Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

ALL of leftist comes down to what JoeB Stalin just stated; "I WANT."

In the mind of leftists, their wants override the rights of others.

Of course JoeBedwetter knows exactly what his boss is thinking and would fuck him over.

He may be right because parasites like Joe can't really be valuable workers. The fact that he would work for someone who's character is so questionable that he demands a massive government be funded by the rest of us in order to keep that shistey mother fucker honest is an indication of his poor judgement skills becoming a liability on everyone else.

It's not too late Joe, take a shit-ton of aspirin and go swimming in a waste treatment facility. It's called a retroactive self abortion. It's the most productive endeavor the likes of you will ever engage in.

Of course JoeBedwetter knows exactly what his boss is thinking and would fuck him over.

He may be right because parasites like Joe can't really be valuable workers. The fact that he would work for someone who's character is so questionable that he demands a massive government be funded by the rest of us in order to keep that shistey mother fucker honest is an indication of his poor judgement skills becoming a liability on everyone else.

It's not too late Joe, take a shit-ton of aspirin and go swimming in a waste treatment facility. It's called a retroactive self abortion. It's the most productive endeavor the likes of you will ever engage in.

Guy, it's pretty apparently you can't hold down a job. If you are one tenth like this, you are probably scaring the shit out of the rest of the office.

"Pete, do you have that report that was due yesterday?"

"Go Swimming in a Waste Treatment Facility, you slut!!!!"
I feed myself, I buy my own food, and I wind up taking care of my grandmother more than she takes care of me, does that make her a fetus? At 72 years of age? You idiot.

Without discussing family, a hypothetical 72 year old is getting money from medicare and social security. If she is paying her caregiver that's because the rest of us are paying her. (Unlike Health insurance, which is only granted a condition of labor.)

If a parent refuses to feed her five year old, we call that child abuse. LOL.

But we don't call abortion child abuse, so a fetus must not be human.

At 32-35 weeks of gestation, the lungs of a fetus are fully mature. If born prematurely, they will start functioning.

Nobody has abortions at 32-35 weeks. 92% of abortions are performed before the 12th week. only 1% are performed after the 20th.

Also, I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how you want to make something that isn't governments business, the government's business.

The government should pay for abortions. And all other legitimate health care.

Problem solved.

Without discussing family, a hypothetical 72 year old is getting money from medicare and social security. If she is paying her caregiver that's because the rest of us are paying her. (Unlike Health insurance, which is only granted a condition of labor.)
Take that money and the caregiver away, the likelihood of this person dying increases. One critical aspect of this that you miss completely. Dependence. No matter what age they are, they depend on something or someone for survival. Take those things away and they are as helpless as a human fetus. That breaks your paradoxical argument, Joe.

But we don't call abortion child abuse, so a fetus must not be human.
A post hoc, ergo propter hoc argument. Federal law says that anyone who kills a child in utero is guilty of murder.

Unborn children are recognized as legal victims under the law, so therefore they MUST be human.

Nobody has abortions at 32-35 weeks. 92% of abortions are performed before the 12th week. only 1% are performed after the 20th.
Well, if you were a patient of Kermit Gosnell, that argument would ring false.

The government should pay for abortions. And all other legitimate health care.

Problem solved.
Then how is abortion 'not the government's business' then?
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Take that money and the caregiver away, the likelihood of this person dying increases. One critical aspect of this that you miss completely. Dependence. No matter what age they are, they depend on something or someone for survival. Take those things away and they are as helpless as a human fetus. That breaks your paradoxical argument, Joe.

Not really. A better argumetn would be if the GOVERNMENT forced you to take care of a 72 year old and locked you in the house and didn't let you eat until you cleaned her bedpans.

Which is what the equivlent of making a woman have a baby she doesn't want is.

The Justices considered that and realized that it was absurd, which is why women were largely ignoring the abortion laws and no one was bothering to enforce them by 1972.
Take that money and the caregiver away, the likelihood of this person dying increases. One critical aspect of this that you miss completely. Dependence. No matter what age they are, they depend on something or someone for survival. Take those things away and they are as helpless as a human fetus. That breaks your paradoxical argument, Joe.

Not really. A better argumetn would be if the GOVERNMENT forced you to take care of a 72 year old and locked you in the house and didn't let you eat until you cleaned her bedpans.

Which is what the equivlent of making a woman have a baby she doesn't want is.

The Justices considered that and realized that it was absurd, which is why women were largely ignoring the abortion laws and no one was bothering to enforce them by 1972.
Only if my actions created the 72 year old. Did I have sex with someone to create the 72 year old? Is any part of the 72 year old's life a result of my actions?

Nice comparison dude.
Take that money and the caregiver away, the likelihood of this person dying increases. One critical aspect of this that you miss completely. Dependence. No matter what age they are, they depend on something or someone for survival. Take those things away and they are as helpless as a human fetus. That breaks your paradoxical argument, Joe.

Not really. A better argumetn would be if the GOVERNMENT forced you to take care of a 72 year old and locked you in the house and didn't let you eat until you cleaned her bedpans.

Which is what the equivlent of making a woman have a baby she doesn't want is.

The Justices considered that and realized that it was absurd, which is why women were largely ignoring the abortion laws and no one was bothering to enforce them by 1972.
Only if my actions created the 72 year old. Did I have sex with someone to create the 72 year old? Is any part of the 72 year old's life a result of my actions?

Nice comparison dude.

And once again, you demonstrate the problem with most of you anti-abortionists.

You don't give a fuck about the "babies". You're just pissed off that some woman out there is having sex and enjoying herself.
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the oppurtunity.

If every boss you have ever worked for has been an asshole...ever stop to think the problem might be you, not them?
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the oppurtunity.

If every boss you have ever worked for has been an asshole...ever stop to think the problem might be you, not them?

Things that make you go, "hmmmmm......"
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the oppurtunity.

If every boss you have ever worked for has been an asshole...ever stop to think the problem might be you, not them?

Nope. Because I've never said that and the cases where they were, it was them, not me.
Not really. A better argumetn would be if the GOVERNMENT forced you to take care of a 72 year old and locked you in the house and didn't let you eat until you cleaned her bedpans.

Which is what the equivlent of making a woman have a baby she doesn't want is.

The Justices considered that and realized that it was absurd, which is why women were largely ignoring the abortion laws and no one was bothering to enforce them by 1972.
Only if my actions created the 72 year old. Did I have sex with someone to create the 72 year old? Is any part of the 72 year old's life a result of my actions?

Nice comparison dude.

And once again, you demonstrate the problem with most of you anti-abortionists.

You don't give a fuck about the "babies". You're just pissed off that some woman out there is having sex and enjoying herself.
Not at all. I have no problem whatsoever with anyone having sex with anyone else (of sound mind and legal age) they want to. But choices have consequences, and I'm NOT ok with people who make the choice then can't take the consequences.
Not at all. I have no problem whatsoever with anyone having sex with anyone else (of sound mind and legal age) they want to. But choices have consequences, and I'm NOT ok with people who make the choice then can't take the consequences.

THe problem is, it's a choice you don't like.

A woman has sex. She decides, she's not ready to be a mom right now and certainly not with this sperm donor.

$300.00 and a visit to an abortion doctor- NOT A PROBLEM.

Consequences dealt with.

Unless you want to start granting civil rights to Zygotes, embryoes and Fetuses, which means you are taking rights away from adult women.
Not at all. I have no problem whatsoever with anyone having sex with anyone else (of sound mind and legal age) they want to. But choices have consequences, and I'm NOT ok with people who make the choice then can't take the consequences.

THe problem is, it's a choice you don't like.

A woman has sex. She decides, she's not ready to be a mom right now and certainly not with this sperm donor.

$300.00 and a visit to an abortion doctor- NOT A PROBLEM.

Consequences dealt with.

Unless you want to start granting civil rights to Zygotes, embryoes and Fetuses, which means you are taking rights away from adult women.

That's not dealing with the consequences. That's avoiding the consequences. And it is avoiding consequences by terminating a life. Even without addressing rights for the unborn baby, morally, that's absolutely repulsive.

That's not dealing with the consequences. That's avoiding the consequences. And it is avoiding consequences by terminating a life. Even without addressing rights for the unborn baby, morally, that's absolutely repulsive.

To you maybe. I don't give a shit at this point.

There are millions of babies starving to death in the Third World right now. That's a little more serious than a kidney-bean sized embryo that gets sucked into a sink.

Again, once you've granted all these rights to zygotes and embryoes, you've turned women into second class citizens. The "person" inside you has more rights than you do.

Besides the batshit insanity of that proposition, it's impossible to enforce in any practical sense of the word. When you can end a pregnancy by popping a pill, how do you enforce that? Do you throw crime scene tape around tampons?

Now, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions, if that sort of thing really bothers you.

Free health care
Paid family and medical leave
comprehensive sex education.

You know, shit that makes Wall Street and Jesus cry.
Actually, we know nothing of the sort, since the medical examiner couldn't determine if these fetuses were terminated inside or outside the womb. That was kind of the point.

This is why they were so quick to cut a sentencing deal with this guy after they got the dubious convictions they did get.

He was convicted because they died outside the womb. By your standards, that makes him guilty of killing babies, depute your attempt to pretend otherwise.

Are you gong to move the goalposts again?

Except nobody really proved that he did. Which is why this started out with eight babies and they only could still make a rational argument about three.

One of which died when Gosnell wasn't even in the building.

And after getting an emotional verdict based on showing a jury months of Fetus Porn, they quickly cut a sentencing deal so that no one who could actually read a law book got to review it.

Except they did, hence the guilty verdict.

Except they did, hence the guilty verdict.

which never would have stood up to an appeal and they knew it.

Keep in mind, Gosnell was already going down for killing Mrs. Mognar (The 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get a legal abortion in Virginia because of religious nutters) and all the Happy Pills he was prescribing (Damned Gummit keeping guys like you from their happy Pills), so he was already going to jail for the rest of his life. (He is 72 years old)

So the only question about the Murder of Medical Waste was if he'd get the death penalty for not disposing of medical waste properly. So they got a dubious conviction on a couple of them, and then plead him down to the time he was already going to serve on other charges.

But you got a court to say somewhere that Medical Waste was people, and that was the important thing to Anti-Choice nutters.

That's not dealing with the consequences. That's avoiding the consequences. And it is avoiding consequences by terminating a life. Even without addressing rights for the unborn baby, morally, that's absolutely repulsive.

To you maybe. I don't give a shit at this point.

There are millions of babies starving to death in the Third World right now. That's a little more serious than a kidney-bean sized embryo that gets sucked into a sink.

Yeah, I get that morality isn't important to you.

Again, once you've granted all these rights to zygotes and embryoes, you've turned women into second class citizens. The "person" inside you has more rights than you do.

Yeah, I get it. You make choices that create a life. Not letting you end that life totally means making you a second class citizen.

Besides the batshit insanity of that proposition, it's impossible to enforce in any practical sense of the word. When you can end a pregnancy by popping a pill, how do you enforce that? Do you throw crime scene tape around tampons?

If you can end a pregnancy by popping a pill, what are all these abortion clinics doing? Pushing the pills into girls' mouths?

Now, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions, if that sort of thing really bothers you.

Free health care

Free? Oh you mean taxpayer funded government controlled healthcare. Nothing is free, guy.

Paid family and medical leave

Oh, so companies pay more for employees who aren't working. Gotcha.

comprehensive sex education.

This one I don't have a problem with. Open discussion about sex, and more importantly the responsibilities and consequences involved, sounds like a good plan to me.

You know, shit that makes Wall Street and Jesus cry.

You know, shit that makes businesses and taxpayers go bankrupt.
Yeah, I get that morality isn't important to you.

not when it means you pushing your superstitions on others. If your side cared about babies, you wouldn't be so hot to send children back to certain death in Central America because they might vote Democratic when they grow up.

Yeah, I get it. You make choices that create a life. Not letting you end that life totally means making you a second class citizen.

except it's not the "choices' you make. By your logic, if Spooge has civil rights, then a fetus conceived in a rape has more rights to life than the woman it is in. This is the logical trap you guys find yourselves in, defending the results of rape and victimizing the victim a second time.

If you can end a pregnancy by popping a pill, what are all these abortion clinics doing? Pushing the pills into girls' mouths?

the number of surgical abortions has declined since the introduction of Morning After pills. This is a good thing.

Free? Oh you mean taxpayer funded government controlled healthcare. Nothing is free, guy.

No, they aren't But here's the thing. Countries that have single payer health care spend 8-11% of their GDP on health care while the US pays 17% of its GDP. the thing is, you are ALREADY paying more than you have to, and you are getting worse results. Lower life expectency, higher infant mortality, higher bankruptcy rates. But the CEO of Cigna got a Nine Figure Retirement Package after he denied a teenage girl a liver transplant, and that's the important thing.

Oh, so companies pay more for employees who aren't working. Gotcha.

Um, yeah, they do. Keep in mind, this is what you want, the gal who is sitting on the edge between abortion and keeping the kid to keep the kid. Shouldn't companies pay for that to happen? What happened to your dedication to "life"?

You know, shit that makes Wall Street and Jesus cry.

You know, shit that makes businesses and taxpayers go bankrupt.[/QUOTE]

Except they don't. IN fact, businesses in Germany, Japan, etc. are more productive than ours because their companies aren't trying to manage health care and social policy. they are actually doing whatever is in their Mission Statement- making cars or transistors or whatever.

Except they did, hence the guilty verdict.

which never would have stood up to an appeal and they knew it.

Keep in mind, Gosnell was already going down for killing Mrs. Mognar (The 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get a legal abortion in Virginia because of religious nutters) and all the Happy Pills he was prescribing (Damned Gummit keeping guys like you from their happy Pills), so he was already going to jail for the rest of his life. (He is 72 years old)

So the only question about the Murder of Medical Waste was if he'd get the death penalty for not disposing of medical waste properly. So they got a dubious conviction on a couple of them, and then plead him down to the time he was already going to serve on other charges.

But you got a court to say somewhere that Medical Waste was people, and that was the important thing to Anti-Choice nutters.


Why did his lawyers advise him to waive the appeal then? C'mon, benefit us with your expertise on all things, even the shit you don't know about.

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