Democrats freaking out about church voice regarding abortion

If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

So progressives need to find away to fight the political power of churches?

All thinking Americans need to find a way to fight the political power of churches?
That’s pretty much what the communist states did.

That’s pretty much what the communist states did.


Rasputin left the village to escape punishment for his role in a horse theft ...

in russia they began with rasputtin ...
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

So progressives need to find away to fight the political power of churches?

All thinking Americans need to find a way to fight the political power of churches?
That’s pretty much what the communist states did.
That's also what the founding fathers of the United States did.
Nope. Clearly you don’t know the role churches played in abolition.

I am also guessing you don’t understand what the establishment clause really meant.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.
On gifts below the taxable threshold?
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.

That sounds like an excellent plan.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.

That sounds like an excellent plan.

I can see churches having to pay taxes, but never those I just mentioned.

It's like marriage "equality". Gays are allowed to marry now because they are politically active for the Swamp. However, polygamists spend all their money on raising a lot of kids, plus they are conservative and desire limited government.

As a result, polygamists are discriminated against by Progressives who show time and again that equality is not really what they are after, it is simply raw power.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Tom Perez is just trying to remind everyone that Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party's coalition of hate.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.

That sounds like an excellent plan.

I can see churches having to pay taxes, but never those I just mentioned.

It's like marriage "equality". Gays are allowed to marry now because they are politically active for the Swamp. However, polygamists spend all their money on raising a lot of kids, plus they are conservative and desire limited government.

As a result, polygamists are discriminated against by Progressives who show time and again that equality is not really what they are after, it is simply raw power.

I would be happy to see the laws changed to allow polygamy.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?

Tom Perez is just trying to remind everyone that Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party's coalition of hate.

Christians should not feel welcome in a party that openly advocates tax payer funded genocide with abortion no matter how many socialist goodies come with it.

In fact, Hitler did just that as the average German enjoyed a higher standard of living than those in the US during before and during the war.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.

That sounds like an excellent plan.

I can see churches having to pay taxes, but never those I just mentioned.

It's like marriage "equality". Gays are allowed to marry now because they are politically active for the Swamp. However, polygamists spend all their money on raising a lot of kids, plus they are conservative and desire limited government.

As a result, polygamists are discriminated against by Progressives who show time and again that equality is not really what they are after, it is simply raw power.

I would be happy to see the laws changed to allow polygamy.

It's a pay to play issue.

No money, no rights.

Fortunately for gays, they don't have expensive families to raise for the most part.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez is very upset that Americans listen to what they hear in church

Apparently there are those in the DNC livid about what is being said about abortion in churches all around the US. I think they would either like to censor the speech or create a voice that is equal or greater to the ones in church.

So if you are a Progressive, how can the DNC overcome the church?
the right wing wants to mine the border and allege to believe in, "work or die" for the capital bottom line. they have no credibility in abortion threads.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.

The churches can pay taxes just as soon as groups like the NAACP and unions do, who are also very politically active.

Naturally, that will never happen.

That sounds like an excellent plan.

I can see churches having to pay taxes, but never those I just mentioned.

It's like marriage "equality". Gays are allowed to marry now because they are politically active for the Swamp. However, polygamists spend all their money on raising a lot of kids, plus they are conservative and desire limited government.

As a result, polygamists are discriminated against by Progressives who show time and again that equality is not really what they are after, it is simply raw power.

I would be happy to see the laws changed to allow polygamy.

It's a pay to play issue.

No money, no rights.

Fortunately for gays, they don't have expensive families to raise for the most part.

Actually, the best tax plan, in my opinion, would be the Fair Tax Act. A consumption tax on all new goods and services.
If churches are going to use political power, they should pay taxes.

Actually, I think they should pay taxes and deduct the costs of their charitable work.
On gifts below the taxable threshold?

On income, minus what is spent on charitable acts.
Let me try to explain it so you might be able to understand. If I gave you a gift of ten thousand dollars, what would your tax liability be on that gift?

Now let’s assume ten other people also gave you a gift of ten thousand dollars at the same time I did, what would your tax liability be?

Pro Tip: the answer is zero.
One day I hope the Lord opens your eyes and you let the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ into your life to overcome your anger and cynicism
Have you any idea the so called ‘gospel of Jesus Christ’ is a mish mash of mistranslations, expurgations and deliberate distortions by the early church?
A passing acquaintance with the last several centuries of biblical studies may assist in your understanding. Thanks for the sermon anyway.
One day I hope the Lord opens your eyes and you let the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ into your life to overcome your anger and cynicism
Have you any idea the so called ‘gospel of Jesus Christ’ is a mish mash of mistranslations, expurgations and deliberate distortions by the early church?
A passing acquaintance with the last several centuries of biblical studies may assist in your understanding. Thanks for the sermon anyway.
No, that is bullshit. The Bible has been translated a thousand different times and by thousands of people. You can't say that they are each wrong.
One day I hope the Lord opens your eyes and you let the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ into your life to overcome your anger and cynicism
Have you any idea the so called ‘gospel of Jesus Christ’ is a mish mash of mistranslations, expurgations and deliberate distortions by the early church?
A passing acquaintance with the last several centuries of biblical studies may assist in your understanding. Thanks for the sermon anyway.
You should start a church.
You can't over-come the stupidity of faith when it comes to religion. Of course the church is against abortion, it's less flock for the $1.2 trillion industry.

Ah yes, we hear again from idiots who think everybody is in for the money, just because he/she/it/mutant's mentality and its peer group is oriented to that bent. Sounds like some gimp who never got over learning Santa Claus wasn't real and has decided to spend its life sulking and whining as if it 'knows how the real world works n stuff'. lol if it were about money, 99.99% of pastors and ministers would have been long gone by now. All the apostles got out of it was tortured and murdered by the state and pagan trash for hundreds of years, and even today the vast majority don't make a living out of it, but we have these fatuous idiots here like this poster who thinks they're all making vast riches off of it or something.

I think you’re assuming he has any idea how most churches operate
Leftists are big idiots. Just like any big idiot, you need a remarkably ignorant idea to push forward.

I think you’re assuming he has any idea how most churches operate

how most churches operate ... you need a remarkably ignorant idea to push forward.


In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence (Latin: indulgentia, from *dulgeō, "persist") is "a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes an indulgence as "a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and all of the saints"

there is no time in history any of the desert religion churches were not at the forefront of the most heinous crimes against humanity - including as well all other crimes imaginable. without repentance.

- and they were able with their ill-begotten riches to buy their way into heaven, Indulgences. whatever their crimes may have been.

persecuting and victimizing the weakest in society has been their, the christians bread and butter since the 4th century, that is what Roe v. Wade took from them, their callous ability to victimize the week and innocent of our society unimpeded - they now have the courts to answer to for their malicious behavior. placing the adult at their personal and unjustified discretion.

Is anyone surprised that the lamest pretender to intellect on the board came up with "This is how most churches operate" . . . and then cited a practice that only exists in ONE church?

Is anyone surprised that the lamest pretender to intellect on the board came up with "This is how most churches operate" . . . and then cited a practice that only exists in ONE church?

- and then cited a practice that only exists in ONE church?

Indulgence: "
a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins"

* The unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners was a widespread abuse during the later Middle ages.

you were given an example that included all churches during the middle ages, the catechism of the church of the roman empire, yours. - you seem incapable of responding in substance when the proof is provided refuting your statements. your rebuttals are kneejerk and childish.

your lack of recourse for such an egregious misuse of religion is likewise notable, christian.

All churches during the Middle Ages. Hey, pinhead, what year is it now? Do not tell me "how most churches operate", and then cite the Middle frigging Ages as proof. Learn the difference between present and past tense, you illiterate.
You can't over-come the stupidity of faith when it comes to religion. Of course the church is against abortion, it's less flock for the $1.2 trillion industry.

Ah yes, we hear again from idiots who think everybody is in for the money, just because he/she/it/mutant's mentality and its peer group is oriented to that bent. Sounds like some gimp who never got over learning Santa Claus wasn't real and has decided to spend its life sulking and whining as if it 'knows how the real world works n stuff'. lol if it were about money, 99.99% of pastors and ministers would have been long gone by now. All the apostles got out of it was tortured and murdered by the state and pagan trash for hundreds of years, and even today the vast majority don't make a living out of it, but we have these fatuous idiots here like this poster who thinks they're all making vast riches off of it or something.

I think you’re assuming he has any idea how most churches operate
Leftists are big idiots. Just like any big idiot, you need a remarkably ignorant idea to push forward.

I think you’re assuming he has any idea how most churches operate

how most churches operate ... you need a remarkably ignorant idea to push forward.


In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence (Latin: indulgentia, from *dulgeō, "persist") is "a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes an indulgence as "a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and all of the saints"

there is no time in history any of the desert religion churches were not at the forefront of the most heinous crimes against humanity - including as well all other crimes imaginable. without repentance.

- and they were able with their ill-begotten riches to buy their way into heaven, Indulgences. whatever their crimes may have been.

persecuting and victimizing the weakest in society has been their, the christians bread and butter since the 4th century, that is what Roe v. Wade took from them, their callous ability to victimize the week and innocent of our society unimpeded - they now have the courts to answer to for their malicious behavior. placing the adult at their personal and unjustified discretion.

Is anyone surprised that the lamest pretender to intellect on the board came up with "This is how most churches operate" . . . and then cited a practice that only exists in ONE church?

And they aren’t even practiced in that church anymore. When was the last time they sold indulgences?

I have no idea. I'm not Catholic, and never have been.

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