Democrats Folding????

You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- not to mention the cruelty, humiliation, and 45k deaths. This way you get everyone paying something or getting preventive care at least, and millions won't have to go on welfare to get care- and no more scams. READ something, functional moron, chump of the greedy idiot

Honest to effing gawd, why is it that rw's just can't seem to get it through their thick heads that we NOW have Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist system that does not work.

And, that ObamaCare is the OPPOSITE of that.

Once they get some lie stuck in their head, they just cannot learn anything new.

So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?

Not mad, hubris. It is what happens when someone has lost a debate, knows it, but doesn't have the common sense to stop before arguing the absurd.
Honest to effing gawd, why is it that rw's just can't seem to get it through their thick heads that we NOW have Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist system that does not work.

And, that ObamaCare is the OPPOSITE of that.

Once they get some lie stuck in their head, they just cannot learn anything new.

So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?

Not mad, hubris. It is what happens when someone has lost a debate, knows it, but doesn't have the common sense to stop before arguing the absurd.

It is a mark of desperation that they try to pass off the unbelievable as truth. Like "we got to spend money to keep from going broke."
I don't want my daughters to be punished with ObamaCare

We need an emoticon of a head going side to side, back and forth in disbelief that any fool would say something as idiotic as this.

Time and again I've noticed that the lower one's IQ, the less of a sense of humor one has.

And, of course, you verify that belief, Ugly Necktie.

CrusaderFrank was using irony, a form of humor, to use Obama's very words about a blessing known as a baby...

[ame=]President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby' - YouTube[/ame]

Frank was suggesting that one consider ObamaCare as far from a blessing. He doesn't want his children saddled with a baby......many don't want America saddled with the ObamaCare scam.

Get it now?
That is simply incorrect. EMTALA authorizes the hospital to determine whether or not an emergency exists.

You are simply incorrect.

I've been to emergency rooms.
Families are there because their children are running a temperature, or have a bad cold.

Well, can we at least look at the law itself?

(a) Medical screening requirement

In the case of a hospital that has a hospital emergency department, if any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to the emergency department and a request is made on the individual’s behalf for examination or treatment for a medical condition, the hospital must provide for an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital’s emergency department, including ancillary services routinely available to the emergency department, to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition (within the meaning of subsection (e)(1) of this section) exists.

(b) Necessary stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor

(1) In general

If any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to a hospital and the hospital determines that the individual has an emergency medical condition, the hospital must provide either—

etc., etc.

42 USC § 1395dd - Examination and treatment for emergency medical conditions and women in labor | Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

No, we can't.

We can look inside emergency rooms.

Notice the word 'determine.' It means ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.

It can mean anything.
"So yes there is a problem with the wait and people noted that the premium costs went up which they did nationally."

Just tiny problems like no access to doctors....and increased costs?

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Further: ObamaCare is based on rationing of healthcare.

"Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California"
Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California | RealClearPolitics

So, let's review:
Higher premiums, you won't be able to keep your doctor, or your original policy, or decide what coverages you wish, or find easy access to a doctor, and, some panel of bureaucrats will decide if you get the meds you need.

But....yup...folks are happy with it.

Be serious.

Chill Chic! :cool: I previously stated I was no fan of Obamacare, I have held my current position on Obamacare ever since the word "mandate" popped up. Now have stated this to you twice in a row, I hope you can grasp what I'm telling you. :lol:


b- WTH IS WRONG WITH A MANDATE- ANY UNIVERSAL CARE NEEDS EVERYONE PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE, AND EVERY KIND FORCES CONTRIBUTIONS- THIS IS JUST THE -GD SHIFT KEY- American, and Swiss and Dutch way....Americans are just the biggest pain in the ass, Churchill was right...


[ame=]The Interationale (English) by Khosrean State Orchestra - YouTube[/ame]
You are simply incorrect.

I've been to emergency rooms.
Families are there because their children are running a temperature, or have a bad cold.

Well, can we at least look at the law itself?

(a) Medical screening requirement

In the case of a hospital that has a hospital emergency department, if any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to the emergency department and a request is made on the individual’s behalf for examination or treatment for a medical condition, the hospital must provide for an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital’s emergency department, including ancillary services routinely available to the emergency department, to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition (within the meaning of subsection (e)(1) of this section) exists.

(b) Necessary stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor

(1) In general

If any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to a hospital and the hospital determines that the individual has an emergency medical condition, the hospital must provide either—

etc., etc.

42 USC § 1395dd - Examination and treatment for emergency medical conditions and women in labor | Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

No, we can't.

We can look inside emergency rooms.

Notice the word 'determine.' It means ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.

It can mean anything.

Notice that the law puts the power of 'determination' in the hands of the hospital, not in the hands of the individual seeking treatment.

That is directly and irrefutably contrary to your claim that the individual can claim his condition is an emergency, and thus force the hospital to treat him under the law.
Chill Chic! :cool: I previously stated I was no fan of Obamacare, I have held my current position on Obamacare ever since the word "mandate" popped up. Now have stated this to you twice in a row, I hope you can grasp what I'm telling you. :lol:


b- WTH IS WRONG WITH A MANDATE- ANY UNIVERSAL CARE NEEDS EVERYONE PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE, AND EVERY KIND FORCES CONTRIBUTIONS- THIS IS JUST THE -GD SHIFT KEY- American, and Swiss and Dutch way....Americans are just the biggest pain in the ass, Churchill was right...


[ame=]The Interationale (English) by Khosrean State Orchestra - YouTube[/ame]

You're gonna make our resident libturds cry all over their keyboards
So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?

Reagan set up a system in 1986 that required no personal responsibility and put all costs on hospitals and the taxpayers.

ObamaCare, demands personal responsibility from all legal esidents of the USA.

They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.
Well, can we at least look at the law itself?

(a) Medical screening requirement

In the case of a hospital that has a hospital emergency department, if any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to the emergency department and a request is made on the individual’s behalf for examination or treatment for a medical condition, the hospital must provide for an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital’s emergency department, including ancillary services routinely available to the emergency department, to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition (within the meaning of subsection (e)(1) of this section) exists.

(b) Necessary stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor

(1) In general

If any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to a hospital and the hospital determines that the individual has an emergency medical condition, the hospital must provide either—

etc., etc.

42 USC § 1395dd - Examination and treatment for emergency medical conditions and women in labor | Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

No, we can't.

We can look inside emergency rooms.

Notice the word 'determine.' It means ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.

It can mean anything.

Notice that the law puts the power of 'determination' in the hands of the hospital, not in the hands of the individual seeking treatment.

That is directly and irrefutably contrary to your claim that the individual can claim his condition is an emergency, and thus force the hospital to treat him under the law.

Totally up to the intake individual.

Do you have stats on how many appearing at an ER are turned away?

Didn't think so.
So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?

Reagan set up a system in 1986 that required no personal responsibility and put all costs on hospitals and the taxpayers.

ObamaCare, demands personal responsibility from all legal esidents of the USA.

They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

I think he's talking about COBRA. In it is a requirement that anybody that appears at an E-Room has to be treated.

Reagan signed that. And it wasn't an all-dimocrap bill.

The 99th Congress had 53 Republicans and 47 democrats in the Senate

So two out of the three law-making bodies of our government who approved EMTALA were Republican

You have to baby them, PC.

Like a teacher in kindergarten, you sometimes have to ask the questions for them, then answer them too
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Republicans were willing to shut down the government to delay obamacare. They lost. Now democrats want to delay obamacare. They should at least recognize that republicans were right all along.
They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

Im talking about the EMTALA, you dumbass!!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it required that hospitals treat ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

including illegal aliens.

it costs hospitals tens of billions of dollars every year, and has forced many to close.
Republicans were willing to shut down the government to delay obamacare. They lost. Now democrats want to delay obamacare. They should at least recognize that republicans were right all along.

The Tealaban wanted to suspend ObamaCare due to purely ideological and political reasons.

The Democrats might suspend it due to a technical glitch.

There's a difference, idiot.
They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

Im talking about the EMTALA, you dumbass!!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it required that hospitals treat ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

including illegal aliens.

it costs hospitals tens of billions of dollars every year, and has forced many to close.

Then why didn't you say so in the first place?

Instead of baiting and provoking, just fucking say so.

I knew what you were saying the first time I read it but that doesn't mean everybody does.

You're a troll that needs to be banned
They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

Im talking about the EMTALA, you dumbass!!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it required that hospitals treat ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

including illegal aliens.

it costs hospitals tens of billions of dollars every year, and has forced many to close.

EMTALA applied to a very small segment of the population.
Obamacare applies to everyone who isn't a Democrat stooge.
See the difference?
They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

Im talking about the EMTALA, you dumbass!!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it required that hospitals treat ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

including illegal aliens.

it costs hospitals tens of billions of dollars every year, and has forced many to close.

1. Obama claimed he based ObamaCare on Romney's plan in Massachusetts.

2. After the implementation of Romney's plan, emergency room usage went up.

Up means it increased.

3. Only a moron would suggest that, based on the evidence, the same would not occur under ObamaCare.

4. Since you are a proven moron.....the imagined discontinuity seems logical to you.
Well Romneys plan in MA has loads of Federal dollars keeping it afloat. If not for those Fed dollars the taxpayers in MA would be making up the difference. Doubt they would think its was so great then.
They don't come any more stupid than you.

Massachusetts tried a similar plan....and emergency room usage is up.

"ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop" increase of 16% among the newly insured so-called free riders, the group that was supposed to experience a drop,..."
Massachusetts Health Stats: ER Use Up under RomneyCare; Romney Predicted Drop

Wise up, dope.

Im talking about the EMTALA, you dumbass!!

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it required that hospitals treat ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

including illegal aliens.

it costs hospitals tens of billions of dollars every year, and has forced many to close.

1. Obama claimed he based ObamaCare on Romney's plan in Massachusetts.

2. After the implementation of Romney's plan, emergency room usage went up.

Up means it increased.

3. Only a moron would suggest that, based on the evidence, the same would not occur under ObamaCare.

4. Since you are a proven moron.....the imagined discontinuity seems logical to you.

See, any criticism of Obamacare and the excuse is, It was originally the product of The GOP/Mitt Romney (pick one).
Any benefits of Obamacare, real or otherwise, were because of Obama.

The truth is Obama had nothing to do with it, other than signing the legislation and being its cheerleader. Mostly Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid pushed it, along with radical Dems in Congress from the Progressive Caucus.
Can anyone remember the roll out of Medicare Part D? It was no smoother. But ask any recipient of that program whether or not we should defund it because of the sloppy start.

Has anyone thought of how the roll out in the 14 states that set up their own exchanges? Seems those are working just fine.

Has anyone thought about why the 36 states who did not take the deal, expanded Medicaid with the 90% funding from the federal government for the first three years? Why would they not take that deal? Could it be because those 36 states have Republican governors or legislatures controlled by Republicans who could just not see the benefit of setting up their own exchanges?

I'm not saying the federal roll out has been anything like a success. But where states have taken the initiative, things seem to be working better than expected. Pity those other states saddled with ideologically driven leadership have not faired better, but you reap what you sow.

I was grown when we got Medicare. There was a prediction that it would bankrupt SS in 5 years, but the government countered that with the size of the SS trust fund, and how muchoit was expected to increase as the boomers entered the work force. THEN they started raiding those funds. SS and Medicare will not survive the largest generation this country has known - the baby boomers. The US government has stolen our money.
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No, we can't.

We can look inside emergency rooms.

Notice the word 'determine.' It means ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.

It can mean anything.

Notice that the law puts the power of 'determination' in the hands of the hospital, not in the hands of the individual seeking treatment.

That is directly and irrefutably contrary to your claim that the individual can claim his condition is an emergency, and thus force the hospital to treat him under the law.

Totally up to the intake individual.

Do you have stats on how many appearing at an ER are turned away?

Didn't think so.

Do you have even one shred of credible evidence that contradicts what the law says?

(How is it possible for any person to deny the actual text of an actual law placed in evidence to support a claim? Where did that person go wrong?)

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