Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

What did I present it as? I flat out said that it looked like a tin foil hat site to mock you.

I proved you wrong, and now you are obsessed and trying to rewrite the argument. Good luck with that.

You presented it as the mean old government was telling doctors that they couldn't do their jobs.

Which wasn't the case.


Let me see if I have your position down, the AMA saying "The AMA opposes the criminalization of health care decision making." is not proof that the government is interfering in how doctors treat patients.

Makes sense, if you are a hack.

So you are all for dropping all charges against Kermit Gosnell, then?

I know you're a little dense and a lot crazy, but there's a reason why we have an FDA. It was because "doctors" were putting opiates and cocaine into sugar water and selling them as "miracle cures".
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If I had my way, I'd make sure you get psychological consoling so you can address why you are such a self-loathing Uncle Tom, but that's another discussion.

I have to ask- again- what do you base this on? "Oh my God, they are making sure we get health coverage, just like Hitler did!"


Were I to have my way, I'd make sure that you went back to your public school to learn how to spell.

As far as the "uncle Tom" remark - fuck you, you racist bigot.

I spelled everything fine, and I'm sorry you feel the need to defend people who'd have you riding on the back of the bus.

No you didn't and I've never ridden ion the back of the bus once. Again, you are a racist. Typical nazi liberal.
You presented it as the mean old government was telling doctors that they couldn't do their jobs.

Which wasn't the case.


Let me see if I have your position down, the AMA saying "The AMA opposes the criminalization of health care decision making." is not proof that the government is interfering in how doctors treat patients.

Makes sense, if you are a hack.

So you are all for dropping all charges against Kermit Gosnell, then?

I know you're a little dense and a lot crazy, but there's a reason why we have an FDA. It was because "doctors" were putting opiates and cocaine into sugar water and selling them as "miracle cures".

Damn, just can't admit you are wrong, can you? You should try it, it might get you a little bit of respect.

If you can explain why a person should be set free after killing three babies, and what the fuck that has to do with the government telling doctors how they treat their patients, I might be able to see whatever point it is you think you are making by bringing up Gosnell. I doubt it, because I don't think you actually had a point, you just reacted with the first stupid thought that entered your head, but it is possible I am wrong.

Let me see if I have your position down, the AMA saying "The AMA opposes the criminalization of health care decision making." is not proof that the government is interfering in how doctors treat patients.

Makes sense, if you are a hack.

So you are all for dropping all charges against Kermit Gosnell, then?

I know you're a little dense and a lot crazy, but there's a reason why we have an FDA. It was because "doctors" were putting opiates and cocaine into sugar water and selling them as "miracle cures".

Damn, just can't admit you are wrong, can you? You should try it, it might get you a little bit of respect.

If you can explain why a person should be set free after killing three babies, and what the fuck that has to do with the government telling doctors how they treat their patients, I might be able to see whatever point it is you think you are making by bringing up Gosnell. I doubt it, because I don't think you actually had a point, you just reacted with the first stupid thought that entered your head, but it is possible I am wrong.

NOt at all.

He's a doctor making a decision. What business of it of the government to tell him how to make a decision.

(Oh, yeah, Fetuses still aren't babies.)
So you are all for dropping all charges against Kermit Gosnell, then?

I know you're a little dense and a lot crazy, but there's a reason why we have an FDA. It was because "doctors" were putting opiates and cocaine into sugar water and selling them as "miracle cures".

Damn, just can't admit you are wrong, can you? You should try it, it might get you a little bit of respect.

If you can explain why a person should be set free after killing three babies, and what the fuck that has to do with the government telling doctors how they treat their patients, I might be able to see whatever point it is you think you are making by bringing up Gosnell. I doubt it, because I don't think you actually had a point, you just reacted with the first stupid thought that entered your head, but it is possible I am wrong.

NOt at all.

He's a doctor making a decision. What business of it of the government to tell him how to make a decision.

(Oh, yeah, Fetuses still aren't babies.)

Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)
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Damn, just can't admit you are wrong, can you? You should try it, it might get you a little bit of respect.

If you can explain why a person should be set free after killing three babies, and what the fuck that has to do with the government telling doctors how they treat their patients, I might be able to see whatever point it is you think you are making by bringing up Gosnell. I doubt it, because I don't think you actually had a point, you just reacted with the first stupid thought that entered your head, but it is possible I am wrong.

NOt at all.

He's a doctor making a decision. What business of it of the government to tell him how to make a decision.

(Oh, yeah, Fetuses still aren't babies.)

Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Then you need to go down to an abortion clinic and do a citizen's arrest.

Go ahead. Be the first time you got off the couch in months. I'll call the crane.
NOt at all.

He's a doctor making a decision. What business of it of the government to tell him how to make a decision.

(Oh, yeah, Fetuses still aren't babies.)

Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Then you need to go down to an abortion clinic and do a citizen's arrest.

Go ahead. Be the first time you got off the couch in months. I'll call the crane.

Well, that was rather easy. Sit down, churl. You seem to want it both ways, Joe. If it isn't really government's business, then women shouldn't be making demands of the government to use taxpayers dollars to provide them free birth control. Whenever they ask the government to do anything that "isn't the government's business" they are making it the government's business.
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Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.
Now, I should send that crane back to Joe. He needs it to pick up the pieces of his argument.

Good evening.
Well, that was rather easy. Sit down, churl. You seem to want it both ways, Joe. If it isn't really government's business, then women shouldn't be making demands of the government to use taxpayers dollars to provide them free birth control. Whenever they ask the government to do anything that "isn't the government's business" they are making it the government's business.

That's about as convoluted as most of your logic.

Our society is based on government making sure we don't cheat each other on contracts.

This is a contract issue. You work for me, I pay for your health insurance. Not just the health insurance that doesn't selectively offend a magic sky pixie.
Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.

Really? Do we need another rendition of Todd Akin explaining to us how rape doesn't lead to pregnancy?
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the oppurtunity.
Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.

I have yet to see any subject the bed wetters can reasonably grasp.

Well, that was rather easy. Sit down, churl. You seem to want it both ways, Joe. If it isn't really government's business, then women shouldn't be making demands of the government to use taxpayers dollars to provide them free birth control. Whenever they ask the government to do anything that "isn't the government's business" they are making it the government's business.

That's about as convoluted as most of your logic.

Our society is based on government making sure we don't cheat each other on contracts.

This is a contract issue. You work for me, I pay for your health insurance. Not just the health insurance that doesn't selectively offend a magic sky pixie.

But you just said it wasn't government's business, Joe. You can't have it both ways, mister.

Do you deny saying that?

It being a contract issue is a non sequitur. If I work for you, you should have the right to dictate what you pay for in my health insurance.

My sources on the couch, in the crane, and on Level 43 tell me you're full of it. But I must get my scissors and start running wildly now.
Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.

Really? Do we need another rendition of Todd Akin explaining to us how rape doesn't lead to pregnancy?

Your claim that what a woman carries is not human is plenty, Comrade Stalin.
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?
Funny, when women are begging the government to force their employers to give them free birth control, are they not asking government to get involved in that decision? So, whose business is it really?

(Oh yeah, Fetuses are babies. Science says so.)

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.

I have yet to see any subject the bed wetters can reasonably grasp.


No one called Sarah Palin a "Slut". they did call her stupid. Probably because she couldn't answer questions about national policy when she was running for vice-President.
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

And is your convoluted point, spanky? because, frankly, trying to follow the latest convulsions of your new Cheeto high is always amusing.
Joe's argument is the perfect example of circular logic. It isn't the government's business, therefore it should be the governments business.

i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

ALL of leftism comes down to what JoeB Stalin just stated; "I WANT."

In the mind of leftists, their wants override the rights of others.
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