Democrats freaking out about church voice regarding abortion

Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
I believe they are allegorical accounts. I don't read them literally. Do you?
Allegorical? WHY were they?
What else is “allegorical” in the Bible, everything you don’t want to believe?
Let's just focus on Genesis for starters. We can move on from there once we have exhausted that discussion.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
The account of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis. Chapter 11 to be specific.

So are you saying you haven't read it?
reproductive rights for woman is a primary reason for the decline of church based moral authority over the reality their dogma represents prurient interests at the expense of the general wellbeing for a wholesome and productive society.

Wait, you think the Industrial-Abortion Complex has created "general wellbeing (sic) for a wholesome and productive society"??? :eek:
Wait, you think the Industrial-Abortion Complex has created "general wellbeing (sic) for a wholesome and productive society"??? :eek:

yes, planed parenthood has been integral to the wholesomeness and productivity of modern day society among the many other responsible organizations involved with the anomalies of adolescent maturity and the adjacent fields of study.

something christianities representation is nothing less than a festering plague of indifference and denial.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
A few days ago I thought that you might provide a formidable discussion. I can now see I was wrong about that.

Would you care to debate me in the bull ring?
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Dear Votto
Actually the Catholic Church advocates against the Death Penalty
are one of the strongest allies with Progressives for prison, immigration and worker Reforms.

This issue has come up before in the Houston Peace and Justice community.
The Liberals for prison reform and against the Death Penalty have been able
to work in partnership with MANY Catholic clergy and members to address
the "dehumanizing" mentality behind War and Capital Punishment and
collective abuse and oppression of "poor masses" seen and treated as faceless nameless and voiceless.

the LIBERAL Christians on the Left have no problem aligning with Liberals on common issues.

What is MISSING is the knowledge and practice of Christian Spiritual Healing
that would not only end the drug addictions and abuse fueling the Drug Wars
(that incidentally is uniting both Left and Right on that cause despite divisions over immigration)
but would also reform the entire prison system, medical and mental health system
by drastically cutting the cost of criminal disorders and corrections and allow
effective rehab, recovery and meaningful social and financial restitution for crimes.

It seems the issue of drug and human trafficking that is victimizing poor people
may be the key to uniting Left and Right. And the solution to ending abuse and
addiction is the very Spiritual Healing that Christians and even Catholics are supposed to be teaching and practicing.

This knowledge has been suppressed, censored, and denied
by rejection of Christianity particularly by the Left that has no understanding of it.

Somewhere in there is the key to breaking through this deadlock dividing left and right
and uniting people on common solutions instead of fighting to blame each other for problems!

Like the Catholics during the reign of terror of Hitler, they just looked the other way when it comes to issues of mass genocide.

It could be they feared for their lives or perhaps they loved the socialist economy that kept the average German citizen living large with free everything.

Either way, I don't care, and nor should anyone else. They were equally as guilty for not resisting.
I don't believe you have the whole story or even attempted looking for it.

Why then was the tree referred to as the tree of "Knowledge"?

Seems kind of self explanatory if you ask me.
It is also referred to as the tree of knowledge of good and evil is it not?
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Dear Votto
Actually the Catholic Church advocates against the Death Penalty
are one of the strongest allies with Progressives for prison, immigration and worker Reforms.

This issue has come up before in the Houston Peace and Justice community.
The Liberals for prison reform and against the Death Penalty have been able
to work in partnership with MANY Catholic clergy and members to address
the "dehumanizing" mentality behind War and Capital Punishment and
collective abuse and oppression of "poor masses" seen and treated as faceless nameless and voiceless.

the LIBERAL Christians on the Left have no problem aligning with Liberals on common issues.

What is MISSING is the knowledge and practice of Christian Spiritual Healing
that would not only end the drug addictions and abuse fueling the Drug Wars
(that incidentally is uniting both Left and Right on that cause despite divisions over immigration)
but would also reform the entire prison system, medical and mental health system
by drastically cutting the cost of criminal disorders and corrections and allow
effective rehab, recovery and meaningful social and financial restitution for crimes.

It seems the issue of drug and human trafficking that is victimizing poor people
may be the key to uniting Left and Right. And the solution to ending abuse and
addiction is the very Spiritual Healing that Christians and even Catholics are supposed to be teaching and practicing.

This knowledge has been suppressed, censored, and denied
by rejection of Christianity particularly by the Left that has no understanding of it.

Somewhere in there is the key to breaking through this deadlock dividing left and right
and uniting people on common solutions instead of fighting to blame each other for problems!

Like the Catholics during the reign of terror of Hitler, they just looked the other way when it comes to issues of mass genocide.

It could be they feared for their lives or perhaps they loved the socialist economy that kept the average German citizen living large with free everything.

Either way, I don't care, and nor should anyone else. They were equally as guilty for not resisting.
I don't believe you have the whole story or even attempted looking for it.

Why then was the tree referred to as the tree of "Knowledge"?

Seems kind of self explanatory if you ask me.
It is also referred to as the tree of knowledge of good and evil is it not?

Indeed. Knowledge can be used for both, but it takes wisdom to have one outcome over the other.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.

Yes, what Christians need is religiophobic assholes "educating" them about how their beliefs are wrong, and how much "smarter" they would be if they were just like you. Because I'm sure lots of people look at you and say, "I want to be just like that!"

Why do you people never wonder if maybe YOU are the biggest reason why Christians don't listen to anything you say? Does it ever cross your mind that they look at you and think, "If that's what atheism and hating religion does for you, get me to the church FAST"?
“You people”? I don’t represent anyone else. As Jesus supposedly said, don’t judge others!

So, do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?

Who said you represented anyone? "You people" means "dungheads who think the same things". Surely you didn't think your religiophobic babble was original?

And as I have not yet said a word about the state of your soul, nor do I intend to, I have not violated any instructions from the Bible about judging. Which you would know, if you bothered to know anything about the subject you're arrogantly presuming to instruct me on.

What I actually believe is that you have nothing to teach me about anything I would want to know, and doubly nothing when the subject is religion. There is no world in which I do not look at you and think, "Yeah, I'm better off without any of that."
Is is embarrassing for you to try and answer my question, which you overlooked:
“Do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?”
Do you? And if you don't what is the significance of the entire account?

Could it be that ancient man believed that spirit created the material world and that man is a product of the material world?

And before you dismiss spirit creating the material world that is exactly the conclusion science has arrived at which is that space and time were created from nothing. Spirit is no thing. Space and time were created from no thing.
I doubt that ancient men and women knew ANYTHING about their origins. Nearly all of them travelled only a limited distance and likely believed the Earth was flat.
You may be an engineer, but a scientist you’re not.
A singularity is not “nothing” and scientists have no evidence or beliefs of “spirits”.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.

The Bible is the ONLY religious text used by scientists?

Ever heard of Biblical Archeologists?
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
The account of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis. Chapter 11 to be specific.

So are you saying you haven't read it?
Correct. I lost interest after Chapter 2 or 3.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
I've actually served as an expert witness in a few legal proceedings, so I know a few things about how they are conducted. Such as a direct examination case and an indirect examination case. I also understand that each side will present evidence and that sometimes both sides are discussing the exact same evidence but offer different explanations and conclusions. I also understand that it is up to the jury to weigh the evidence to decide how to find.

That's why you and I should take this to the bull ring and set it up just like a legal case. Surely you will be comfortable in that setting so that your intellect can shine through and impress the jury, right?
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
The account of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis. Chapter 11 to be specific.

So are you saying you haven't read it?
Correct. I lost interest after Chapter 2 or 3.
Because you read it literally, right?
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
A few days ago I thought that you might provide a formidable discussion. I can now see I was wrong about that.

Would you care to debate me in the bull ring?
Not familiar with the bull ring, but I would be happy to debate anyone when I have time, which I am running out of soon.
Maybe later. Please feel free to remind me another day.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.

Yes, what Christians need is religiophobic assholes "educating" them about how their beliefs are wrong, and how much "smarter" they would be if they were just like you. Because I'm sure lots of people look at you and say, "I want to be just like that!"

Why do you people never wonder if maybe YOU are the biggest reason why Christians don't listen to anything you say? Does it ever cross your mind that they look at you and think, "If that's what atheism and hating religion does for you, get me to the church FAST"?
“You people”? I don’t represent anyone else. As Jesus supposedly said, don’t judge others!

So, do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?

Who said you represented anyone? "You people" means "dungheads who think the same things". Surely you didn't think your religiophobic babble was original?

And as I have not yet said a word about the state of your soul, nor do I intend to, I have not violated any instructions from the Bible about judging. Which you would know, if you bothered to know anything about the subject you're arrogantly presuming to instruct me on.

What I actually believe is that you have nothing to teach me about anything I would want to know, and doubly nothing when the subject is religion. There is no world in which I do not look at you and think, "Yeah, I'm better off without any of that."
Is is embarrassing for you to try and answer my question, which you overlooked:
“Do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?”

Learn the difference between "embarrassed to try to answer" and "not dignifying it with notice, because I don't answer to your sorry, self-aggrandizing ass".

IF I decide to discuss my religious beliefs in detail with you, it will be just that: MY decision. It will not be because YOU decided that you were entitled to interrogate me about them so that you could attempt to make yourself feel smart. I owe you no answers, so you might factor that in the next time you decide to demand them.

For the moment, the only thing I have graciously condescended to discuss with you is the topic of this thread: dumbass, arrogant leftist religiophobic halfwits who mistakenly think they have something to say that people want to hear. And what I have to say about it is that IF there was a binary choice between being "smart" like you and believing absolutely anything else, I would go with the anything else.

Get over yourself, Torquemada.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
A few days ago I thought that you might provide a formidable discussion. I can now see I was wrong about that.

Would you care to debate me in the bull ring?
Not familiar with the bull ring, but I would be happy to debate anyone when I have time, which I am running out of soon.
Maybe later. Please feel free to remind me another day.
I will be honored to do so.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.
WRT the account of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace... We are so far removed from these events that they have lost original meaning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that every nation shares. Sprinkled in were wisdoms. These accounts had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years until they were eventually recorded in writing. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. Suffice it to say, ancient man believed that the material world was created by spirit and that man was a product of that creation. The account of Adam and Eve is the allegorical account of when mankind became conscious of himself, his surrounding and his Creator. Lost in all the critical evaluations is that the fall from grace tells us maybe the single most important thing about man that we should know which is man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong.

WRT to the account of Jesus, if you don't believe it is possible that the material world was created by spirit, then beliefs about Jesus won't make much sense to you. Right?
I understand that stories (myths?) were passed down orally for many generations before writing/publications took over, but why retain ridiculous fairy-tale stories about Eve’s origin and her “original sin” for responding to a talking serpent?
Do you really believe that?
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.

"I only read a litte bit of it, and that's why you should consider me an expert!"

Sorry, were you trying to sound like a complete dumbass, or is it just unavoidable?
yes, planed parenthood has been integral to the wholesomeness and productivity of modern day society among the many other responsible organizations involved with the anomalies of adolescent maturity and the adjacent fields of study.

Are they as wholesome as Auschwitz? As productive as Treblinka?

something christianities representation is nothing less than a festering plague of indifference and denial.

So, you find people to be a plague and support slaughtering as many people as possible then?

Yeah, that is the plan of the democrats alright.
I doubt that ancient men and women knew ANYTHING about their origins. Nearly all of them travelled only a limited distance and likely believed the Earth was flat.
You may be an engineer, but a scientist you’re not.
A singularity is not “nothing” and scientists have no evidence or beliefs of “spirits”.

What is your definition of a "scientist?"

In what world is an engineer not a scientist? Did you finish high school?
yes, planed parenthood has been integral to the wholesomeness and productivity of modern day society among the many other responsible organizations involved with the anomalies of adolescent maturity and the adjacent fields of study.

Are they as wholesome as Auschwitz? As productive as Treblinka?

something christianities representation is nothing less than a festering plague of indifference and denial.

So, you find people to be a plague and support slaughtering as many people as possible then?

Yeah, that is the plan of the democrats alright.

The ironic thing is that they would be correct, if they included themselves in the number of people we could do without. But somehow, they never do.
Such as claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was the “son of God” and “God” himself,
That Eve was the first woman on Earth and God made her from Adam’s rib, etc.

Yes, what Christians need is religiophobic assholes "educating" them about how their beliefs are wrong, and how much "smarter" they would be if they were just like you. Because I'm sure lots of people look at you and say, "I want to be just like that!"

Why do you people never wonder if maybe YOU are the biggest reason why Christians don't listen to anything you say? Does it ever cross your mind that they look at you and think, "If that's what atheism and hating religion does for you, get me to the church FAST"?
“You people”? I don’t represent anyone else. As Jesus supposedly said, don’t judge others!

So, do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?

Who said you represented anyone? "You people" means "dungheads who think the same things". Surely you didn't think your religiophobic babble was original?

And as I have not yet said a word about the state of your soul, nor do I intend to, I have not violated any instructions from the Bible about judging. Which you would know, if you bothered to know anything about the subject you're arrogantly presuming to instruct me on.

What I actually believe is that you have nothing to teach me about anything I would want to know, and doubly nothing when the subject is religion. There is no world in which I do not look at you and think, "Yeah, I'm better off without any of that."
Is is embarrassing for you to try and answer my question, which you overlooked:
“Do YOU believe that Eve was born from Adam’s rib?”

Learn the difference between "embarrassed to try to answer" and "not dignifying it with notice, because I don't answer to your sorry, self-aggrandizing ass".

IF I decide to discuss my religious beliefs in detail with you, it will be just that: MY decision. It will not be because YOU decided that you were entitled to interrogate me about them so that you could attempt to make yourself feel smart. I owe you no answers, so you might factor that in the next time you decide to demand them.

For the moment, the only thing I have graciously condescended to discuss with you is the topic of this thread: dumbass, arrogant leftist religiophobic halfwits who mistakenly think they have something to say that people want to hear. And what I have to say about it is that IF there was a binary choice between being "smart" like you and believing absolutely anything else, I would go with the anything else.

Get over yourself, Torquemada.
It was a simple yes/no question.
Your response was very emotional. I’m sorry you felt so uncomfortable discussing your logic.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
A few days ago I thought that you might provide a formidable discussion. I can now see I was wrong about that.

Would you care to debate me in the bull ring?
Not familiar with the bull ring, but I would be happy to debate anyone when I have time, which I am running out of soon.
Maybe later. Please feel free to remind me another day.
I will be honored to do so.
Noted. Thanks.
I will leave after a few more responses in various threads, but I look forward.

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