

Not to mention that not one woman who had an abortion at Gosnell's clinic was charged. Hmmmm. Imagine that.

So let's review- Massive overreach followed by a quick plea deal to protect the conviction from appeal, after making a devil's bargain with all the co-conspirators.

Hmmmm. The lengths Anti-Choice nutters go to.
There's lots of good reasons to waive appeals. ONe of them was his wife got special consideration as part of the deal. She'll actually see daylight again.

You know, the hilarious thing about this case is this is the kind of government overreach you nutters would be against if it didn't involve lady-parts.

The women who had already plead guilty to what amounts to minor felonies is getting special treatment because Gosnell waived the right of appeal? Can you prove that, or am I just supposed to assume you are wrong?

Minor Felonies? Seriously? I never heard of a "Minor" Felony before.

Isn't that like being "A Little Bit Pregnant".

Here's the the thing. the women who copped pleas were probably as guilty as Gosnell. Often they were the ones performing the abortions. In once case, a woman who copped a plea was acting on instructions from Gosnell over the phone.

Not to mention that not one woman who had an abortion at Gosnell's clinic was charged. Hmmmm. Imagine that.

So let's review- Massive overreach followed by a quick plea deal to protect the conviction from appeal, after making a devil's bargain with all the co-conspirators.

Hmmmm. The lengths Anti-Choice nutters go to.

Never heard of felony classifications then huh? Is a First Degree Felony the same as a Third Degree Felony then? Hint: One has a sentencing structure of 5 to life, the other has a max sentence of 5 years. Kind of a little bit pregnant now aren't we? :lol:

(Each state has their own felony classification structure.)
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As I said, you're a loon.

The left has no interest in getting people off government assistance. They WANT a permanent dependent class -- so they can make empty promises in exchange for votes.

This is undeniable. Don't bother denying it.

It's kind of hard to have an intelligent conversation with you if you engage in the most base stereotypes.
Oh, but it's okay when you do it? Please.
Here's some facts about the "Welfare State".

? What The Right Doesn?t Want You To Know About Welfare: 9 Myths Exploded

According to, the vast majority of TANF recipients, 80.4 percent, receive benefits for five years or less. (The site still refers to the program by the old name of Aid To Families With Dependent Children. AFDC is the program that seems to be most often identified with the term “welfare.” AFDC programs were replaced at the federal level by TANF in 1996, but it is still common to hear the program referred to as AFDC.)

But let's pretend you are right? What are you offering in exchange?

Work very hard for an employer who will exploit the fuck out of you and discard you the minute you get sick or have a problem?
Exactly what good has your incessant whining done you? No one has offered you a job with full-coverage insurance with no co-pays. No one has offered you free money in exchange for no work. No one has offered you a corner office and power once your glorious Worker's Revolution (that you're too lazy and cowardly to initiate or participate in) happens.

It's past time for you to grow the hell up, Iosef. Life isn't fair, and whoever told you it is lied to you. People with far greater personal tragedies than yours have risen above them and thrived and succeeded.

The Man isn't keeping you down. YOU are.
What fast track? Congress is about to go into recess. Are libs such suckers that they believe propaganda that they like in spite of evidence to the contrary?

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