Democrats Folding????

You made a statement that was in error. I corrected your error.

Obamacare requires insurance companies to increase their medical loss ratios to 85%, or refund the shortfall to policyholders. By contrast, Medicare's medical loss ratio is at 98%.

Do you know what any of that means?

"You made a statement that was in error. I corrected your error." managed two huge errors in those sentences.

Can you see them?

Proving you wrong is the cake. Watching you writhe in denial is the icing.

btw, over in another thread you said that an elderly person with macular degeneration could not receive treatment unless the sight in the eye was totally gone... you say that all that person would have to do is go to the hospital, declare their condition an emergency, and they could then not be denied treatment.

Question: Which is it?

"Proving you wrong is the cake. Watching you writhe in denial is the icing."
Never happened.
You both lie and hallucinate.
Proportions vary with the day.

"btw, over in another thread you said that an elderly person with macular degeneration could not receive treatment unless the sight in the eye was totally gone..."

I said no such thing.

I reported an aspect of the British version of ObamaCare:

"In 2006, older patients with macular degeneration, which causes blindness, were told that they had to go totally blind in one eye before they could get an expensive new drug..."
The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care"

Precision and accuracy will never be linked with your name.....
Obamacare requires insurance companies to increase their medical loss ratios to 85%, or refund the shortfall to policyholders. By contrast, Medicare's medical loss ratio is at 98%.

And remind me again where Obama derives the power to tell a private company anything? Oh wait - that's right, you can't.

So you'll do what every Dumbocrat when they've lost a debate built on facts, you'll respond with some nonsensical response like "we the people" or "the Supreme Court said so". It would be rolling on the floor hysterical if your ignorance wasn't so tragic.

If you believe the Supreme Court is nonsense then you believe the Constitution is nonsense.

I'm not surprised.

What, exactly, is the basis of comparison between the Supreme Court, and the United States Constitution?

Time and again, folks like you seek something, someone, to bow down to.

That may be a prime difference between Liberals and conservatives.
Take away the inflammatory rhetoric and we most certainly are, PC. The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution.

First of all [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], who the fuck are you to make that declaration?

Second, and much more important, if that's the way you feel - get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, start a hospital, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

Or, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, become a doctor yourself, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

See how the free market works? The freedom to make your beliefs come to fruition without impeding on my freedoms and fucking up my healthcare.

But you're far too fuck'n lazy to do anything yourself. You want to make me do it for you. Pathetic.

Perhaps [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] can explain how his "family values" embrace making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy?

Because profits are the driving motivational factor which has turned the U.S. into the world's ultimate super power - including & especially in - the healthcare sector. You're idiot socialist policies (which have collapsed nations) have a track record of creating god-awful 3rd world healthcare. You don't get to do that to me. You're rights end where my begin.

Furthermore, inept parents who do not properly budget for potential healthcare costs and instead spend on frivolous items such as iPhone's and plasma tv's are not my problem and not your convenient sob-story.

Would you try again [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]? Maybe try something built on fact and intellect instead of trying to play on emotion with false sob-stories? I'm just say'n.... :dunno: agree that Sigerist was endorsing communism for America....

And, it was basically ObamaCare....we can call it 'medical totalitarianism.'


We're on the same page.

Take away the inflammatory rhetoric and we most certainly are, PC. The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution.

"The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution."

1. As of 1986, under President Reagan, every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare.
Clearly, you are talking through your chapeau.

2. "... a profit driven commodity..."
The use of this phrase indicates one totally immune to learning of the most basic variety.

It is only through capitalism that the United States had, prior to ObamaCare, the finest healthcare system in the world.

a. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

b. In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.

In your honor, and with you in 'mind'.....

[ame=]If I Only Had A Brain with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Can you explain how this allegedly "finest healthcare system in the world" which covered "every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare" was able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and would not provide a transplant necessary to save a life if the patient could not afford it?

Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?
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Take away the inflammatory rhetoric and we most certainly are, PC. The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution.

First of all [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], who the fuck are you to make that declaration?

Second, and much more important, if that's the way you feel - get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, start a hospital, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

Or, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, become a doctor yourself, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

See how the free market works? The freedom to make your beliefs come to fruition without impeding on my freedoms and fucking up my healthcare.

But you're far too fuck'n lazy to do anything yourself. You want to make me do it for you. Pathetic.

Perhaps [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] can explain how his "family values" embrace making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy?

Answered in post #156.
First of all [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], who the fuck are you to make that declaration?

Second, and much more important, if that's the way you feel - get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, start a hospital, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

Or, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, become a doctor yourself, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

See how the free market works? The freedom to make your beliefs come to fruition without impeding on my freedoms and fucking up my healthcare.

But you're far too fuck'n lazy to do anything yourself. You want to make me do it for you. Pathetic.

Perhaps [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] can explain how his "family values" embrace making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy?

Because profits are the driving motivational factor which has turned the U.S. into the world's ultimate super power - including & especially in - the healthcare sector. You're idiot socialist policies (which have collapsed nations) have a track record of creating god-awful 3rd world healthcare. You don't get to do that to me. You're rights end where my begin.

Furthermore, inept parents who do not properly budget for potential healthcare costs and instead spend on frivolous items such as iPhone's and plasma tv's are not my problem and not your convenient sob-story.

Would you try again [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]? Maybe try something built on fact and intellect instead of trying to play on emotion with false sob-stories? I'm just say'n.... :dunno:

How ironic given that you base your position on nothing but deliberate mischaracterizations and disinformation.
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Take away the inflammatory rhetoric and we most certainly are, PC. The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution.

"The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution."

1. As of 1986, under President Reagan, every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare.
Clearly, you are talking through your chapeau.

2. "... a profit driven commodity..."
The use of this phrase indicates one totally immune to learning of the most basic variety.

It is only through capitalism that the United States had, prior to ObamaCare, the finest healthcare system in the world.

a. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

b. In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.

In your honor, and with you in 'mind'.....

[ame=]If I Only Had A Brain with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Can you explain how this allegedly "finest healthcare system in the world" which covered "every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare" was able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and would not provide a transplant necessary to save a life if the patient could not afford it?

Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

Without capitalism, the procedures, medicines, devices, and healthcare professionals wouldn't exist.

It would be you treating your imaginary sick child.
First of all [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], who the fuck are you to make that declaration?

Second, and much more important, if that's the way you feel - get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, start a hospital, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

Or, get up off of your lazy fuck'n ass, become a doctor yourself, and provide healthcare as a "right" to those "less fortunate".

See how the free market works? The freedom to make your beliefs come to fruition without impeding on my freedoms and fucking up my healthcare.

But you're far too fuck'n lazy to do anything yourself. You want to make me do it for you. Pathetic.

Perhaps [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] can explain how his "family values" embrace making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy?

Answered in post #156.

Refuted in post #164.
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"The need to convert healthcare from a profit driven commodity that is beyond the means of the less fortunate to a "right" for everyone is a necessary social evolution."

1. As of 1986, under President Reagan, every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare.
Clearly, you are talking through your chapeau.

2. "... a profit driven commodity..."
The use of this phrase indicates one totally immune to learning of the most basic variety.

It is only through capitalism that the United States had, prior to ObamaCare, the finest healthcare system in the world.

a. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

b. In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.

In your honor, and with you in 'mind'.....

If I Only Had A Brain with lyrics - YouTube

Can you explain how this allegedly "finest healthcare system in the world" which covered "every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare" was able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and would not provide a transplant necessary to save a life if the patient could not afford it?

Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

Without capitalism, the procedures, medicines, devices, and healthcare professionals wouldn't exist.

It would be you treating your imaginary sick child.

Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.
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Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

My family values state that you don't get to hurt my family because you were too inept to care for yours. Is that clear enough for you? If not, I would be glad to expand on that further - just let me know.

By the way, here's something else for you to chew on. Read it slowly and really think about it [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]:

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat
Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

So what you're saying is you want to lower the United States to the level of the rest of the world: :cuckoo:

By the way - part of the beauty of the United States is that we don't hold our citizens behind brick walls guarded by soldiers with fully automatic weapons like the former U.S.S.R. and Germany. In other words, if another nation is so great, you can leave any time you want.

So the question becomes - why don't you? Kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?
Can you explain how this allegedly "finest healthcare system in the world" which covered "every single man, woman, and child in the nation had healthcare" was able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and would not provide a transplant necessary to save a life if the patient could not afford it?

Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

Without capitalism, the procedures, medicines, devices, and healthcare professionals wouldn't exist.

It would be you treating your imaginary sick child.

Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

....because they could rely on profit-driven America to develop and invent the medical improvements they required.

1. I'm always amazed that folks who would never go into the boss's office and suggest that their salary be cut, deny the essential nature of capitalism.

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.

3. If the Leftist is interested in a more ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth, let him vote for lower taxes, and then he can distribute his now larger share of his wealth to the lesser compensated folks.

a. Illustrative of reality is the fact that the Leftist refrains from paying above the stated price for goods and services…he wants, as everyone else does, competition between said services. Only then does he stand a chance of getting a “fair” price. In his own enterprise, he strives to improve quality or lower price…’else his potential customers will take their business to others. Unless he has the power of government!

The above from "The Secret Knowledge," by David Mamet, chapter 32
Perhaps [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] can explain how his "family values" embrace making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy?

Because profits are the driving motivational factor which has turned the U.S. into the world's ultimate super power - including & especially in - the healthcare sector. You're idiot socialist policies (which have collapsed nations) have a track record of creating god-awful 3rd world healthcare. You don't get to do that to me. You're rights end where my begin.

Furthermore, inept parents who do not properly budget for potential healthcare costs and instead spend on frivolous items such as iPhone's and plasma tv's are not my problem and not your convenient sob-story.

Would you try again [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]? Maybe try something built on fact and intellect instead of trying to play on emotion with false sob-stories? I'm just say'n.... :dunno:

How ironic given that you base your position on nothing but deliberate mischaracterizations and disinformation.

Says the woman with the fictional child dying with no healthcare and the fictional parents going into debt over it.... :lmao:

I don't suppose you could specifically cite which part of my post was "disinformation" and "mischaracterization"? The fact that you didn't specifically cite it in your response above kind of speaks volumes, wouldn't you say?
Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

My family values state that you don't get to hurt my family because you were too inept to care for yours. Is that clear enough for you? If not, I would be glad to expand on that further - just let me know.

By the way, here's something else for you to chew on. Read it slowly and really think about it [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]:

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

Thank you for confirming that you are incapable of comprehending what it means to belong to a civilized society.
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Without capitalism, the procedures, medicines, devices, and healthcare professionals wouldn't exist.

It would be you treating your imaginary sick child.

Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

....because they could rely on profit-driven America to develop and invent the medical improvements they required.

1. I'm always amazed that folks who would never go into the boss's office and suggest that their salary be cut, deny the essential nature of capitalism.

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.

3. If the Leftist is interested in a more ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth, let him vote for lower taxes, and then he can distribute his now larger share of his wealth to the lesser compensated folks.

a. Illustrative of reality is the fact that the Leftist refrains from paying above the stated price for goods and services…he wants, as everyone else does, competition between said services. Only then does he stand a chance of getting a “fair” price. In his own enterprise, he strives to improve quality or lower price…’else his potential customers will take their business to others. Unless he has the power of government!

The above from "The Secret Knowledge," by David Mamet, chapter 32


Capitalism has created the greatest healthcare system in the world (as illustrated by the fact that anyone with the means from all over the world fly's here for their serious healthcare needs) and now the Dumbocrats want to destroy that... :bang3:

By the way, great point on how Dumbocrats NEVER request that their salaries be cut for the "good of the whole" (company, co-workers, etc.). Really illsutrates their greed, doesn't it?

As always, exceptional post [MENTION=12394]PoliticalChic[/MENTION]... :clap2:
Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

My family values state that you don't get to hurt my family because you were too inept to care for yours. Is that clear enough for you? If not, I would be glad to expand on that further - just let me know.

By the way, here's something else for you to chew on. Read it slowly and really think about it [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]:

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

Thank you for confirming that you are incapable of comprehending what it means to belong to a civilized society.

Thank you for confirming that you are incompetent - believing that giving you a right to steal from me is what dictates a society as being "civilized"... :cuckoo:

I mean, seriously [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], if this is the most "intelligent" response you have, you've pretty much lost the debate on the intellectual battlefield.

Did you even read Bastiat's quote? Are you too brainwashed by the liberal propaganda machine to even comprehend it's meaning?
Same question to you as I opposed earlier;

Where does making a profit off a sick child and driving the parents into bankruptcy fit into your "family values", PC?

My family values state that you don't get to hurt my family because you were too inept to care for yours. Is that clear enough for you? If not, I would be glad to expand on that further - just let me know.

By the way, here's something else for you to chew on. Read it slowly and really think about it [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]:

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

Thank you for confirming that you are incapable of comprehending what it means to belong to a civilized society.

Just to expand on Mr. Bastiat's quote further here [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION], if you care so much - as you falsely keep claiming you do (and what a sad thing to do incidentally) - why don't you become a doctor and serve people who desperately need healthcare by not charging them? Or why don't you start your own hospital and serve people who desperately need healthcare by not charging them?

(Answer: because you're greedy and could give a fuck about people in need. You're just trying to fleece the American people for free healthcare for you.)
Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

So what you're saying is you want to lower the United States to the level of the rest of the world: :cuckoo:

By the way - part of the beauty of the United States is that we don't hold our citizens behind brick walls guarded by soldiers with fully automatic weapons like the former U.S.S.R. and Germany. In other words, if another nation is so great, you can leave any time you want.

So the question becomes - why don't you? Kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

The onus is on [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] to substantiate that allegation!
Without capitalism, the procedures, medicines, devices, and healthcare professionals wouldn't exist.

It would be you treating your imaginary sick child.

Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

....because they could rely on profit-driven America to develop and invent the medical improvements they required.

1. I'm always amazed that folks who would never go into the boss's office and suggest that their salary be cut, deny the essential nature of capitalism.

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.

3. If the Leftist is interested in a more ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth, let him vote for lower taxes, and then he can distribute his now larger share of his wealth to the lesser compensated folks.

a. Illustrative of reality is the fact that the Leftist refrains from paying above the stated price for goods and services…he wants, as everyone else does, competition between said services. Only then does he stand a chance of getting a “fair” price. In his own enterprise, he strives to improve quality or lower price…’else his potential customers will take their business to others. Unless he has the power of government!

The above from "The Secret Knowledge," by David Mamet, chapter 32


Allegation without evidence to substantiate it!
Disproven by their existence in all of the other western nations that have single payer healthcare systems.

So what you're saying is you want to lower the United States to the level of the rest of the world: :cuckoo:

By the way - part of the beauty of the United States is that we don't hold our citizens behind brick walls guarded by soldiers with fully automatic weapons like the former U.S.S.R. and Germany. In other words, if another nation is so great, you can leave any time you want.

So the question becomes - why don't you? Kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

The onus is on [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] to substantiate that allegation!

Uh, my dear, you substantiated that yourself by citing your desire to change the U.S. healthcare system to what the rest of the world has....

Are you drunk right now [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION]? :eusa_doh:

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