Democrats Folding????


A Democrat Senator opposing "the One"???

1. "Jeanne Shaheen Calls For Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Extension

2. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) called on the White House Tuesday to extend the open enrollment deadline for Obamacare because of the government's glitchy website rollout.

3. In a letter to the White House ...Shaheen said her constituents have faced "incredibly frustrating and disappointing" issues with,....

4. ... people that have tried, and failed, to enroll online may become frustrated and not return to the website to try again ...

5. Shaheen is the first Democrat to support an extension of the enrollment deadline.

6. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he would introduce a bill with a similar premise -- calling for a delay to the penalty that uninsured Americans will face if they do not sign up for insurance before the March deadline.

7. "It's not fair to punish people..."
Jeanne Shaheen Calls For Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Extension

The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine.

Yes, too many Dems are up for reelection in `14 and they are not being vocal about supporting their dear leader and his sinkhole.....:eusa_shhh:

Looks like you're right.

OriginalShroom just posted this:
"every sen dem running in 2014 to back [MENTION=21343]Jeanne[/MENTION]Shaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollmen"

Now let's see the numbers.
Based on what you write, and how you write, folks decide your level of intelligence and expertise.

Over and over it has been you....that you are a master of nothing.

I'm gonna posit that most folks would rather Amy Winehouse do their Lasik surgery than accept any opinion from you.

Keep up the bad work.

I deeply care about your stupid opinion, misinformed Pub hater dupe. LOL. Read something not from the Koch bros, Murdoch, or MOONIES, ETC ETC...



Don't be upset, Blanko.

Just because I tell you the truth.....

Remember: you only hurt the ones you love.

I mean about the facts, dingbat- I COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR INFANTILE INSULTS...

A- A tragedy- the ambassador should never have been there on 9/11, but that's the kind of guy he was...Phony scandal.

B- The head of ATF in charge of the gunwalking said NEITHER the Bush nor Obama administrations knew about it. Phony BS scandal.

C- Obama did nothing but add congressional and judicial oversight. ANOTHER phony BS Pub scandal.

Like the web site scandal. And the site works better every day, or call the number or the insurers...duh. AND there's plenty of time. March 1.
So funny to see Democrats (desperate to avoid touching the tar baby) lining up to DELAY Obamacare. Something they refused to do just a week ago. Of course since then the failure we all knew was coming has reared its ugly little head........
Obamacare will be the most popular social program FOREVER, hater dupes, as universal care is in evry modern country...and will be tinkered with just as long. Delay of the penalty date because of the Pub underfunded website may well be the first example- maybe by a month- though actually it's already improved. Nothing but hysterical balderdash on the Pub propaganda machine....
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Obamacare will be the most popular social program FOREVER, hater dupes, as universal care is in evry modern country...and will be tinkered with just as long. Delay of the penalty date because of the Pub underfunded website may well be the first example- maybe by a month- though actually it's already improved. Nothing but balderdash on the Pub propaganda machine....

Hey, whatever you're smokin', SHARE!

Remember, from each according to their means, to each according to their need. And after this Obamascare scam we all could use a little mood elevation.

Oh, if you don't share, you'll need to pay a fee that won't be a tax until the court rules it's a tax.
I deeply care about your stupid opinion, misinformed Pub hater dupe. LOL. Read something not from the Koch bros, Murdoch, or MOONIES, ETC ETC...



Don't be upset, Blanko.

Just because I tell you the truth.....

Remember: you only hurt the ones you love.

I mean about the facts, dingbat- I COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR INFANTILE INSULTS...

A- A tragedy- the ambassador should never have been there on 9/11, but that's the kind of guy he was...Phony scandal.

B- The head of ATF in charge of the gunwalking said NEITHER the Bush nor Obama administrations knew about it. Phony BS scandal.

C- Obama did nothing but add congressional and judicial oversight. ANOTHER phony BS Pub scandal.

Like the web site scandal. And the site works better every day, or call the number or the insurers...duh. AND there's plenty of time. March 1.'re saying you're used to being insulted?

Well, knock me over with a feather!
Are you aware that each patient decides what an emergency is?

That is simply incorrect. EMTALA authorizes the hospital to determine whether or not an emergency exists.

You are simply incorrect.

I've been to emergency rooms.
Families are there because their children are running a temperature, or have a bad cold.

Well, can we at least look at the law itself?

(a) Medical screening requirement

In the case of a hospital that has a hospital emergency department, if any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to the emergency department and a request is made on the individual’s behalf for examination or treatment for a medical condition, the hospital must provide for an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital’s emergency department, including ancillary services routinely available to the emergency department, to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition (within the meaning of subsection (e)(1) of this section) exists.

(b) Necessary stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor

(1) In general

If any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to a hospital and the hospital determines that the individual has an emergency medical condition, the hospital must provide either—

etc., etc.

42 USC § 1395dd - Examination and treatment for emergency medical conditions and women in labor | Title 42 - The Public Health and Welfare | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute


1. 50 days to see a doctor in Boston…Is Massachusetts’ universal coverage laws the cause?
June 9, 2009 in Current Events, Health Insurance, Supply of Medical Services, Wait Times
From the USA Today, here are the wait times to see a doctor in the following cities:
• Boston: 49.6
• Philadelphia: 27
• Los Angeles: 24.2
• Houston: 23.4
• Washington, D.C.: 22.6
• San Diego 20.2
• Minneapolis: 19.8
• Dallas: 19.2
• New York: 19.2
• Denver: 15.4 days
• Miami: 15.4 days
The first thing that jumps out from these numbers is that Boston has by far the longest wait to see a doctor. Is this caused by the universal health coverage enacted in Massachusetts? The answer is maybe. Physician supply adjusts slowly (i.e., it takes a long time to finish med school). On the other hand, Massachusetts decision to increase insurance coverage lead to a spike in the demand for medical services. Thus, universal health care may have caused the run up in wait times, …
50 days to see a doctor in Boston?Is Massachusetts? universal coverage laws the cause? « Healthcare Economist

2. "..., insurance premiums have been increasing at nearly double the national average: 7.4 percent in 2007, 8 percent to 12 percent in 2008, and an expected 9 percent increase this year. Health insurance in Massachusetts costs an average of $16,897 for a family of four, compared to a national average of $12,700.
The Massachusetts plan incorporates a system of middle-class subsidies called Commonwealth Care to help pay for insurance for families with incomes up to 300 percent of poverty level ($66,150 for a family of four) and also expanded eligibility for Medicaid.
The costs to the taxpayers are rising, too, and one tax increase has not satisfied the appetite of the hungry plan. The prospect of huge deficits has elicited discussion of cuts in reimbursements to providers and the imposition of a "global budget," which is a euphemism for rationing."
Massachusetts Health Care: A Model Not to Copy

3. More people are seeking care in hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17 percent over two years, despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data. Visits to Massachusetts emergency rooms grew 7 percent between 2005 and 2007, to 2,469,295 visits.
ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe

Brilliant guy that Obama.

And his supporters?????


Now that response would be classified as a deflection.:smiliehug:

I've stated over and over again that I'm not a fan of Obamacare, basically because of the mandate portion of the law.
But just because it's you I'm addressing, I thought I'd add this little tidbit:
Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare'
The vast majority of Massachusetts residents are satisfied with their healthcare under the state's 2006 reform law, though costs and appointment wait times remain an issue, according to a new poll.

Eighty-four percent expressed satisfaction with their healthcare, citing the quality of the care or "good access," according to the Massachusetts Medical Society, a statewide physician group that conducted the poll.

Another three in four said accessing the healthcare they need is not difficult, though the share of patients who had to wait a month or more to see a primary care doctor was up 7 points since last year, to 28 percent.
Read more: Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare' - The Hill's Healthwatch
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

So yes there is a problem with the wait and people noted that the premium costs went up which they did nationally.
But a good sized majority of the folks in Massachusetts still are happy. It must be because they are liberals?

"So yes there is a problem with the wait and people noted that the premium costs went up which they did nationally."

Just tiny problems like no access to doctors....and increased costs?

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Further: ObamaCare is based on rationing of healthcare.

"Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California"
Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California | RealClearPolitics

So, let's review:
Higher premiums, you won't be able to keep your doctor, or your original policy, or decide what coverages you wish, or find easy access to a doctor, and, some panel of bureaucrats will decide if you get the meds you need.

But....yup...folks are happy with it.

Be serious.

Chill Chic! :cool: I previously stated I was no fan of Obamacare, I have held my current position on Obamacare ever since the word "mandate" popped up. Now have stated this to you twice in a row, I hope you can grasp what I'm telling you. :lol:
Obamacare will be the most popular social program FOREVER, hater dupes, as universal care is in evry modern country...and will be tinkered with just as long. Delay of the penalty date because of the Pub underfunded website may well be the first example- maybe by a month- though actually it's already improved. Nothing but balderdash on the Pub propaganda machine....

Hey, whatever you're smokin', SHARE!

Remember, from each according to their means, to each according to their need. And after this Obamascare scam we all could use a little mood elevation.

Oh, if you don't share, you'll need to pay a fee that won't be a tax until the court rules it's a tax.

You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- not to mention the cruelty, humiliation, and 45k deaths. This way you get everyone paying something or getting preventive care at least, and millions won't have to go on welfare to get care- and no more scams. READ something, functional moron, chump of the greedy idiot
Obamacare will be the most popular social program FOREVER, hater dupes, as universal care is in evry modern country...and will be tinkered with just as long. Delay of the penalty date because of the Pub underfunded website may well be the first example- maybe by a month- though actually it's already improved. Nothing but balderdash on the Pub propaganda machine....

Hey, whatever you're smokin', SHARE!

Remember, from each according to their means, to each according to their need. And after this Obamascare scam we all could use a little mood elevation.

Oh, if you don't share, you'll need to pay a fee that won't be a tax until the court rules it's a tax.

You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- not to mention the cruelty, humiliation, and 45k deaths. This way you get everyone paying something or getting preventive care at least, and millions won't have to go on welfare to get care- and no more scams. READ something, functional moron, chump of the greedy idiot

Honest to effing gawd, why is it that rw's just can't seem to get it through their thick heads that we NOW have Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist system that does not work.

And, that ObamaCare is the OPPOSITE of that.

Once they get some lie stuck in their head, they just cannot learn anything new.
Hey, whatever you're smokin', SHARE!

Remember, from each according to their means, to each according to their need. And after this Obamascare scam we all could use a little mood elevation.

Oh, if you don't share, you'll need to pay a fee that won't be a tax until the court rules it's a tax.

You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, hater dupe, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- not to mention the cruelty, humiliation, and 45k deaths. This way you get everyone paying something or getting preventive care at least, and millions won't have to go on welfare to get care- and no more scams. READ something, functional moron, chump of the greedy idiot

Honest to effing gawd, why is it that rw's just can't seem to get it through their thick heads that we NOW have Ronnie Ray-Gun's Socialist system that does not work.

And, that ObamaCare is the OPPOSITE of that.

Once they get some lie stuck in their head, they just cannot learn anything new.

So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?
Now that response would be classified as a deflection.:smiliehug:

I've stated over and over again that I'm not a fan of Obamacare, basically because of the mandate portion of the law.
But just because it's you I'm addressing, I thought I'd add this little tidbit:
Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare'
The vast majority of Massachusetts residents are satisfied with their healthcare under the state's 2006 reform law, though costs and appointment wait times remain an issue, according to a new poll.

Eighty-four percent expressed satisfaction with their healthcare, citing the quality of the care or "good access," according to the Massachusetts Medical Society, a statewide physician group that conducted the poll.

Another three in four said accessing the healthcare they need is not difficult, though the share of patients who had to wait a month or more to see a primary care doctor was up 7 points since last year, to 28 percent.
Read more: Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare' - The Hill's Healthwatch
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

So yes there is a problem with the wait and people noted that the premium costs went up which they did nationally.
But a good sized majority of the folks in Massachusetts still are happy. It must be because they are liberals?

"So yes there is a problem with the wait and people noted that the premium costs went up which they did nationally."

Just tiny problems like no access to doctors....and increased costs?

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Further: ObamaCare is based on rationing of healthcare.

"Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California"
Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in California | RealClearPolitics

So, let's review:
Higher premiums, you won't be able to keep your doctor, or your original policy, or decide what coverages you wish, or find easy access to a doctor, and, some panel of bureaucrats will decide if you get the meds you need.

But....yup...folks are happy with it.

Be serious.

Chill Chic! :cool: I previously stated I was no fan of Obamacare, I have held my current position on Obamacare ever since the word "mandate" popped up. Now have stated this to you twice in a row, I hope you can grasp what I'm telling you. :lol:


b- WTH IS WRONG WITH A MANDATE- ANY UNIVERSAL CARE NEEDS EVERYONE PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE, AND EVERY KIND FORCES CONTRIBUTIONS- THIS IS JUST THE -GD SHIFT KEY- American, and Swiss and Dutch way....Americans are just the biggest pain in the ass, Churchill was right...
So Reagan was a socialist and Obama is a capitalist?
Are you mad?

Reagan set up a system in 1986 that required no personal responsibility and put all costs on hospitals and the taxpayers.

ObamaCare, demands personal responsibility from all legal esidents of the USA.

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