Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Biology is yet another subject that leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp.

Really? Do we need another rendition of Todd Akin explaining to us how rape doesn't lead to pregnancy?

Your claim that what a woman carries is not human is plenty, Comrade Stalin.

It's completely irrelevent to the conversation, dumbshit.

Women had abortions since the time of Christ. They'll have abortions well into the future, until we start growing babies in vats.
i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

ALL of leftist comes down to what JoeB Stalin just stated; "I WANT."

In the mind of leftists, their wants override the rights of others.

Yup, pretty much. If you are going to make me work in a soul-stealing hell-hole for 60 hours a week, I don't want you cheating me when I require medical attention.

Or we can do the breath-takingly rational thing, and go to single payer like every other industrialized country has done.
It's completely irrelevent to the conversation, dumbshit.

Women had abortions since the time of Christ. They'll have abortions well into the future, until we start growing babies in vats.

What is relevant is that you are entirely ignorant of biology. You make stupid statements, then seek to blow smoke when we point our how absurdly ignorant you are.
i never said it wasn't the government's business.

I WANT to government to make sure that my boss isn't cheating me. because I know that fucker would given the opportunity.

That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

And is your convoluted point, spanky? because, frankly, trying to follow the latest convulsions of your new Cheeto high is always amusing.

Those Cheetos are a whole lot tastier when I run your arguments into the ground. Besides, breaking them in 13 words or less isn't convoluted. It's easy.
It's completely irrelevent to the conversation, dumbshit.

Women had abortions since the time of Christ. They'll have abortions well into the future, until we start growing babies in vats.

What is relevant is that you are entirely ignorant of biology. You make stupid statements, then seek to blow smoke when we point our how absurdly ignorant you are.

A fetus cannot live outside the womb before 22 weeks when 99% of abortions are performed.

Therefore, whether it is human or not is besides the point. If the woman wants it the fuck out, it's going the fuck out.
Really? Do we need another rendition of Todd Akin explaining to us how rape doesn't lead to pregnancy?

Your claim that what a woman carries is not human is plenty, Comrade Stalin.

It's completely irrelevent to the conversation, dumbshit.

Women had abortions since the time of Christ. They'll have abortions well into the future, until we start growing babies in vats.

You really are a kook aren't you?
That is making it the government's business, genius. How thick headed are you?

And is your convoluted point, spanky? because, frankly, trying to follow the latest convulsions of your new Cheeto high is always amusing.

Those Cheetos are a whole lot tastier when I run your arguments into the ground. Besides, breaking them in 13 words or less isn't convoluted. It's easy.

So you really don't have an argument, you are going into another one of your rabbit holes about how apparently the government can ban abortion if they can make you pay for insurance... or something?
Yup, pretty much. If you are going to make me work in a soul-stealing hell-hole for 60 hours a week, I don't want you cheating me when I require medical attention.

Or we can do the breath-takingly rational thing, and go to single payer like every other industrialized country has done.

Comrade, you are free to sell your time and talent to anyone willing to pay you for it. Clearly, you have little of value to offer. Your employer is purchasing a product, your time and talent - such as it may be; he has no obligation to care for you or attend your needs.

IF we seek to end all medical advancement - 95% of which comes from the USA, then indeed socialized medicine is the answer. You offer us medical care on par with Mexico - what a deal....

I'll take the MP-5 Joe.

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A fetus cannot live outside the womb before 22 weeks when 99% of abortions are performed.

Neither can a newborn baby outside of the womb, a toddler, or a 5 year old without proper nourishment from the parent. They are all incapable of living outside of the womb without nourishment, and will die the same way a fetus (a human baby) will under those circumstances. None of them are capable of providing for their nourishment. So, are they fetuses too?

Your logic is... predictable.
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Your claim that what a woman carries is not human is plenty, Comrade Stalin.

It's completely irrelevent to the conversation, dumbshit.

Women had abortions since the time of Christ. They'll have abortions well into the future, until we start growing babies in vats.

You really are a kook aren't you?

No, he's just stupid.

Kooks cherry pick parts of reality to create a plausible but still fictitious story or conclusion.

Of course as I've said before.... I wouldn't really mind if Joe and parasites like him were sucked into a planned parenthood septic tank years ago.

A fetus cannot live outside the womb before 22 weeks when 99% of abortions are performed.

Neither can a newborn baby outside of the womb, a toddler, or a 5 year old without proper nourishment from the parent. They are all incapable of living outside of the womb without nourishment, the same way a fetus (a human baby) will. None of them are capable of providing for their nourishment. So, are they fetuses too?

Your logic is... predictable.

Leftists are into "population management", they won't stop at 5 year olds if they ever get the power to regulate the "human resource".

Yup, pretty much. If you are going to make me work in a soul-stealing hell-hole for 60 hours a week, I don't want you cheating me when I require medical attention.

Or we can do the breath-takingly rational thing, and go to single payer like every other industrialized country has done.

Comrade, you are free to sell your time and talent to anyone willing to pay you for it. Clearly, you have little of value to offer. Your employer is purchasing a product, your time and talent - such as it may be; he has no obligation to care for you or attend your needs.

IF we seek to end all medical advancement - 95% of which comes from the USA, then indeed socialized medicine is the answer. You offer us medical care on par with Mexico - what a deal....

Uh, yeah, actually he does if medical insurance was part of the deal he offered me.

Health INsurance is compensation. It is not your employer doing you a favor.

Hey, guy, I'm not worried about being above Mexico in quality of health care.

I'm worried we are behind Canada, and Germany, and Japan, and England, and France and Italy.

The fact we have an infant mortality rate that a third world country would be embarrassed by is nothing to be proud of.
So you are all for dropping all charges against Kermit Gosnell, then?

I know you're a little dense and a lot crazy, but there's a reason why we have an FDA. It was because "doctors" were putting opiates and cocaine into sugar water and selling them as "miracle cures".

Damn, just can't admit you are wrong, can you? You should try it, it might get you a little bit of respect.

If you can explain why a person should be set free after killing three babies, and what the fuck that has to do with the government telling doctors how they treat their patients, I might be able to see whatever point it is you think you are making by bringing up Gosnell. I doubt it, because I don't think you actually had a point, you just reacted with the first stupid thought that entered your head, but it is possible I am wrong.

NOt at all.

He's a doctor making a decision. What business of it of the government to tell him how to make a decision.

(Oh, yeah, Fetuses still aren't babies.)

We are talking about children after they leave the womb here, not fetuses. Even you should understand the difference between the two.That has absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor, but feel free to spin away.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb before 22 weeks when 99% of abortions are performed.

Neither can a newborn baby outside of the womb, a toddler, or a 5 year old without proper nourishment from the parent. They are all incapable of living outside of the womb without nourishment, and will die the same way a fetus (a human baby) will under those circumstances. None of them are capable of providing for their nourishment. So, are they fetuses too?

Your logic is... predictable.

Hey, i know that there's a 26 year old in Georgia that can't take care of itself without others feeding it, but that's not the point.

If a parent refuses to feed her five year old, other people can step in and do it for her.

It won't die within minutes like a fetus will when expunged from the body because it's lungs don't work yet.

And I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you are going to force women to give birth to babies they don't want.
We are talking about children after they leave the womb here, not fetuses. Even you should understand the difference between the two.That has absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor, but feel free to spin away.

Actually, we know nothing of the sort, since the medical examiner couldn't determine if these fetuses were terminated inside or outside the womb. That was kind of the point.

This is why they were so quick to cut a sentencing deal with this guy after they got the dubious convictions they did get.
We are talking about children after they leave the womb here, not fetuses. Even you should understand the difference between the two.That has absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor, but feel free to spin away.

Actually, we know nothing of the sort, since the medical examiner couldn't determine if these fetuses were terminated inside or outside the womb. That was kind of the point.

This is why they were so quick to cut a sentencing deal with this guy after they got the dubious convictions they did get.

He was convicted because they died outside the womb. By your standards, that makes him guilty of killing babies, depute your attempt to pretend otherwise.

Are you gong to move the goalposts again?
A fetus cannot live outside the womb before 22 weeks when 99% of abortions are performed.

Neither can a newborn baby outside of the womb, a toddler, or a 5 year old without proper nourishment from the parent. They are all incapable of living outside of the womb without nourishment, and will die the same way a fetus (a human baby) will under those circumstances. None of them are capable of providing for their nourishment. So, are they fetuses too?

Your logic is... predictable.

Hey, i know that there's a 26 year old in Georgia that can't take care of itself without others feeding it, but that's not the point.

If a parent refuses to feed her five year old, other people can step in and do it for her.

It won't die within minutes like a fetus will when expunged from the body because it's lungs don't work yet.

And I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you are going to force women to give birth to babies they don't want.

I feed myself, I buy my own food, and I wind up taking care of my grandmother more than she takes care of me, does that make her a fetus? At 72 years of age? You idiot.

If a parent refuses to feed her five year old, we call that child abuse. LOL.

At 32-35 weeks of gestation, the lungs of a fetus are fully mature. If born prematurely, they will start functioning.

Also, I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how you want to make something that isn't government's business, the government's business.

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I feed myself, I buy my own food, and I wind up taking care of my grandmother more than she takes care of me, does that make her a fetus? At 72 years of age? You idiot.

Without discussing family, a hypothetical 72 year old is getting money from medicare and social security. If she is paying her caregiver that's because the rest of us are paying her. (Unlike Health insurance, which is only granted a condition of labor.)

If a parent refuses to feed her five year old, we call that child abuse. LOL.

But we don't call abortion child abuse, so a fetus must not be human.

At 32-35 weeks of gestation, the lungs of a fetus are fully mature. If born prematurely, they will start functioning.

Nobody has abortions at 32-35 weeks. 92% of abortions are performed before the 12th week. only 1% are performed after the 20th.

Also, I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how you want to make something that isn't governments business, the government's business.

The government should pay for abortions. ANd all other legitimate health care.

Problem solved.
We are talking about children after they leave the womb here, not fetuses. Even you should understand the difference between the two.That has absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor, but feel free to spin away.

Actually, we know nothing of the sort, since the medical examiner couldn't determine if these fetuses were terminated inside or outside the womb. That was kind of the point.

This is why they were so quick to cut a sentencing deal with this guy after they got the dubious convictions they did get.

He was convicted because they died outside the womb. By your standards, that makes him guilty of killing babies, depute your attempt to pretend otherwise.

Are you gong to move the goalposts again?

Except nobody really proved that he did. Which is why this started out with eight babies and they only could still make a rational argument about three.

One of which died when Gosnell wasn't even in the building.

And after getting an emotional verdict based on showing a jury months of Fetus Porn, they quickly cut a sentencing deal so that no one who could actually read a law book got to review it.

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